Free Tibet!!!!!!

Boycott the Beijing Olympics!
China has too many concerns to host the Olympics.
Genocide in Tibet, East Turkistan, Darfur, Burma, human rights violations, environmental pollution, contaminated foods, Chinese hooligans..China has no capacity to host the Olympics. together with Tibetan people, together with dalajlama! Go on fucking communistic chinese
image: gauche_en
Yes let's do it, someone create an irc channel.
yeh, YOULL make a difference.
He's made a difference, he's got more people on here aware of the mongol country already D:
no, hes just told people what they already know
idiots saving tibet
What about the United States ? as China was the only country that doesn't respect the human rights.
Who doubted that?
we got to flame countries propaganda tells us!
the world is 2 fucked up to change anything and your xfire journal isnt gonna change it either
environmental pollution :DDDDDD
made my day
they overtook america a few days ago, so you can say they have pretty much the same environmental pollution like america, but china has 1 billion more inhabitants.
Stop with your shitwhine. And there's nearly no country in the world which does not violate the human rights btw.

+ Olympic games are not about politics, they're about sports.
eurovision isnt about politics, its all about talent
It's something else there, because people can vote.
"China has no capacity to host the Olympics"

I guess someone has taken care about it already.
world have always been fucked do a fucking war to China to free tibet but leave the damn sports alone.
Lol johnny , u can speak english?
this journal will change the world
Do you know where is Chinvali? They are at war and the people are dying...:(
I feel sorry for u :(
omg, fuck the tibet. u should think about animals, thousands of cats and dogs are harmed, just becouse, the goverment have a wish. ;/ just check the movie. u dont have to know polish.
its not in poland
omg! rly? u r so so fuckin smart... ;/ retarded idiot.
the chinese economy would die if any of these things you mentioned ceased to exist. plus every other government you know does these things, even if you dont read it in the newspapers
FUCK TIBET cuz of olympics every is crying about Tibet where were those ppl the last 100 years
Olympic games are not about politics, they're about sports

Why nobody is talking about those 1 000million happy Chineses ,only about those who are unhappy.
i dont care
Save the rainforests!
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