delivery nice map

rly didn´t thought so cause i never played or watched that map before.. but tonight i played delivery and its a fucking nice map :o

what do u think ?!
nice 5on5 map !
in 3on3 it's ok but in 6on6 it's too chaotic, don't like it that much tbh. but well, it's better than braundorf or frostbite, that's for sure.
hmm i think its not chaotic.. its just brain & teamplay what u need to play it withotu standing in your own ways etc
maybe the first stage is a bit chaotic & flag :x
Naiz map!
great map and it doesnt feel lotto ... for now :)
ahh most friends @holidays and troubles with gf so i need someone else i can talk too ;P
tits or gtfo
It's good map, shame a lot of ppl prefer Adlernest, Braundorf or Frostbite over it.

Reactor is also pretty good! ;-(
reactor is nice but most ppl get annoyed if they have to play with 2 coverts or more :(

tbh i dunnow which one i would prefer (braundorf/frostbite/delivery).. in my opinion all 3 are same good. all need teamplay, got more stages and aren´t lotto
braundorf sucks because its terrible, people whine about 'lottonest', but braun is much worse, and can often be entirely dependent on spawntimes

frostbite sucks because ET has a rifle, rifle breaks the map completely
adler isn´t lotto if u dont risk to much or to smth wrong in a wrong situation -> brain needed

braun.. well.. dont agree at all

and frostbite: rifle is usefull.. but its not that the rifle is owning the whole map

atleast thats my opinion ;>
what do you mean rifle isnt owning the whole map? i forgot to mention that with braun too, that rifle is soooo overpowered

rifle is easymode as it is, but if i take rifle on braun/frost im almost guaranteed to have 2-3k more damage than everyone else
no you wouldn't
I wasn't speaking hypothetically, I was talking out of experience

rifle is and always has been easymode, i got bored of playing it in 2006
I couldn't agree more! :-)
Its alright.
got no chans left on my bnc :(
shit map. too much spam, everyone have same tactics, boring to play, chaotic, too small. too much lotto, shit looking, 1st stage is useless.
have u made better map???? no.
so STFU, idiot...
true about the 1st stage.. but its just the some seconds u can hold someone which can propably help u at the end

about spam: well i only played it once (aut vs. cze) and didn´t saw so much spam.. that rifle was a bit annoying at the button-room but if u dodge the first rifle and give him 3hs np !

everyteam got the same tactivs on every map?
isn´t it always like 2 there,1there and 2 there and.... basicly everyone is usieng the same except radar maybe.

with teamplay its not chaotic.. maybe et team should stay longer togatehr than just 2 weeks or for 3 ec games :(
no it isnt, seems like youve never tried to make perfect tax
plzz me gotz tze übertaxzz !
plz, try to be positive sometimes. Have you ever given a one positive answer or made any positives posts? You really are so pathetic... ;)
paly paly some luger only cups, there is no spam for you, Sir
its <333 map
today (as always) it provided me with one of the best games ive played
but sometimes its just a pain in the ass to play it :YXD
well i rly like this small rooms and no different high floors.. its so nice to give alot of hs at that corners..
its an awesome map and for sure better than frost,adler and braun
i luv it 2
best map atm, we need new maps to make et alive
better than supply.. should explain enough
nothing for me (:
haha beasty, just cause you played vs us :)
lol :D i actualyl meant the game vs czech

but the game vs u was also nice..
the first time we played it was just lol :D 1:35 or smth^^
but second time was a nice game :)
It's a good map. But I think if people play it more and more it could turn into a defense favored map.
that might be rly true
you played it the first time in your whole et live???

i played the old versions like 1 or 2 times .. that was 2 years ago with aGu.. and the new one on pub

but never a real war on it

not rly strange
well you are playing et for around 3 years and never played a map which is as popular as adlernest

thats pretty strange but what ever hF!
tell me one enemy who seriously plays delivery in a fucking 3v3 or 6v6 (ye i guess there is one out). The only league who ever played that map was league4fun and as i said.. 2 years ago with aGu. After that no cup/league hosted it and no one plays that map in a pcw... so ye its really common to play delivery !
qcon 06! as far as i remember! back in these days a lot of people played it!! never liked it though!!
ye i thnik that was when i played in aGu.. or maybe i already played for uR? hmm anyway.. with aGu we played it sometimes... but far not that much as goldrush or smth.. i can only remember 1-2 times. Btw i normally don´t watch that much ettv.. i think i only watched the final of quakecon.. and i guess only one map (ice if i remember right :o)

well i rly like it now.. one of my favourit maps now :)
great map!
won against nuggan, savage and jonas on delivery :D
omg u owner !

never played 3v3 on it :(
try it and with great tactics you can even win against mAus, mystic and wiesiek xD
yeah delivery owns. bring reactor oasis and dubrovnik back too imo
3on3 battery all the way.
it s just awesome :D
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