summerjob moneys
12 Aug 2008, 16:55
summerjob moneys!
WHere you are going to spend ur moneys? How much did u get?
Im going to get sennheiser hd 25 c and i got 3000€ from this summer
random tease for friend:
he was angry :< (cutted his addresses etc) order list :P
WHere you are going to spend ur moneys? How much did u get?
Im going to get sennheiser hd 25 c and i got 3000€ from this summer
random tease for friend:
he was angry :< (cutted his addresses etc) order list :P
worked 2 months + 2 weeks. 8,5 hours per day. lunch 30 min :p 7,77€ per hour. 3k sounds much but its quite bad from amount of time i was there. Some of my mates got over 10€ per hour
i packed these most:
+some lamb
next time when im 18 they will play 8,7 for me per hour
its fucking unfair that students must pay taxes.
In Belgium you can work 1 month as a student and you have to pay like 1% taxes or something. But, if you work more than one month you'll get taxed like a normal person (~40-45%) OR if you earn more than 3xxx € (don't know the exact amount) you'll be taxed as a normal person as well.
I would love to be a Finnish student in this case, if only I could find a way to fly some cheap Belgian beer to Finland :o)
but those arent enough for living guess and what i have read and who wants to take loan? :<
i made 1487€ in 10 days np
my mom still gives me money if i need some :o
Nothing on my list I really wanna buy atm except for fitness
sometimes more after 6o'clock and stuff you know
and a bit for new york
oh ye it's not really a summer job
Normal holiday workers gain 14,40€/h but night shift means +65% which are 23,76€ (I hope i calculated correctly :X)
23,76€/h * 8 = 190,08€ Per Day
I work ecaxtly 20 regular days
190,08€ * 20 = 3801,6€
as if this wouldnt be enough i worked on some saturdays and at the end of the month every division gets special premiums. so expect about 4200€ for 4 weeks. and ofc as i am a student i dont have to pay taxes ;)
I got this job via my dad ;) is the boss of my chief's boss :)
Going to spend it on myself when I study. Rent, food, alcohol, and other stuff I feel like getting. Plus use the loan/grant I get from the state :)
that 40h x 8 weeks = 320h
and u get 8100€ / 320h = u get 25€/h ?
Sad thing is, I'm getting an education for a job that will give almost €15 000 less a year. Fucking state job :p
hours | day : 7.6
days | week: 5
transport compensation: 1.16 | day
"maaltijdcheque" (cheque for meals :?) : 6.5 (euro) | day
~ € 430 / week
~> 3 weeks = ~ € 1250
Just ordered a new comp \o/
I have buy iPhone, going for a trip in Spain rest will be used during the school year.
23 days, 8h/day (+ 1-3 or sometimes more extra hours)
i'll be close to 2000€
which is more than decent here
depends, at weekend I got 16-24e/h and normally around 9-10e/h I guess.
haven't calculated my winrate @ poker. it was prolly like 37$/h again (was some time ago)
Dunno wat im gonna spend it on, probably ETBot