summerjob moneys

summerjob moneys!

WHere you are going to spend ur moneys? How much did u get?

Im going to get sennheiser hd 25 c and i got 3000€ from this summer

random tease for friend:

image: thmmm

he was angry :< (cutted his addresses etc) order list :P
iiiiiii spend it for my biiiiiiiiike and i just bought this fucking porno sexxy goggle to bike
image: main_special_goggle_encore
lulz that hot :O
porno google?
image: 2vlpdar
not gOOgle i said goGGle u retareded pizza maker^^
sry, i cant read your comment while there is a woman with giant tits above it :d
I regret to announce that this goggle is ugly.
awesome :DDD
waiting for retards, who are saying they earned 100,000 +
i earned 13337+
I earned more than 100,000 last year
you must be rich as fuck!
3000 €?: D

Obviously he is from Finland. So it hasn't the same worth as for a Polak.
im not so fucking polish ffs xD
For a German, too. :P
How long have u worked? What have u done?

worked 2 months + 2 weeks. 8,5 hours per day. lunch 30 min :p 7,77€ per hour. 3k sounds much but its quite bad from amount of time i was there. Some of my mates got over 10€ per hour

i packed these most:
+some lamb

Ai, that sounds like a hard work.
it was just standing tbh. Im tall guy and back hurted sometimes, nothing else ;D
But it's really not that much for this boring work, for Finland and for this amount of working time.
+ you cant expect that everybody gets summerjob. Many friends didnt get job althought they finded. You must do job u can get :P
Yes, of course. 3000 € for a pupil is great. But it's not so much as I thought in the beginning.
yep, its quite small amount of money for that time of working, but better than nothing ;P

next time when im 18 they will play 8,7 for me per hour
rotfl? that rather sounds like a very easy job
Packing some shit for 9 hours sounds fucking boring and hard.
hard? pls, u just need to pack some stuff, it's simple as hell, hard would be the last thing which I thought about. Im working @ building place for over 10 hours per day, I have only 1 break and Im doing things which are HARD (like destroying walls and roofs with hammer etc), today I was so tired that I wasn't even able to eat my lunch. this is what I'm calling a hard work
You're allowed to work 2 months and 2 weeks by your government as a student? In Belgium you can work only one month as a student (you barely have to pay taxes) but as soon as you work more than a month, you'll get taxed like a normal person.
there the limit is 15y i think. Taxes is 0% when u get 0-1400€ above 1420 12,5%


its fucking unfair that students must pay taxes.
12,5% in total? You call that unfair? You're joking right?

In Belgium you can work 1 month as a student and you have to pay like 1% taxes or something. But, if you work more than one month you'll get taxed like a normal person (~40-45%) OR if you earn more than 3xxx € (don't know the exact amount) you'll be taxed as a normal person as well.

I would love to be a Finnish student in this case, if only I could find a way to fly some cheap Belgian beer to Finland :o)
but after this school. Its high school or upper secondary shit, donno. AFter this i must go study to other city. Maybe helsinki and there are horrible costs to houses and etc. And Finland supports u little and u cant live well that money. U must do jobs and study same time except u have got rich parents. Thats why i think that students shouldnt pay taxes cuz u need so much money later :P
Don't the universities work together with the government and give out scholarships and stuff?
i dont think so. Goverment gives "studymoney" + "livingbonus for apartment" and "study loan"

but those arent enough for living guess and what i have read and who wants to take loan? :<
pls, people in Belgium dont work illegall? I mean, who the fuck cares about government, Im working illegall for 2 months and never had any problems
Thats what polish people do mostly
thx for the info!
np mate.. cheating the government and working illegal is more a tradition rather then exception when it comes to polish ppl.. np
roger that!
HAHAHA LOL what a shitjob 7.77/hour? :DDDD

i made 1487€ in 10 days np
last summer my mate was on job and he got 4,6 :D
LOOOOOOOOL who the hell accepts that? :c
Wursti has to be the best finnish word I ever heard.
no work for me :p <3 enjoying the summer only .

my mom still gives me money if i need some :o
buy a Sennheiser HD 280 Pro, ask Sol why.
750 euro for 3 weeks working, 20h/week
Nothing on my list I really wanna buy atm except for fitness
What did you get for one hour? Srsly...
9.12... euro/h
sometimes more after 6o'clock and stuff you know
i got around 4000€ for working 2 months and getting 2 weeks vacation... i'm gone use it for saving up :p

and a bit for new york

oh ye it's not really a summer job
driver license
1500 euro for 3 weeks working
what did u do ?
working at a hospital;)
I done 3 days milk round for £90, I spent it all on photographic equipment and prints
I read pornographic equipment >D
e.g. flesh light things? D:

image: FleshlightSR

Looks like the handle bar of a lightsaber oO
But very satisfying D:
:-D but i also like lightsabers :D
Well, you could buy one, use it for personal pleasure and if anyone asks you about it, tell them you're a true jedi master
Or i just splat it in his face (ofc right after using) ... i suppose THEN im the master :D
Im workind during night for 4 weeks from 22.00 to 6.00.
Normal holiday workers gain 14,40€/h but night shift means +65% which are 23,76€ (I hope i calculated correctly :X)

23,76€/h * 8 = 190,08€ Per Day
I work ecaxtly 20 regular days
190,08€ * 20 = 3801,6€

as if this wouldnt be enough i worked on some saturdays and at the end of the month every division gets special premiums. so expect about 4200€ for 4 weeks. and ofc as i am a student i dont have to pay taxes ;)
What did u have to do? And how did you get ur job?
Im still working ... im running a CNC grinding machine. The firm i work in produces hydraulic pumps. I have to set in the meterial and have to check it after it is finished. pretty cool work, time passes fast.

I got this job via my dad ;) is the boss of my chief's boss :)
I expect to get ~€8100 when I'm done with my 2 months :)

Going to spend it on myself when I study. Rent, food, alcohol, and other stuff I feel like getting. Plus use the loan/grant I get from the state :)
U r doctor or something?
Nah, work in warehouse. Shift :) ONe week day, next week night. And so on :)
8h per day/night, 5 times week?
How much do you get per hour?
Squalliiii calculated it nicely for you :)
Ok, so in each week u do 8h x 5 = 40h
that 40h x 8 weeks = 320h
and u get 8100€ / 320h = u get 25€/h ?
On the avarage, yes. I get a little less during daytime, but then it's often some overtime :)
you gain even more then me ... unfair :<
Well, Norway is an expensive country :p

Sad thing is, I'm getting an education for a job that will give almost €15 000 less a year. Fucking state job :p
Rofl, 25 €/h for working in a warehouse :x
you ever been to norway crazy prices up there:P
The development engineers in my company get something like that. What the hell have u done?
gimmeh o:g invite!!!
Haha. Isn't open yet. :P They are still integrating the gulli board.
Shift @ warehouse :D Norway ftw ;)
It's Norway... Everything there is way more expensive, so I'd guess they also earn a lot more.
yea my friend was fisher or something like that in norway and he made huge money lol. He just bring smokes and booze from finland so he didnt have to buy them there lulz
2100€ in 5 weeks, Drank almost 1500€ so :|
Yeah, because one beer costs like € 17 in your country.
Na, 3-4€ in bar, and 12beers in store is around 10€.
Duvel is 8€ in Sweden.
It's Finland, not Sweden or Norway.
I worked before summer. avarage payment was 25e / hour. got 1300e from 13 days :-)
where did you work :o
postis, jaoin puhelinluetteloit :XD. saatiin noi hyvää palkkaa sen takii ku jaettii koko itä-helsinki nelistää. :p
::DDDDDDD, Mahto olla kyl hommaaki :D
aina koulu ~~ 8-16 ja sit sieltä suoraan töihin ja himaan klo 21 ja sit et matsit ja sit nuq :-). kyllähä se vähä raskast oli
:-DDDDDD meitsi ajo 8 tuntii päältäajettavalla ja kuuntelin mp3 soittimel musaa:-D
mis olit töis? :-p
Metsä-Botniassa, Valmistaa jotain sellua tääl kemis nii siel pihalla ja sitte piti leikata jotain johtajien pihoja jnejne. :-D
Ronner, can you please give this crossfire user some warning points for using a different language. Oh sorry, just remarked he's famous in the et-scene! np np!

euro | hour : 10.21
hours | day : 7.6
days | week: 5


transport compensation: 1.16 | day
"maaltijdcheque" (cheque for meals :?) : 6.5 (euro) | day


~ € 430 / week
~> 3 weeks = ~ € 1250
around 2600€ in 8 weeks.. Not that much but for a student it's a decent money!

Just ordered a new comp \o/
Work 3 month for something like 3800€, no holidays, 35h/week :-(

I have buy iPhone, going for a trip in Spain rest will be used during the school year.
10,12€ /h

23 days, 8h/day (+ 1-3 or sometimes more extra hours)

i'll be close to 2000€

which is more than decent here
I earned nothing. Gonna search for a job after the school holidays are over
i have 1,7k euro and i dunno what to do with it :(
new pc, television, bed, phone, ipod & colths and else...
around 3500€. Worked as postman a bit and played poker. (didn't do anything in july because I was at vacation and only spent my moneyz)

depends, at weekend I got 16-24e/h and normally around 9-10e/h I guess.

haven't calculated my winrate @ poker. it was prolly like 37$/h again (was some time ago)
I got about 0 euros, thats 0 dollars for you americans.
Dunno wat im gonna spend it on, probably ETBot
Was @ some festivals, drank some alcohol, ate some trashfood, gonna go watch disturbed in november and then I'm going for a a lil boattrip to sweden and then I guess I'm gonna save some money too.
~5k&#8364;, 40" fullhd, new monitor, gonna get a pair of genelecs, maybe I'll buy another pair of hd-25's also and use these old ones as outdoor headphones.
Got about 200e/2 days for working with kids but I got sick and didnt want to got there anymore. Havent got any money from nowhere execpt thaaaaaaaat :V last time I got money i think it was @ december... Fuck finland.
no money no honey :(
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