I'm back from vacation!

It has been half a week now since i'm back from my 3 and a half weeks vacation in germany (relatives, family friends etc.), saddening coming back from a nice european weather to a hot and humid 35 - 40° weather

I've already noticed the recent changes on site like changing stylesheets, ignore users function, deleting own and viewing all journals, warning points and viewing online users status (the big brother is here 8D), and that's it i think?

So how things are going on? update me with the last news and shizzle happened in the last month and current!

crossfire's movie section is now like youporn, redtube and so on.
Aza and teKoa banned
i came back from ibiza yesterday:>
thx for the info!
wb Bl1nD!
BIRTHDAY TODAY LOLZ, going for eating cake soon ;<
wb Bl1nD !!!!
willkommen :D
Azatej and tekoa cbbanned for leaking anti3.
NL out of the NC cup (what a surprise).
Slajdan unbanned at cb.
last comment 9th july...this has been very long 3 weeks
and wdf u didnt visit me:<<<
oh nice thats why you didn't spam CF

welcome back !!!!!

and Have Fun in getting more posts !!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3
and who cares......
i own even harder now.
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