Madrid crash

I was in Madrid's Airport few hours before the crash for a transfert. I was coming from Tenerife (Canarias Islands) with a MD-82 from Spanair.

Don't know if that plane was the one that crashed few hours later but that's scarry :(

Condolences to the families being touched
links pics pls
what happened?
Someone set up us the bomb
plane crashed on runway
no, it was taking off and one of the turbines caught fire.
well that is basically the runway now isn't it
well it didnt technically crash :|
it fell down:D?
how can it fall down if it didnt even get up :>
old news, a new day a new disaster.
why no new news
a plane crashes in the western world and it get massive media attention, and its already happened over, done with, nothing you can do about it, when i guarantee you somewhere in Africa or Asia or some poor ignored god forsaken place some terrible thing is happening. so forgive if my care meter is low, though I am sorry about the loss of life, its a plane crash, it happens, where as some warlord massacring a village just cause they pissed him off I think if far more worthy. There’s always news, just not the media.
Same approach to 9/11?
9/11 wasnt a plane crash.
Now I could have sworn 3 planes crashed into buildings
on on 9/11 though a plane as crashed into the twin towers, but that was years before, and i believe was a light aircraft for personal use.
knowledge is power :). wel when u think about this for a second people. 150,000 people die every day, more than 1 person dies every second. so by the time ive finished typing this, 30 people will have died.

15,000 people die every day lone from poverty in africa.

imagine if every single person involved in every death of every person made some soirt of journal on the internet or media about their family member or friend dying. thats more than 300,000 journals made every day.

therefore you simply cannot care for the amount of people dying in the world, so next time someone sais to you , WHY DONT U CARE , u drop some stats on them and theyl change their way of thinking , if you want to personaly write in 300,000 journals every day a message u hf doing that.

also u gota love when the plane crashed in thailand something like 80 tourists died and 3 british died, those 3 british people were on the front page of every newspaper in the country that day. 150,000 people die , funny how extremeists say but people are starving in africa give them money, little do they know that charitys recieve an absolutely ridiculous amount of money which they can make such a difference with and ofc they are. but think about this when bill gates dies he will give 90 % of his wealth to charity now at the moment he is in the 10s of billions , in 50 years time or so he will be in the 100s of billions, now 90 billion dollars , 45 million pounds to charitys across the world. you do realise that that amount is more than entire countries have who are not in poverty. by this theory Africa will then be richer than 50 % of the countries in the world.

could spam all day with random facts, stats and opinions astonishing u.

edit: 500 people have died.
you completely miss the point, my point is i don’t care, and I guess in a to be more succinct it, this journal doesn’t belong here, my further point was that if you were going to make a journal with no relevance to the site, then at least it point out something that actually matters. Than some tard journal about some even more tardish event.
enough is enough, i have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane.
150 odd dead when I read it last night
weeh, finki is back:>

€ wtf happened to your profile D:
Ich bin kein AggroberlinA
omg, bushido is not @ aggroberlin ._.


it was a quote of one of his songs you wnb bushido fanboi:P
from which? :(

i have every "album" =(
€ cordon sport massenmord
so it's from Carlo Coxxx Nutten :p
but there he still was a member of aggro
knew it, now delete this bs
Du bist so dick und hässlich, wie die Schlampe Lumidee.
Gewöhn dich dran, dass die Schelle zur Begrüßung dient!
QuoteSonny Black du bist ein ganzer Mann,
Was wollt ihr den von uns? "Jungs wir wolln euch nackt sehn,
Doch tut mir Leid uns beide gibt es erst ab 18!
well done, google copypaster
i didn't know the thing with "AggroberlinA" k, but i know pretty much bout him =(
right you know his published singles since electro ghetto
no =(

i know his stuff since Aggro Ansage Nr.2
haha me also has his demotape:PPP
thats why i neva travel by plane and i neva eva will
don't use car then
plane is still the most secure way to travel.
yea sure its the most dangerous evaeva, if u r a nice car driver there is like 0,1% chance to have an accident but those planes are fucking random

traveling by plane is the safest way to travel by any form lol. il drop some stats on u , from heathrow airport alone a plane takes off and lands every minute 24 hours a day 7 days a week. so, 60 minutes in 1 hour, 1440 minutes in 24 hours, 10,080 minutes in a week , 40320 minutes in a month, 483,840 minutes in a year.

so in 1 year about 480,000 planes take off and land from heathrow airport alone. and how many crashes happen ? not 1. so the rate of plane crashes at heathrow
0 % , so in a year you have a 1 in 480,000 % chance of crashing.

and thers loads of airports in britain. maybe 1 or 2 crashes a year.
probably something like 2 in 2 million percent chance ur plane will crash

think about that for a second :). would make u feel alot safer next time u get on a plane.
"i neva eva will "

avi or never happened
epic failed
can i have a pic of these families being touched?
153 deads ._. atm
from about 160 passangers
plaincrash... WTF...
Condolences to the families being touched

bibuy spanair
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