ubuntu vs xp

since i found my 73 ubuntu cd's yet again , im thinking about installing it as secondary or primary o/s .

so pros and cons for ubuntu?

as far i know :

+easier to hack
- cant use vent
+ better fps ???

+ new guid
+ faster

random pic: image: 454_5530bf23-af41-489a-a4e9-b32e02709a48
et feels way more responsive and direct under linux, plus you get more fps.

ventrilo with wine -> NP

go for it, get kubuntu with kde4.1 , its plain beautiful, random kde4.1 screenshot:
image: kde41
vent -> wine??? what you mean

screen looks nice
wine is an interpreter for windows software on linux.

so you can run lots of windows stuff on linux...

(Wine Is Not an Emulator)
would mumble work?
theres a linux version of it, so its np
Wine is acctualy just the windows API calls, to allow 'some' win32 apps to run.
i had worse fps on it , but thats prolly just cuz of my graphics card -.-
which one? and which drivers used?

oh just saw, some integrated intel shit.. dunno about that...
intel integrated gma 950 , just installed the drivers through updates since intel only had very old drivers for it on linux :/
u can easier hack with linux (all linux hax are undetected)

pb dont cares about linux....
looking at that page:


it says detected....
eth32 is for win
some are detected, and PB still kicks certain retards who seem to think 'pb doesn't care about linux cheats' because they don't know what they're doing :{
+ more fps if you have a nvidia gfx card
+ better/less buggy OS
+ faster, smother

- alot of stuff to configure till you can actually play
- its difficult to get vent running

related: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=tutorial&mode=item&id=48
when i freshly install ubuntu i need max 30 minutes to have et up and running, that includes, vent, teamspeak, irc, and what not...

(installation instructions for vent: download vent, run it (you should have wine installed before that), go into wineconfigure thingy, select for sound alsa, choose the inputs outputs in vent you specified in winecfg, you are set. not very difficult imo...)
Garg, about your tutorial.. you might add some stuff..... like for example: how to use your mouse at 1000hz?

plus i think i got a nicer solution on how to run et with alsa...
dude, tbh i have no clue about linux at all. When i used linux back in sept-oct 2007 i wrote this tutorial based on stuff ive read elsewhere or other ppl told me. if you want i can give you the text and you can add stuff and post it as a new tutorial or whatever...
ya i could do that! :)
I was thinking just that about the tutorial!, Add some of the issues found in x64 edition too imo.
wanna have the text with all markup n stuff?
if possible, yes pls!
related²: links I compiled that helped me sort everything :P
+ better performance in ET
+ lots of easy to install free programs through synaptic
+ no antivir / antispyware needed
- teamspeak / ventrilo is fucked up
- wireless can be pain in the ass

I would not install ubuntu for pure gaming purposes. but if you have no problem with using google and tinker around, if you are tired of all those unnecessary annoyances with windows and like to use a decent OS - give it a try. installed on it's own partition it will do windows no harm.

/edit: there is a readworthy article clearing some stuff of windows und linux here:
Quote- wireless can be pain in the ass

sure it can, but if he's planning to use ubuntu, it can even be much more simpler than on windows :}
Getting vent working is NOT difficult, getting it to tramsit and use a hotkey, is.

Im running Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron x86_64 atm. I like it - but ofcourse i have a windows xp install too.
I prefer Gnome desktop environment, its a case of personal preference i guess.
image: screenshot1ke7
image: screenshotfc0
i always wonder what fags actually use the cube, wobbly windows, fireshit, etc, THX for clearing that up :D
Wobbly windows is nice, makes things 'feel' smoother. The cube is useful, when u get used to using it regularly. I know ur calling me a 'fag' with your reply, but thats ok! your polish, what could be worse?
im polish?!

well tbh, when i was new to ubuntu i also used the cube , thought it is quite handy,and looks ooooh so beautiful, soon i realized i can be as fast with normal hotkeys. plus its just useless playstuff.

im just getting annoyed by those kind of posts you get on every linuxboard:

"oh i saw that cube at a friends computer, i installed ubuntu now, how do i get the cube?"
i just wanna say: STFU

annoying dont you think? :)
It is very annoying, yeah. And yeah, the cube, by default, is slow, but u can tweak it, i mainly use it with the ctrl+alt+arrow key to change desktop, or click the icon, wichever. But it just switches quick, only acctualy animates on mouse rotate. The desktop wall plain is nice too. And the Mac os "Expose" clone.
Oh, and i saw red flag and jumped to the pole conclusion ^^
Forgot to say: I dont notice ANY fps increase, but i got 125 on xp too. And since CB configs cap at 125, i never tried getting more. but its certainly more stable, i.e. stays at 125fps, were as on winxp i got 125/124/123/124/125
I have 30-70fps on windows* and about 300 linux :D

*I've tweaked my windows too, used nLite and other shit. :{
Oh Oh Oh, And on 64 bit ubuntu, i run 32 bit apps with ease, unlike windows were i'd need vista ultimate to do that.
- much more complicated, if you have no clue about linux
you should try Ubuntu vs Vista.
vista wins , easy bash

reason : get kicked for a violation ? blame vista

sucking terribly ? blame vista

you should try the command as "run as administrator",it might help in a game what have been made in the Stone Age (Wolfenstein enemy territory)

i am play cod4,and i simply just click the icon (no need for administrator) and i get 0 kicks and 0 virus. i read from computer magazine that ubuntu did not bash vista as the same level it bashed xp. the result was almost the same. i paid about 600e for my computer,so why should i run a ugly OS if i have enough power to run vista with aero?
I disabled UAC , so no need for me to do that

also im one of the few not getting odd kicks on vista lol

vid_restart in match nP
alt+enter in match nP

look at your xp now http://smartestcomputing.com.ipbhost.com/uploads/post-1-1192407384.gif
sad to see it on the bottom of the list,but hey,it could do worse XDDDD..... NOT!

yeah i know that vid_restart thing in ET,but you know what?? only game where i get that comfail kick or what ever it was is in ET. LOL? not in cod1-4,not in bf2-2142 none! so my conclusion is.. ET sucks nuts > all.. hehe i enjoyed ET alot when i was child,but then i turned 7. cs 1.6 has a huge fight with et that wich will die first :) sry my rudeness,but it's true. :))

edit: etc
yeh , i dunno why but I don't get any weird kicks on vista lol
oh sary,my bed,i though i smell'd sarcasm in your words where i replyed to. i will end this by saying that there is alot of stupid people in world,i am not pointing this at you,but make your own conclusion of this.. ;[
lol I have none, not had any virii in about 5 years.
And this is from a fresh install, I've never had great fps @ windows
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