Anno 1404

image: anno-1404-anno1404_logo_emea

Seriously, why is here no journal 'bout the new Anno? :(


Release will be in March 2009!

Which versions do you played?
1602? 1503? 1701?

and yes i played every1 of them :)
played 1503
but i actually got bored cause the warfare was really bad
1602 > *
i think i liked the 1602, i liked anos <3 was cool
1503 and 1701
1602 = win
Sep 18, 2008, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning!!!
1752 imo
1602 was best.

also played:
1503 [way too hard :O ]
1701 [was ok, but not the best ]
1404? wont that be medieval? where there actually colonies back then? xD
1404 will probably mostly play in the orient :P
anno is a boring game.

Cossacks = best game

image: cossacks_screen002 !!!!!!!!!!!

image: cossacks_screen001
been there, done that!

the game is ugly as hell, but it has fairly good gameplay. I only hate the mines..

having 40 ppl on 1 grainfield = win!
best game tbh, a strategy game their u really need to think.
and the gfx is kinda nice and clean at high resolution.
yeh nothing wrong with gfx @ cossacks, especially for an old game
1st screen remind me of Age of Empires II
god, what a game :P I spent @ it almost 2 years when I was younger hehe :P
the best game ever^^
n1 gameplay and loooong matches if you want :)
yes still playing it much, LAN etc, me and cousin vs littlebrother n father, a game can take like 3 days :P
n111111111 :) have fun! :)
I played a recent one, cant remember what number (at work cant check), was rather good tbh, but lost interest after a while maybe will try it again.
most recent was 1701 ( ~ 2 years old I guess )
1503 is ~5 years old already I guess..
Never heard offffff
Played all. One of the best strategy series. The island colonization and trading system owns :x.
played all

1602 > *
anno 1602 in dutch > *

played it when I visited our family friends @ belgium when I was 13 or so. uber :p

tried it again (in english) few years ago, wasnt so fun anymore, time golds the memories or so.
all 3 versions but the oldie is just the best!
I've played 1602 with my father @ LAN xD it ownz, one of the best games ;)
What is it about? I am intrested in playing this w0nd3r will you teach me the ways of anno?
Can you kill people in it?
lal yes you can, but only oldschool like ;D
Charge your ships and men into land and see battles? With swords and musketts? Can we be allies and make a massive army and fleet?
exactly, but you must have a positive balance to survice and earn money from your inhabitants
i've played anno 1503 only :)
stronghold crusader > all !!!!!!!
played the first one for some time
played all
on played the 1602, it was a nice game.
I played 1602. Like the game, still do, although I never actually get past the stage of being able to build stone houses.
The gameplay is just to slow for me :<
I played 1503, but it was like HARD.. I always played it on the easiest level =/
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