n1 8b1ts

once again they ve brought fame and attention on that clan...

guys where is the fairplay?

on inmotion 2 guys had probs with their connection... they ve tryed everything in fixing it, but when they realized there was no time to fix it they simply readied up and wanted to play...

u guys connect with stable 48 pings and leave cuz of that retarded frauwe kiddy :DDD
because they laggg :DD

same shit on instacup...
u played with constant ping and frauwe started to flame like a little shitkiddy... you left and gave us the ip to your lagshit server... some guys of us played with 200 ping, nobody of us had stable connection to your server and u didnt even care... u just enjoyed to bash us on that way there just to reach the final and not loose to an unknown team like we were.... just lame kiddyshit! shame on u

u guys dont give a shit on fairplay, do you?
hahahashdhasdh as PLXXPXL{
nothing new to be honest
Fucktards in Force?


give me a kiss =D


Don't worry, I still love you!
more gayness fucking nerdy kids
wham bam!!! say what u mean m8 :PPPPPPPPPP
ohmfg ^____________^
just filling your inbox (c)
plz they won vs tag 5vs6. and were really proud about it.

(yes flusjeee, the guy with 1000 damage a round is a TAG cod4 player who just installed the game 10 minutes b4 the game)
so you were on our vent and you heared us celebrate all night?
tell me the name of your inside man :(
Rofl wtf are you talking about? When did we say we were proud of it? Btw it wasn't 5 vs 6 afaik. Maybe the last 5 min but deffinetly not through the whole match.
(yes flusjeee, the guy with 1000 damage a round is a TAG cod4 player who just installed the game 10 minutes b4 the game)
private chat from frauwe, np
Well...imo fairplay is, when both teams got no problems with the server. We got a problem and asked many times to change it. Why didn't u just changed it? wouldn't be a problem to find a good server for both teams.

Oh and btw..lagg is not just because of a ping..just to let u know.
it was mainly because of the ettv servers,how should we change all servers that fast?frauwe asked for changing the server like 10 minutes before the match started...
anyways,you got 2 more players but you decided for leaving the server instead of getting them in
tbh who gives a fuck about ettvs, it's about the game not about the ppl watching, they can connect later too and some of them could of have made it to the right time
the server was known for over one week btw
to bad i've to agree with this topic. Tanq i still love you
lol you guys just don't know the real thing !
keep flaming plz!
and check naztys post if you don't beleave me.
plus if i had a stable ping of 150 i didn't care but on germen sever i don't!
i can play for a few sec like normale and than i cant move for 3 sec because of lag and you call that a stable ping? great shot!
as u said on gtv, u had checked the server before the war. I WAS ON YOUR, let me say this again so you understand YOUR irc channel for the whole week. too bad you were so busy you couldn't waste 2 minutes of your precious life telling me you have a problem with the server.
u r just a shame for that clan... rly
totally agree :)
then dont play if you lag :D? why whole team had to leave?
get a decent connection!!
well you are beltard,you ain't a human. you really forgot your place in this world bitch.
oh noes the fame,we made FiF egoquit!
go somewhere else with this kind of problems.k.thx.bb
lol yeah some ppl need to work , and no i didn't had the time to check your fucking server!
yeah u work 24/7


where ?
you didnt had time for reply skill :(
if you're soooo busy with your work, then let the others play? why did the whole team have to leave just because ur pc cant handle ET?
he is "ingame leader". example. push now push now push push push. oo push push push. oki me and me gonna pwn whole team. push push
made my evening :D
made my fucking evening,even more than that scrim :D
<3 u xD
let metsuri or some1 else play? metsuri>u anywayz
Frauwe out, nAzty in



I egoquited a scrim for nothing lol

btw, I leave to portugal tomorrow, 12 days no crossfire for me =((

and on friday its my birthday, if there is less than 3 birthday journals for me I will leave iNmotion!
hope u enjoy in portugal :DD
hf in portugal and enjoy your birthday(welcome in club 30)
hf in portugal! btw, album of the week: Sonic Syndicate - Love and other disasters
I couldnt even take your comment on sarcastic way. because it came from you
Well I don't really care either way
because i got a feeling that you do
Well I'm a nolifing piece of shit that never leaves the house so you hit the nail on the head very well there
NO. i didnt mean it in that way
Crossfire is enjoyment, but even I could survive without it!
shame on 8bits
you always wanna seks stijn...
ye really...a fucking shambles imo....I'm fucking ashamed for 8bits and fucking sad for my team who have to accept a fucking 10 point def in cb...

after all 48 ping is massive lag......<
I still feel the bad vibes here ~~~
why didnt they just sub frauwe? theyve got like 8 thousand backups
Shame on you iNmotion!!1
yep :( we're the guilty ones :(
:DDDDDDDDDD #velerion plöx
Erschießung with zeh rücken on the highest level is brougth to you by #velerion
so true xD
ilu viech <3
so much flame .. )
image: my_serious_business
Seriously why the fuck are you people whining xD. You've got your precious 10 clanbase points and you didn't even have to play for it.. WOOHOO!
actually there are people who love to play the game and would have loved to play this match on ETTV against you guys.
And the reactions show that this wasn't the first time something like this happened. so maybe your mates should think about it.
Nothing like that has happened with this team. We've only played 3 officials. I dunno weither frauwe has had this before but if he says he can't play then I don't really care.
actually in the instacup it didnt help us

just wrote that journal cuz its the second time that exactly the same scenario took place...
hes not a member of iNm HALLO? He's making a point about an ettv game that never took place because some not ready noob team were scared...now plz shut your fucking pipe and get organised...
Yet you keep the conversation going. You say it's all our fault but you weren't willing to even change the server because you're too damn stuborn.
why should we??? there was no prob and the server was cool for all!!!! omg, i do believe u are new to this game....
He said he had problems with his ping ffs, who are you to say that he doesn't?
and you had 2 backup players - so you're teamleader can't lead the team from the spectator, are u even sure he is a leader?
Leading the team from spectator is a way different perspective to be in.
so practically one day when he won't be there, or he actually can't play. your team is screwed?
Who knows? We always want to be at our best when we play officials. If we play with a backup or someone who hardly plays with us we obviously don't play as well as we normally do.
who wouldn't wanna do their best in officials, but missing a guy from an offi for some reason is the risk everyone has to take. i rly can't be bothered to argue right now. i just find it extremely stupid what you guys are doing, but hey - this is ET.
if there would be a new poll about the most hated etplayer ever frauwe definately would gain some votes
sCoot back in business.
plz just take ur points and stfu that was only thing u desired and u got it end the topic plz :)
lol we definately had no desire to get 10 points for a defwin
totally fucking wrong...we wanted a fucking game...we got stupid kiddy whine....fuck the 10 pts def win shit...
oh shite, whole 10 points - i think we're gonna get 1st place on 6v6 ladder now for sure. if frauwe is the team leader, then what exactly does he do? whine that he lags and just makes everyone leave a war on ETTV? leader should be aware of the upcoming events(who cares how busy he is) and should make sure that everything works out.

In this case, neither of those 2 points we're even slightly gone over. personally i got nothing against the team, but if you guys start saying how ''we wanted our 10 points for a default win'' then think again.
go and watch tv you cunt!!!
just got back :D gonna head off to bed now ^^ gn
gn8,hf at working mwhahahahaha!
gotta go to the barber tomorrow and cba :S
Watch out, theyll crash your server too!
ego ego ego ego ego ego





fuck i wanna lag with 48 !! PLZ GOD LET ME LAG LIKE THAT FAG PLZZZZZZZZ !!!

speaking as an ETTV viewer that waited for 10 minutes for this game to start, only to have to read 10 minutes of frauwe whine for having about 2 lagspikes in that whole period, while having 2 backups waiting to play, it was at best fucking stupid and at worst a disgrace watching 7 sheep follow some whining kid off a server cos he couldnt play. 8bits suck, inm get my vote, especially wsk, hes really sexy. (wsk made me type this)
<3...idd m8.....we need the oldschool scene back....this is starting to get tedious...
okey now that the whiners are in there bed my version of the facts:
first of all ; i contacted iNm at 21.45 CET to ask them if the server was hosted in germany or not. resone : i got lag on germen servers sins 2 weeks (so xedos you excuse that i played wars before vs you on german servers is just **** talk). I checkt there sever at 21.50 CET and tould them that we don't agree with the server! they said we don't change it because of the ettv servers :x imo they don't have the right to decide on what server we have to play; both teams need to do that!
afhter all there whine we connected to the server but the lag was geting worse so i asked again for an other server and they again said NO. so yeah we are the bad guys that ego quit ...
good call of you guys tbh.
reson why i checked the server so late; i had busy week at work (yes i have to work on satherday and sunday to!) and i had to work today untill 21.30; home at 21.40 so i couldn't check it faster :X sorry for that!
hope you guys are kinder to your next oponnet!
you should go to bed mr. busy 24/7. how dumb are you mate? '''server located in germany or not?'' ever heard of serverbrowsing programs that show u in a second where the server is hosted. don't grave up shit. you fucked it up and now deal with it.
we will see what cb rules tells us to do!
oh dude, can't believe you're actually 23 :D i've seen 15 year old guys that are WAY beyond your intelligence level.
oh another thing. the war vs RCW you had on sunday(31.08 - 3 days ago, not over 2 weeks)

Gameserver: #GamesTV.org Matchserver 1
Location: Germany Germany, Europe

image: 2008-08-31-233907-sw_goldrush_te

why look whos on top of axis, it must've been someone faking you, cause you're unable to play on german servers :OOOOOOOOOOOOO
:p nice ownage m8...now go to bed and dream of flowers, If u go to bed like this ull wake up as old as me in the morning...:p
frauwe please....
accept the fact u wernt ready to play us...It would have been nice to hear earlier imo instead of wasting our time and the rest of your teams. Not to mention the twat u made of yourself on ettv.
Fact...we had 2 guys with bigger inet probs tonight than you. They wanted to play..
thanks for robbing us out of our well deserved cb points for not playing, we dont want fucking def points.
If u are in charge of fif red, then u sir have just fucked up a team...accept it and retire from the game, u fail...I feel sorry for rest of fif red who are obviously decent guys and good players....
you are a shame for the whole 8bits community :y
" okey now that the whiners are in there bed my version of the facts: "


we were on ETTV , theres no version fuck face, WE all saw the same !

a faggot with fucking lag with ping 48 JESUS MONSTER LAG RLY , whining about his ping and stuff....




gl xedos and inm :D <3
really reschedule and play it on a dutch server.
then our guys from estonia, croatia and finland would lag :P
Well my point is, don't play on a german server then.
but Frauwe should have said he lags on german server before the match ofc.
if u check my picture above, u can see he got no problems playing on a german server, so all of this was for no reason.
lol? not realy you sa my lag on your server so i realy don't know whats your prob? you are just scared to play vs us with normal pings?
and for xedos we where ready and still are ready to play vs you guys; but most ppl hoped for a nice match so imo both teams needs to play on the best server for them!
and for me is the serer vs rcw good so if you wonna play on a german server (and i don't lag on it) its good for us. but just not on your server
and i said it before the match! not when we hade to start at 22.00!
do you even realise how stuck you are in your own lies? i've never seen anyone talk as much bullshit as you.

i already entered a new challenge on CB, cause guess what, we too wanted a normal war, which you fucked up and now you're blaming us :DDDDDD

we played in warleagues vs you, on the very same server, i had a constant ping between 100-150 and didn't whine cause i wanted to play. yea now ur gonna say how you had 600 ping but that's no way relavent. point is it's your connection that's fucking up.

what you seem to not get is, you're looking for a stupid excuse why you lag(in this case ALL german servers, yet you played last war on a german server). You've had the problem for 2 weeks and you couldn't contact me for once during the time the match had been accepted - yet i work myself aswell and i managed to talk to renegade twice + leave him a pm. you couldn't of done that? please... you fucked this war up, deal with it.

edit: about the scared part :D haha mate, after we beat you in warleagues - you accused suVi & ruoska of cheating, kicked us off your server twice, declined 2 challenges on CB and don't wanna play pracs vs us. who's the one being scared?
im not scared :D

btw good morning everyone^^
good for you :)
neither am I, yaarrrrr
you just don't get it do u, you had minimal lags, AND 8 players on the server!! AH fuck that , whatever...actually it seems like infi rescheduled the match.....which imo is over fair...I would have liked to see u get 1 loss added on clanbase for wasting everyones time u whining loser. I wanted then to say we will challenge u again.

So, this time you can play on any server u like, have ettv or not, childish twat, happy now..?
You still fail btw, and please sort this on cb so the TRUE result is entered, I'll be damned if youre getting simply away with that faggotry..
lol imo less e-hate guys :P
gtfo to the hairdresser u hippy faggot...! :p
baaaack,where are you,love?:o
fuck man , i woke up and i am already flaming

Best solution is to make arrange a normal scrim again so you can check (even if it isn't on german server) who's the best...
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