Google Chrome.

Google released it's own browser yesterday and my question is => Is anybody using it yet?
And if so, what are the advantages over Firefox or Opera?

I've just downloaded it and it looks fine and works great as a first impression ofcourse.

image: mcguyver
Could fail idd, that's why I want to know what's better in this new browser^^
Cba to find it out myself x)

edit: edit 2 was too much :<
What programs can i edit gifs with
try sony vegas

or google
lolpic =D
n1 gif ^^
It works nice, looks pretty okish (wanna change color but can't :s)

but it still has some annoying bugs, sometimes it's crashing etc. Hope the final won't crash that much.
Like there will ever be a final version :P
still has some missing features and minor bugs. But it's devilshly fast!
missing the autoscroll and tabs should open when i mouse3 click a link
Tabs do open when you click a link with mouse3 :o
well i have the tab then, but it doesn't switch over to the tab immediatly
Ye, I think it's good that it opens it in the background, though. At least that's the way I use it in opera ;D
lol, now that I think about it I never did it any other way in firefox :D
must have been to tired to think :P
fast? try opera.
tbh i think its faster than opera (i use opera), but unfortunatly i cant import the bookmarks from opera so ill stay with opera untill this is fixed. im also a bit afraid of the big brother effect that using a google program will cause. :/
kinda how I feel (big brother effect). also - maybe it's just me, but I just like the way opera feels better.
I did test it a bit, loaded up a bunch of tabs and started loading digg comment pages, some flash apps etc, and I just couldn't get it to come to a halt like firefox always does. It held up really well and the interface remained fluid throughout. While it is fast and the interface is fluid, the interface fails in the most important aspect and that is actually integrating to the desktop. The stupid blue stuff completely ignores any shell/user themes and can look entirely out of place on the desktop. On bbLean (the theme engine/shell I use) I have to see bblean and chrome fight for who has the right to theme the titlebar of the browser... which results in flickering, so I probably won't use it until this is changed.

However, it marks a monumental achievement just in the speed and the ideas behind it (read the comic book about it to find out more), and I can't wait to have a look over the code (gotta love FOSS).
Ty for the info :>
I don't use any desktop themes, so that's not really a problem to me. It fits right into the standard XP theme x)

Here's something as thanks! Youtube ftw!
just another spam tool...
well, i like it.
works fine and some nice features but every tab is a own process and if you got 5 tabs for example with "big" pages on it you got a RAM usage about 200MB. that sucks.

but its still a beta i hope they'll fix it.
well, you'd have the same ram usage in opera or firefox. Do you want the browser to completly load the page again when clicking the tab?
if you got 5 tabs in firefox it counts as one browser process but in chrome you got for every tab a own process. test it.

in chrome you got this drag and drop functions with the tab thats the problem.
yes, but the number of processes doesn't have any considerable impact on the ram usage.
I can't even get it installed and that says a lot
pb protection :d/d/d
I didn't get it :(
neither did I.
I did test it a bit, loaded up a bunch of tabs and started loading digg comment pages, some flash apps etc, and I just couldn't get it to come to a halt like firefox always does. It held up really well and the interface remained fluid throughout. While it is fast and the interface is fluid, the interface fails in the most important aspect and that is actually integrating to the desktop. The stupid blue stuff completely ignores any shell/user themes and can look entirely out of place on the desktop. On bbLean (the theme engine/shell I use) I have to see bblean and chrome fight for who has the right to theme the titlebar of the browser... which results in flickering, so I probably won't use it until this is changed.

However, it marks a monumental achievement just in the speed and the ideas behind it (read the comic book about it to find out more), and I can't wait to have a look over the code (gotta love FOSS).

Minus all that bblean shit!

+ every tab is its own process, which results in, if the tab hungs, not the entire browser need to be restarted and it should be enough to kill the tab.

Also, the function which shows your favourite (most visited) pages as thumbnails if you open a tab is just.. awesome... like me

cant try it because google chrome doesnt support my windows version :/
LoL Windows 98.
Christ you are fast!

Yea forgott the ":D" at first post :D
no i just dont like sp2 :]
likes can be stupid cant they?
listen to mr loekino!
listen to mr loekino!
im using it atm.. but.. it needs more SETTINGS!
I quite like it, it's fast and it doesn't seem to eat up all my resources as firefox tends to do no matter what I do with it
can't say I like the blue looks n shit, but guessing they'll enable changing that when it comes out of beta
If you actually read the copyright textes you know why you do not use it.
i havent had the chance to download it yet, why shouldnt i use it?
if you agree, google owns the rights for every letter you write while using the browser. dont know if u care about it but atleast i dont personally want to use a program like that while u got better browsers avi

meaning if you write a blog for example, google can use your text for anything they want without u getting anything from it, im not sure if its exactly like that legally but im sure its kinda close!
lolz i dont rly care about i dont write alot of stuff anyways but still weird ..
the passages you mentioned don't apply in the EU. Simply because it is illegal ;)
Copyright text has changed now :>
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