ET:QW <-> ET?

Edited due to popular demand :

"ET:QW any popular right now? Or is ET still the way to go - also because it's a Wolfenstein Title and ET:QW isn't?"

the comeback!!
I'd love to see you two forming a powerhouse once again!
we had formed a powerhouse for 2 years aka männer-wg :D
How about reviving the good old dignitas with oldschool lineup <3 ?
yeeaaa suuuuuure, and after that u woke up with your finger up your arse :D
Too many times already :(
ahahahaha! gratz by the way :)
gratz? for what? thx :D
performance vs france
you're a fucking badass :c
hahahahaha BOONS getting raged by austria...roflcopter :D
cu @ WC 1998, WC 2006 and EURO 2000 !!
cu @ WM 1954, 74 & 90
no,et:qw is not popular
Check out the sign up of OC :DDD
QW is pretty dead tbh :-\

ET on the other hand is having a bit of a revival atm!
hmm dead or not , if u like it u still play it (my opinion)
RTCW:ET total opencup signups: 496

ET:QW total opencup signups: 84

How many drop outs will there be comprared to etqw, there is a massive difference in ratios. Teams in ET are there one day and gone the Next.
face it mate even if 50% of the et teams drop out there will still be 3x more teams than ET:QW
In ET your figihting a battle that can never be won, in etqw we can play our cups and ocw without wandering if the other team hacks. Such an easier way to game, and there may only be a small amount of teams in etqw but all teams are dedicated and you rarely meet whiners and I have never had ego quitters either. etqw is a much more mature community compared to the new average age of 12 in ET
ET:QW != Wolfenstein title
was going to write the same
Hey honey!
i have heard et:qw is more dead than et
Quakecon was a blast, so I would say ET:QW is popular right now.
Ohhh no you didn't!
damn, even my sarcasm is no match for yours. i bow to thee, oh master. 8[
fuzz is teh sarcasm minister!
Et 4ever
259 signups in 6vs6 for ET
only 29 signups in 6vs6 for qw :DDD .
ET = quite dead , but sill more alive than qw...
"team spirit!" (c) W:ET <3
ET get's some fresh blood after every Crossfire lan announcement, this happened in the last weeks, too.
Then after Lan back to normal with people posting the usual ET dead posts.
look whos laughing!
just a little more patience dj
ET:QW is NOT A rtcw TITLE omfg go play QW pls and never return to et or rtcw 2 ! :P :x
if you want to play in a clean community without cheaters and scum but less players ET:QW is the way to go.

if you dont care about all the cheaters all the lagging polish the whining 14yr old kiddies. Lets play some ET than!
"If you don't care about all the cheater paranoia, all the lag whine, and yet more whining 14 year old kiddies then let's play some ET!"
Fixed, grammar too!
get bk to ET

theres EC & CC5 soon

et:qw was dead, from the beginning
hidiot how have you been
et:qw sux ... ET is aliveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3
et:qw died before it even started, ET is at it's 20th resurrection
et:spore is the new shies

and 'trick/babylon' if you read this .. just bought our tickets to typhoon AIT
ETQW isn't a wolfenstein title so yes ET is still the most played Wolfenstein title
ETQW : dead
ET: dead

ET:QW is not a Wolfenstein title
if you dont think about the name its funny
but when you play and see "Enemy Territory: ..." you'll get angry

rly good games: et, rtcw, cod, q3, ut .... = NICE
normal games: strategy things, cs ... = OK
bad games: battlefield, ... = OMG NO
epic fail games: etqw, postal2, ... = nice to laugh about while playing
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