WAR online key needed

Anyone have one for give out?
Coz some ppl took many keys but they dont have acc @ war-eu so they still cant play.

In return tits.
You are talking about Warhammer : Age of Reckoning (or sth) ?
I heard theres an open-beta which doesn't work :o)
it works now :)
still possible to join the beta ?!
if u have betakey n war-eu acc, yes it possible :)
and how do i get an betakey ? : ) (sry ignored all the recent war online journals :c)
Quote by http://www.fileplay.net/keys/warhammer
There are no keys left for the WAR EU Open Beta

as I said many ppl took more key than one, but they still cant play coz thy dont have active acc and registering @ war-eu its off due maintence or sth.
need key ! pm :o
got key , offer my sth! :p
fail mmo starts with a fail beta ...
its rly rly good ...
you got an acc already? :(
the service was online cupple of times ...
lololol everytime i try it it's offline:(
After the shambles of the first two days and the continuing saga with new accounts; caused entirely by GOA's incompetence, I am still thrilled with the open-beta.

The game itself is fantastic. I've a lvl 11 SH and it's so much fun to play.

So much is similar to way but it never feels like a rip-off - it just takes what is good and expands on it. Definitely worth a go.
damnit dont spoil too much! im gonna buy it once its released, without playing the beta, thats stupid but i think its worth it!
I didn't spoil anything :p

I could have done! There is so much to spoil!! :D
need key :<
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