weed! oh noes :o

ok i had an 1/8 of weed the other week and i took it around to ma m8s, and after i put the empty bag in my back pocket and i completely forgot about the bag!

i found the bag on top of my mums work desk this morning and shes gone out!

i dont know what excusse to use?

HELP! :(

edit: its obvious its weed cos it has a MASSIVE WEED SYMBOL on it :D
say that its for a schoolproject
or tell ur mother that she shall stop smoking weed xDD and that u dont understand why she is doing that !
i would go for the 2nd option for sure :DD
"i was keeping it from a friend" :D
good idea! :o
u are fucked
blame LHC
Unless she's a proper thicko she won't believe any of your crap excuses anyway, so just fess up.

My old dear found some in my room years ago and called the old bill, they told her to sod off.
why do you need an excuse for that
Say that you found it in one of your older brother's/sister's pocket and let them confess

Would be funny if they actually did
lol my sister! XD... ill just blame it on ross, he turned me into a inet thug and it grew on me :D
You look like that kid from sixth sense grown up lol
WEEEED :D You can say it's mine and make her give it back !!! xD
"that s*it is not mine, prolly dads.." :>
Just say it was a souvenir or something from a goth shop or whatever, like blue banana/oriental arts kinda places, because they do give them out ;)
it has a tiny bit of leaf in it haha
Tell her it's medication, and fake a doctors note :D
Either that, or tell her that you take it, and you will offer her a 9bar in return for her keeping her mouth zipped x)
"its perfos"
oh no perfo doesnt do bad things its always his evil brother :o)
all 4 are evil :o
your mum found an empty bag of weed in your pocket? if she is not dumb she won't believe any excuse.
shit happens. sooner or later she would have found out anyway. parents always find out such things!
Tell that u and ur friends bought it cause u wanted to try but then u came to ur senses and u desided not to use it. U just didnt have time to get rid of it.
Say your very down atm and you needed it to cheer you up. Then say "MUM GET BACK TO MAKING ME PIES COZ I GOT THE MUNCHIES!"

Might work?
just dont say anything.
tell her the bag was full of weed before and flame her WHY THE FUCK DID SHE SMOKE ALL OF YOUR WEED
just say u found it and thought t looked cool
maybe you braindead fuck need awakening seriously,drugs are bad.. mmmmmkay?
omfg -,- twat u be homie!
say it is for medical purposes
but rly why carry around an empty bag
tell her the truth, maybe she will do us a favor and kill u!!!
I've told to my father that I found 50g of "shit" in the bus when he had found it in my desk. I don't think he believed me, so i had received a big moral lesson so long that i prefered he hits me.
Tell her the truth now, the sincerity is the best ;)
Do suicide :)
lol your mom giving you weed, pretty nice :D
come on your the gangster, just smack her if she gets angry
tell her that you thought you were gonna die due to the CERN project anyway, so why not give it a try
just flow with it :~>
next time she wont be interested anymore
say its ur mates
oh poor you :D . good luck ^^ (say u will share it with her xD)
if your mum come back from work and she is angry say:ok babe dont be so angry lets smoke little bit ganja :D
You shouldnt do drugs hmmkaay
" Netherlands perfo's brother put into my pocket! do no blame me. wouldn't be first time when he is trying to sabotage ppl's life!"
the friend excuse is a pretty nice, but the best option is dont forget the bag next time :P
just smoke it and say she was dreamin
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