EC without Punkbuster

I just played a wonderful 3on3 of Enemy Lagitory again. It's unbelievable how Punkbuster can seriously fuck your whole game up by CONSTANTLY making your game have fps drops. One map it's pretty normal (like one fps drop in a minute), the other game it's like having someone repeatedly shaking and kicking your monitor over the course of 3 minutes with fps lags every millisecond.

I'm seriously doubting I'm the only one in ET experiencing this problem. I also am 100% sure it isn't PC related (I sometimes don't have this problem and other times I do while changing NOTHING about my PC, rebooting also doesn't fix it and I had this before formatting as well) or connection related (since it isn't connection lag). It also hasn't got anything to do with punkbuster screenshots (I'm experiencing them as a separate, connection lag).

Most of the time I have a stable 125fps but when I'm experiencing this lag it shoots to ~50fps for one small shock, making my aim totally off. That's only small shocking however and I experience that most of the time, every second or so for a whole round.

The other sort of lag I'm experiencing is something which doesn't happen all the time. It's the sort of lag that happens at random for like 1 minute straight and disappears afterwards. Punkbuster 'screens' or something like it and I experience heavy fps swings from 90 to 125 back and forth back and forth making aiming totally impossible and making me rage like a bull on steroids.

I seriously think disabling Punkbuster for big games makes the game more enjoyable for most of the players, especially those having these problems like I do.


EDIT: It also isn't server-related or anything, I experience it on almost every server.
I got the same problem I pause cuz of it, nothing related to PC cuz I tried reboots aswell and I always have stable 85fps (can have 125stable np) but somtimes I get this drops like every 3-4minutes for like 20-30seconds and I can't play with them or even sometimes I just get this big fps drop for 2sec the fps goes down to like 1 and I see like 1 frame and than it switch the the currect frame and I'm already dead :< btw, its allways happen in the most important situations :<<
U got to be kidding me, u see 1 frame when ur fps is 1, omfg
dont blame pb, its you who lags
EC without punkbuster = epic fail
idd on the highes level with no pb:p
I have to agree -.-
i have to agree lately pb is tottaly fucking up my fps

pm decem for more specialised PB-whine.
Your life should not be over if u experience some fps lag in a game once in a while!
Im not lagging at all so fo!
Never had any probs with it.
played at the same server and no lags at all
special lad arent you.

p.s player of the match again i guess?
have the same fucking problem and it's fucking annoying.. FUCK!
my fps goes from 70-90 locked @ 100, while being able to hold a stable 200 ><.
^^ I aint lagging, must be on your side, Pb doesn't make u lag.
I'm located at a bunker, and the other moment (4 sec later) I'm back at our first spawn (a little bit overdone, but ok)
This is how my ET works the last 2 weeks.
played on the same server but my worries are more of my computer+laptop+connection, so pb is the least of my worries!
no fpslags here.
but i guess no of the ec players will get busted during ec matches anyway, so it could be disabled in ec. just keep it in oc.
etace needed, go chaplja XD
Agree but I'm more worried about the black holes that will inhale us all in the near future.
I'm not worried about the Large Hard-on Collider at all
oh look gais, it's the king of comedy, spree!
I'd sooooo love to see you at cc5 ^^
i'm not coming cause im afraid of you

ahahahahaha :DDD
Its worth the risk, :D
yes, ill be concerned about pb problems if we survive today.
I dont get it so I dont believe it.

But if its a legitimate concern, edit this journal a touch and post it as a column
I'm in aggressive rage-mode now, not enough eloquence!
Journals don't solve problems, columns do!!
I guess perfo wouldnt be the best choice for making "disable PB" column

perhaps a family member would be better...
poor perfo, turn emo now, but agree on u
Blaming punkbuster is easy shit.
same shit for me.... even whine doesn't help :/


THE PROBLEM IS REAL!... some ppl got it some not...


for all the haters out there who don't know..... IT IS PB!!!
it's not PB, it's your PC and no, I don't agree
I nearly never have any lags caused by punkbuster (; .
stop the whine, the world's not perfect and dont try to build one because its not going to work
just quit et, if you cant stand pb, it has been like this since the release of ET and untill this last 1year none really complained
take like it like a man or please, for the last time, quit this game and do the community a favor with your whinelism shiat
u ar so wrong... ps. why ar u so angry??? do u got little bit of sand on ur jewballs?
u ar so why ar u so angry???
Quoteif you cant stand pb, it has been like this since the release of ET


No wait, it didn't... suprise suprise it happened about a year ago... which... is why everyone has been whining "since 1year" or whatever.

Seriously get a clue moran.
sry, i meant pb has been*
but... it hasn't at all.... punkbuster changed dramatically over the last 5 years... in 2003 it was a much more passive program, now it's close to being a rootkit ;_;
i sometimes lagg the shit out, but hey, stop crying like a lil bitch every small thing and threating to never play ET again(like clown stupidly did) or how et is dead
one of the very retarded acts that i have encountered before
Why? If you dont like something, why shouldnt you speak up? :S
i have the same lags, ive been moanin about this for aaages xD
Ye and I'd like to put a fucking bullet in your head
Got lag quite often, while its not my internet, neither my pc
played a few 6on6 but didnt notice any major lags :J
strange i dont have any lags since ive got my new pc :D
I agree 100%... pb makes me loose 50% of fps -.-
have the same probs for around 3 months, or more, already

so i totally agree with turn off pb!

need anti3 ;]
I haven't ever had any sort of PB lag , even though my comp lags all the time
I only got it sometimes , making some games playing like med and others like low
Having low fps doesn't mean that you're lagging (; .
Why is everyone whining like hell about PB lags ? Inever have fps drop
They have shit computers that is why they whine
ahhh i get it now :>>>>>
i probaly have a better pc than u. but "its k"
You using that computer which is on your profile?
that's because you always lag :-/
the topic is "fps lag" ; D and not "i-net shit" =D

Die eaten by 12 baby pigs
"Die eaten by 12 baby pigs"
i dont get that sentence... :(
Die,eaten by 12 baby pigs (< the reason of your death)

It's supa funny :'(
aaahahh. the comma does the trick xD
Nice excuse for LOSING.
Ever since PB introduced it's windows services ET is almost unplayable to anyone who has a bit older pc. Even though i love ET, I stopped playing it almost completely and moved to play q3 where ppl turned this shit on 99% of servers a long time ago. Same engine, but q3 feels so smooth...

I really hope that PB gets disabled in competition, as they ruined the smoothness of the game completely. Yesterday I disabled PB's processes and played for some time on a server without it. All I can say is that PB is a total failure. It's nice to have an anti-cheat system, but I won't touch a game where warps and lags decide the outcome of a match.

What's more, PB is one of the things that discouraged most new players from playing the game. All those errors, kicks, being forced to manually update pb... ppl aren't able to jump into the game and enjoy it.

I really hope that when etace project is complete, ppl will reconsider disabling PB in competition.

EDIT: I still remember times 2-3 years ago, when pb didn't have windows processes. All was working pretty nicely. Such a failure...
do you remember also the years where nc didnt exist / less cheats were popular? time change and therefore things around it needs to change
What you said doesn't make any sense. If the only way to stop cheaters is by introducing the system which makes the game COMPLETELY unplayable for ppl with older pc's then I'd rather stop the game to not get frustrated. The solution is just unacceptable.

ET has only one advantage to attract the new ppl: low requirements compared to newer games. PB has taken this away. I can play CSS with stable 100fps on most popular maps, but i can't play ET which is a better game and should work smoother.

BTW You might neglect that, but all ET has compared to other new games in terms of attracting new players is low system requirements. PB has taken this away.
i did not say they should introduce a system that should fuck up, but if you want to have more power to the program, it must be bigger, and might take some fun out of the game( as in lags)
after all it's not PB who annoys us, it's the cheaters, aka humanity, aka you(not saying you cheat, but generally)
we got it to ourselves...
i will tell you a little example,
in Israel here, it can be dangerous sometimes to walk to the mall, as it was free walk to anyone who wanted to come into the mall, terrorist could simply enter and blow this shit place(imagery to cheaters) so the government forced malls (and public places) to have security(a guy who stands, check bags etc, similar to airport) which is imagery to PB, the more dangerous the terrorist will be and sophisticated, the more solutions we will have to get (even if we have to sacrifice power, time). the more sophisticated and popular the cheaters are, the more PB needs ways to block them... and it kind of hurts ET, but at least it stops ALOT of cheats, but ALOT
it can be also temporarily, of course, there will probably be a different way to deal with this, but for now use this until you have a better solution
thanks, and i still have 2 years left to learn english
What you don't get is that PB is a very poor implementation of an anti-cheat system. Being a programmer myself, I'd be ashamed of releasing such product, as it clearly doesn't work well for most ppl for over a year now. And they don't give a shit about this, no matter how many tickets they receive.

By saying it's crap i don't mean that it doesn't catch any cheaters (it does) but it makes the game unplayable for many players. Have you had the issue, you'd be saying the same.
thats the only anti cheat we have, disabling it will cause chaos to ET
could u gimme ip of an server without pb?
No, but I might give you an ip of a server without PB :D. Actually I can't even do this. I found some servers using the ingame browser with pb disabled filter on.

EDIT: You editing bastard!
ok i will do it myself >:-| dont need your help
no lag here ;o
but ye it's surely worse than it was a year ago for example
com_maxfps 20 no problems
etpro is forcing this to 30 !
PB lags me too, but I get RELATIVELY stable FPS anyway.. playable atleast, but every 3 or so min I get this huge spike for a second, and my lagometer goes dark green, ping goes to ~350 and gradually drops down to normal ping. If I press escape after the lagspike, my ping goes to normal instantly. Very retarded when i'm in an important situation.
thats pbss lag. Update your server and this lag should be 'fixed', well should be reduced :P
i have it with old pbss config also, and my upload isnt THAT bad, 1mb/s
experiencing the exact same thing at the moment, the game is absolutely unplayable right now.
wEAK excuses imo
Have no idea what are You talking about - since playing ET (and ETQW) from linux OS'es I have no problems at all with any FPS drops. Lagometer shows constant ping on all servers, no spikes, no crap ...

Not doing any linux propaganda (since with it it's a problem with VoIP software), but on windows indeed I had such problems. Also could blame PB not checking the linux users for megahax family packs .. ;o or is it now? ;oo
no, pb dont care about linux....
lolz i thought i am the only one with that probs and its my pc...

:x n1
very bad

dunno if it was my isp but today i played a 3on3 and got lagspikes every time the opponent came out aka every 5 seconds it went 999 for 5 seconds :(. i think it's in punkbuster then
i have exactly the same problem, its really annoying, but i guess there is nothing u can do about it :(
can some1 show me calendar of cb et coming events? i mean not only OC and EC but also NC and all coming cups.
i seriously never had fps drops.
EC with nexus 0.1 :D

<perfo> butchji just got 3 hs from SUPERBOT LOL OWNED
<perfo> mAus just got 3 hs from SUPERBOT LOL OWNED
<perfo> SnOop just got 3 hs from SUPERBOT LOL OWNED
<perfo> randomhigh just got 3 hs from SUPERBOT LOL OWNED
<perfo> guesswho just got 3 hs from SUPERBOT LOL OWNED
yea,sux,i usually minimize et, but the longer i play the worse it gets
I also got those random lags, dunno if it's PB though, could be my shit PC :D
PB is a useless sack of shit anyway, should've been turned off long time ago.
Well my computer crashes once in a hour if i play ET.
I dont care about these little freezes because i have low fps anyway but this crashing shit makes me mad, especially when playing official.
Yep same but for me it's going to 10fps np!
I also have some fps drops, but its like I havent got any antyvir (got trojan that blocks it), havent reinstall windows for 4/5 years and its still playable for me. These whining people are crying kids for me if the only reason they can find when they get killed is "omg punkbuster -10 fps drop omg omg Im pro)" ...
The cheater thing is bad enough atm without disabling PB, although I do suffer from the same problem sometimes :(

It's those bastard PnkstrbA/B services that decide to randomly feel the need to steal system resources away from things that are actually useful.
nC customers.
Your PC is prolly good enough to play ET with it, it just isn't good enough to play ET while PB is running. It's hardware related, since I bought a better PC I haven't had one FPS-drop ever since.
i bought new computer when pb were updated and now its gone:>
PB should be replaced by something else, I don't have any problems with it, though.
I have very good PC and have no problems with games that are useing PB.

ET sometimes give little spikes... but... nothing is perfect. :)
ive got exactly the same lags as you! im so happy im no longer alone with that... ;(
Pansemuck's attempts to make PB lag is working, in 1 week we'll have to remove pb and everyone can cheat.
never had any problems with PB except sometimes it kicks me because of loosing key packets or some...but i dont get this fps problem that you guys have :$

renttu pwned
Well I only had this stupid lag on goldrush for some reason this time :D
I guess everybody lags on goldrush :x
same here ;[
Who cares about your lag, it's not like it effects your gameplay anyway. It's not pb that causes the lag anyway.
You're right, cause the real reason why he has those fps lags is because of his brother's hax.
I don't have dual/quadcore
pssst, i can tell you one thing: not gonna happen!
Punkbuster is almost certainly the problem, I get it constantly but after an hour or so sometimes it calms down :).

Pisses me off considering the game struggled to pull some good FPS anyway, PB are taking cheating measurements too far, I don't accept constant scans in the back!!.

There must be another anti-cheat client out there which uses less resurces as PB. When I have no game loaded Pb a and pb b are loaded into my RAM :o.

PB used to be good when I played and did it's job fine, I gather since hackers are going to extremes to beat these techniques we are having to suffer.

Happens with me on COD4 :(.
without pb even my pc of geforce 2 and 2 ghz pentium 4 can handle 125 fps stable on all maps, now its around 50-70 on all maps with pb, on braundorf its 70-100. I guess its what killerboy said, pansemuckl achieving now the removal of pb because of everyone lagging like shit.
pb expects you to have a dual core (to run a game thats 5 year old)
I have to agree with this one
for the first second i thought u were frauwe
i would rather play using ati3 or whatever it is called ;]]] dunno if it causes some sort of lags or not but it really works [example: gnajdas failure]....
same problem
when i wrote the exact same thing 3 days after a pb update everyone was dissing me. now that you got the point maybe the ppl will get it too since ur so popular
Got the same problem, and a shit PC. Its been getting progressively worse though for quite a long time, no idea why :<

Someone sort it out
i agree, but EC without PB? hm
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