What now whiners..?

Most of the best and clean polish players like Wrobel, r1co or Frag Stealer was banned. (i dont talk about shitface gnajda and another cheaters). What now whiners? we are in crossfire nations cup final.. again you will ban our players ? or maybe if we win you will say "uhhh fucking lagers, cheaters, luckers". Cu @ final and easy bash for Poland.

image: 3742
Yes, we will.
we are waiting
they will say fucking laggers anyway :p
they got banned like everyone else whos playing with cheaters imo .. (like scorch n stuff) so stfu

serious shit
hey wazzup killerboy you got aids, LOL ?
nice ban for 1 day ;p
i didn't get banned afaik. lolz
yup and look at cb banlist nerd
did i say something about cheaters? no. i just mentioned that your a couple of laggers that only rely on their shit internet that makes them fucking unhit because you all aim like shit or you hack
yes, yes all polish ppl are laggers and hackers. K
it is a scientific fact that all polish ppl are laggers so you cant argue about that
:DDDDDD go juA
Eat shit and die
haha :DDD

nice deleting comment jetro !
rofl are you polish guys going to celebrate on the street if poland wins?
epic :D :DDDDDD
would love to see that+the interviews on tv after the match
they have tv?:p,anyway this would be awesome :P it's like A MUST SEE
if u in romania have it, then we in poland also :D
lick my balls... oh, shit... I was wrong with the journal, soz.
perforator on 13/09/08, 14:27:38 Del | Edit | Reply

I think Poland will win.

Would be a good sight as well.
ofc that good SIGHT ;)
Some polish people are genuinely nice people.. then theres absolute idiots like you.
ok mr. albert einstein
Thanks for proving my point.
i was thinking about this , also its still in my last visitors :)
u know that i dont hate u :D \o/

and oneofthem also :D ;p
Gl poland. i hope u guys win.
You think the admins are racist? Sheep from team England plays with a cheater - Gets banned, Wrobel - plays with a cheater and gets banned.

What the fucks your problem seriously?
i dont talk about admins. I talk about fucking whiners.. when most of polish players gets banned they said "haha fucking cheaters will lose all of matches". Whatever now they want to say?
if u like to be hated np :D
Don't like polish people but #1 place for the biggest retarded country goes to Belgium
hi wazzup Infernal? Gearfrag still alive? :P
I think so but i ain't in it
u lagger , buy internet polish nub, unhitable prick xD \o/ <3
lol wtf must that mean, retard
Ok smart arse tell me the word I should of used in the next 2 minutes without using google.
i post that on your irc channel !!!!!!
it was on purpose
to please tace :(
dont talk mean with Andrew then !
he like it that way....
lies lies ... :(

But I take it you knew the word, smart arse, even tho you didn't reply ;)
dont worry ;p i still like u xD
Bah that could be used I guess. I'm tired of the last 6 months being - 'Oh my god everybody hates Poland' just get on with it and gl in the final.
Hate Polish people so fucking much, the reason being their LAG in games, unhittable headshots and the fact they just think they're good. The main reason being my next door neighbour is Polish and him, his wife and kids always screaming @ 5:30am every day even on fucking weekends!!! I fucking hate him and I egged his windows because he annoyed me by parking right outside our driveway and we couldn't get out.

Polish shops, Polish pub nights, Polish food, Polish porn, Polish this and that :(... I mean I don't mind Polish people who work and pay their way through their life but most are lazy as fuck and pop out kids everyday.

Buy new Interwebs.
i wondered how many Polish ar in Ireland, same in England right?
Probably about the same yeah ='/
a lot more:)
you got wet eyes already? serious business
lol this is epic :D ! i could quote this :)
the only reason u ever win anything online is because u lag so fucking much.
i still think Finland players are more unhitable than we.
i really wanna see their lans.
their lans?
joke of the year
Full Metal Alchemist <3
Belgium will win anway s
hope Poland win, and stop whine plz
i want ur msn also =(
cut this crap, you're polish and there is nothing special about it now stfu please cause i've had enough of attacks on polish people here but even more of the nationalistic bullshittalk some of them show all the time
uhhh fucking lagers, cheaters, luckers
yes, we are rly lucky coz we win with Finland.
laggers&cheaters => GTFO
what's that *nuked* shit? I don't get it :<
Admins having fun removing comments :)
hahah gtfo fucking polish shit :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
image: qaqgovblkb4hmikz49sj
easy bash imo XD
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