to all the nerds..

... of which i today consider myself having been one (nice grammar i know..)..

think about ur life...

from todays perspective i actually wasted at least 4 fuckin years playing videogames (i stopped in november 2005) and i actually only want to warn yall... period
this will be my goddamn last comment on any site related to gaming ever and i hope it will help at least some that think about stopping.

if u REALLY consider ur life cool and have no problems with what u people call "real life" then stop reading here.

if u are 25+ years old and still have not been laid... :) read on

i had just turned 17 when i stopped playing et... which equaled stopping online gaming at all.. from todays perspective i was addicted to gaming for sure. well.. since i stopped i realised that there is SOO much more in life besides gaming... i became quite good in playing basketball competitively, i met my beatiful girly :), i DJ, i started studieing chemistry, goddamn i cant imagine sittin in front of a comp for 3 hours in a row now.. (well, except for makin beats).

noone will ever respect u for being good in a video game (except for some other nerds which in most cases u will never face in real life, which means their opinions mean shit), i mean u won eurocup or whatever but who actually cares about ur person now? they all know a NICKNAME, NOT UR PERSONALITY...u will never ever have the chance to make a living from it so why bother with it?

dont get me wrong.. i am not adressing the guys with nice rl here (and i well know that there are lots of pretenders also).. i adress the fat fucks here (i will not mention any names, guess urself)

get out of ur house.. life is about so much more... do sports (NOT esports, which in my opinion doesnt even deserve to have "sports" in it, real sports, with sweating and heavy breathing etc, if u still know what that is), find friends, get a nightlife, get laid and find love

ban me for writing this.. the cool thing is i wouldnt give a fuck.
thx for info
your speech inspired me so much i will go out tomorrow and make my first friend!

thanks, you changed my life! <3
i find computer as a hobby :~>
its a lifestyle
Quotenoone will ever respect u for being good in a video game (except for some other nerds which in most cases u will never face in real life, which means their opinions mean shit), i mean u won eurocup or whatever but who actually cares about ur person now? they all know a NICKNAME, NOT UR PERSONALITY...u will never ever have the chance to make a living from it so why bother with it?

Tell that to BoxeR
thats why i wrote "in most cases"
this will be my goddamn last comment on any site related to gaming ever

you broke your promise :(
nal_ra jaedong flash etc. :O they are more like players they are nearly gods
i know, i mentioned only boxer because he seems to be the most known korean in europe, maybe except for Moon
true sir :D

also im not fat

also i dont take any interest in anyone that isnt me

also 3d sucks

also chess/go are far more valuable assets than sport (srs note: how can you say that nobody gives a shit about your achievements online and then go and name sports? nobody gives a shit about your basketball achievements either)
Short version for people who can't be arsed to read it :
1. He is cool
2. You are not
looks like you're nerd !
So you can't just, like...... mix both?
I agee with xeoxis, what says because you enjoy gaming that you dont do other stuff and have no girlfriend/boyfriend.
ur prolly the biggest nerd around
you are, period
not really hard to have some reallife. I play soccer 3 times a week got a girlfriend. But sometimes it's just nice to play on the computer games its just hmm how u say it hmm dunno how to say it. Maybe I am a addict to ET but got enough reallife and I don't really care:P I like to play
and still you got time to write shit on this site.
you make it sound like while gaming you would be unable to do all the normal things while it obviously is not, but good that you have stopped g33king around a found a better life without the gaming!
again: i know its not impossible to mix life and onlinegaming but some can manage that better than others for sure... else there wouldnt be any geeks...
you again broke your promise
agree, he had sex with USB now he is screwing the real thing!
Quotegoddamn i cant imagine sittin in front of a comp for 3 hours in a row now.. (well, except for makin beats)

so pretty much to anyone else who you think doesn't fit into the "gaming crowd" would think you are an utter nerd because you still sit in front of a computer most likely by yourself.

Who cares what you do, it's even less antisocial creating a beat by yourself than it is playing an online game.

Your point only rings true to the people that literally never leave their PC but then that only really applied to WoW players and they normally end up dying after a 48 hour session in a japanese internet cafe.

I'm betting the majority of users on this site fall inter the group of actually doing stuff outside of the ET scene than the group that does literally nothing else so you're probably preaching to the wrong crowd. Go abuse the hardcore wow sites :P

Also, it's not cool to spell like a retard, so maybe you should take some time out of your busy schedule and head back to school.
Quotethe majority of users on this site fall inter the group of actually doing stuff outside of the ET scene

Outcluding killerboy.
hurry up with that map!
gief inspiration plz.
well if it was in your case true that you couldnt combinate real life with gaming yes, then you should stop, but like most of the guys here i'm really satisfied with my life atm which for a part involves gaming because it is a hobby of mine. That doesnt mean i dont have a gf or that i cant get good grades lol
sarcasm detector broken!
I don't enjoy the outside world
It's full of "people". :(
your agrophobic arent you?
Gaming is just one among many ways to spend your life, which - in the end - noone will care about anyway.
Haha, gotta love the emo. <3
lifetime depression ftw!
Stop playing games and you'll get laid 100%.

I play games, go to the gym, have a girlfriend.. where's the problem?
If you're a gaming addict that doesn't have anything to do with other real life things.
I take that as a hobby not as a serious thing. Computer and gaming doesn't do anything, if you're fat and lazy that's a problem in a person, not in a addiction to gaming.

Fucked up english skills, I know.
Couldn't agree more!

I go out depending on the weather/mood
I'm a photographer
I skateboard and downhill bike
I'm not fat
I'll be going inactive @ ET again after Christmas anyway
Been gaming 12 years x)

<3 life l0l
ever heard of playing this game for fun with real life mates like 5-8 hours a week

omg i feel so bad about my life
I play game for like 30-40 hours a week got no problem with that !
WOW THANKS FOR INFO're a fuckin pretender your fucking self..
so anything that doesn't involve sweating and hard breathing isn't a sport? I'd like to see you say that to archers
You're right!

Being good in like cs1.6 and making more money than the average people of youre age isn't cool at all.

Going to lan's and meeting guys from 1000000+ miles away and having a laugh with them, is indeed not funny at all.

having a laught on vent with youre mates is soooooooooooooooooooo not funny.

Looks to me like you were just some sad lonely emo gamer, who didnt even had e-buddys :<
Good for you btw, now that u have such an intresting life that u acctually took the time to put this on a gaming community site.

we all care so much!!!
Quotewe all care so much!!!

stop trying to tell others opinions pls, you phail
Wana bet that most people replying on this topic dont give a shit about what he just wrote, or the person that wrote it?
the ones caring are @ rl atm, so bibuy i want to join this group now
Though guy.
FORUMZ: 'because you think people care about what you think'.

nerds acting nerdier to impress nerds. you people should go to vegas and take this show on the road.

so lets review. your a chemistry student putting liquid in liquid who cant play basketball and goes out with the girl from the ring and DJ 70s pop at the old peoples home.

i havent played ET in months. going to uni and have played more sports at a higher level than you will even dream of doing xyl.
ive played et on a higher level than you will ever dream of
Meez on 13/09/08, 23:04:12 PM | Reply

ive played et on a higher level than you will ever dream of

meez i dont play ET anymore . i havent played ET in months ive quit. quit online gaming anything remotely actively. crossfire flame > *

going to uni in 2 days and having it fucking massive. when im raving it in all the clubs youl just be sat here like some egg trying to be cool by saying nerdy shit on the internet.

real life sports> online games
real life anything> online anything

meez wake up cause ur stil gunu be playing games everyday doing fuck all.
flame me back with some useless crap about how u have a life and u dont care. peace
there are hell alot of stupid people in the "real life" aswell, and u hang around with them. congrats!
o nono i dont lol. if ur refering to 'chavs' or the kinda people that think they run the school u have the wrong idea. just hang around with normal people :). incredidbly sporty person but got slightlylazy this summer on the competetive side. intend to d alot at uni.
mmm ok :) but it seems u value it alot to flame "nerds" on the internet, why do u care
passing time atm. since for the past week ive been forced to save money for uni. since its fucking expensive. + i wana go on the holidays each year and shit. thought a bit of random flame and excessive raving would pass the time and it worked fine.
mmm ye i like flaming guys sometimes aswell i have to admit :D
Quotereal life sports> online games

nobody gives a shit about either though, so it boils down to personal preference

obviously if you were professional athlete, people might care, same way if i was a professional video gamer people might care

and anyway, Go > chess > sports and gaming

and I know I don't have a life, problem is it doesn't really bother me right now, i sit around all day doing nothing anyway, whether I play any games that day or I don't - still sat around doing nothing
true it boils down to personal choice but just experance real life it is alot more rewarding than an e-life. winning a competition with hundreds of people watching you in real life is alot better than winning a competition in ET.
that pic u had like a few months ago with some dude sitting next to a tent at a festival or sumthing, was that u?
leeds festival 2007, yup :e
but u look pretty normal imo, tbh even cooler then most morons in the rl. how come u never go outside anymore or is it not that bad?
he has to look after the sweet piece of ass in the room next to his ;>
Share pictures of Meez's sister!
fuck facebook ;_;
I'd love to fuck something I've seen on facebook, does that count? xD
umm, thanks? im also disturbingly skinny somehow despite my habits, think i just have a lucky metabolism

well before summer 07 i was doing fine in real life, this last year has been terrible though, and all spring/summer i didnt leave the house except to see my therapist, now im back at college though

I know I have to sort out my problems to continue with college, because last year I did terribly, during my exams I was at times getting under 10 hours sleep per week, leaving the house was frightening and I sat my exams sweating in fear

im getting by, worst thing is just finding the motivation to actually want to be around other people, i drove myself into misanthropy and it's a hard train of thought to retract from

weird did something bad happen in your life to cause the change. i dont understand your last sentence that good (im not english:)), altough i think i understand it, my dad has something similair. but i hope ull get by,gl hf :) u really should try hard, your one of the nicer people around here in crossfire

btw listen to this i wanna know if u like it, and u have the time anyway:p
erm i accidentally gave u a completely wrong link :< dont listen to it!
u can listen to it here
wtf happend in ur life that made you be like that? even the death of a family member cant have that effect on people surely.

from reading that i seriously think you have agrophobia. and also the disease where you think everyone is out to get you and just you.
i hope u get over this before going to university. oherwise you shouldnt go to university cause if you cant stand being around people, at university all your ever around is people. which tbh is alot better since the more people the better imo. but in ur case the less people the better.

but wait a sec you refuse to socialise yet you spend all ur time on ur PC and you hack the game you play actively and loose all respect. now everyone thinks ur a hacker in the e world and noone likes u in the real world. i wouldnt be surprised if u killed urslef.
yeah i shouldn't have used that hack, i can say it was a bad decision

but anything i do in gaming will never really affect me... i dont get why you think that gaming is my world, i've never put effort into it and probably never will, the only time i played et actively was in 04/05, its just something to kill time, along with reading, music, movies, series, irc
but you said you havent gone out all summer much. if you dont go out then this summer gaming has been your world.
except... i haven't really played any games over summer... kinda hard for it to be my world
you are the wierdest person i have ever spoken to lol. rly.
wait, werent you just at some massive festival at leeds or something? im sure you wrote that in a game we played or on ettv or something?
yep, terrifying experience but worth it to see acts such as los campesinos, drugs make it bearable
i just fail to see how you can not like being around people. the only reason that could be is if you get bullied alot. since being with people is alot more fun than playing games. atleast the right people anyway.
its more of a fear than a dislike

and due to that ive had to learn to be ok without being around people
why a fear... do you have a diesease? people arent going to beat you up and abuse you 30 seconds after they meet u
started by panic attacks
rofl why? have you been diagnosed with some sort of problem? because having panick attacks from being around people there is something wrong. why cant u just be around people if you could before. :S it didnt just happen overnight
yes i know

Quotei didnt leave the house except to see my therapist

it was my gp that referred me there
whats wrong with playing some games (wouldnt consider that as beeing a nerd) ?! got train 6 times the week (wushu + fitness + gymnastic) and enough so called reallife friends ?! dont really get ur point sry
switching to real life, brb.
I can't believe some of you people here at Crossfire!
Is the only thing you care about what other people think of you?
Beeing respected, cool and to have a great status is the thing to reach for, right?

If you like to play computer games as a hobby, why can't you just stand for that?
And by posting a rant like yours xyl, who are you trying to convince, us or yourself?

If you can't care for the ones you love, or you can't be on time for your work or studies you should concider cutting down on your gaming.
But for the reason of beeing respected and having status among other idiots, I mean holy hell... How stupid are you?
nerds are put on this earth for our entertainment. i mean cmon more journals like this its reducing the amount of people we can abuse.

familyguy quote: 'i think retards were put on earth forour entertainment'

so stay nerdy it makes my life alot more fun. peace
With great power comes great responsibility!
U sound like my sister, always annoyed when im playing at my pc. Nothing wrong with playing alot aslong as its not the only thing in ur life. I myself am always obsessed with something, could be basketball for a month, or certain types of books or a game.
Or certain types or people.. like.. you know ;)


What gave me away? Was it the lube i send u for ur birthday? Or the security camera i planted next to ur window?
Call it a vargens intuition! ;)
Just wait for your birthday, I got a special surprise. A framed picture of me with my beard braded, boy oh boy you'll love it! <3
Ow boy ow boy, i cant wait!
I'll jump on Wakis "All in moderation". This goes for all aspects of life. Alcohol, socializing, gaming, food, studying. A fair ideal, but it doesn't work like that for everyone.

The problem of "nolifers" probably can't be addressed this way anyway. As with everything else it starts out cool and then at some point an evil circle starts. Note that very few people with a problem admits it, not even to themselves. When the gaming scene is the only place someone recieves approval, the only place you know people, the only place you feel comfortable, then it's a problem. You see no reason to do anything else, cause elsewhere you fail, online you succeed (it seems). This makes it's damn hard to admit the problem to oneself..
probably does apply for alot of people. reason people like each other is because they have something to give to the friendship. u dont like people who dont give anything to the friendship. these are the nerds. they dont do anything , they dont even try to make an effort to do something so they are foreever doomed. like at a party if they ever go to one all they do all evening is sit down and drink theyl never dance they wont interact with people just their group. its your own fault if you dont have a life. life is what you make it and ive made shit loads from it .

get out , join a sports club. join a school club. funny how even the geeks at school are liked by all the cool kids because their good at sport. being good at somethig gives you instant access to friendship.

care if somedays you stay in who doesnt. but staying in all day everyday just isnt healthy.
Great that you took the time out of your fantastic new found life to sit on the pc and write this amazing discovery down for all of us. THX!

i play more online games now than before i had a girl friend and was working 20-30hours a week/going to uni.

i just go out less on friday and saturday nights purely because i have no need/want.
pic of you and ur beauty girl then we can say our opinion >_____<
he isn't online atm ofcourse geeez what a noob.

he obviously "went to play basketball, record a dj shit and fuck her(his*) mega beauty girl and then mega party ofc"

kinda pathetic if you've just realised all this only now ... you can still play ET and not be a nerd. you care about the ppl not knowing the real you, just your personality? who the fuck cares, like you really need the acceptance of a gaming nerd community :p
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