this rly isnt funny anymore spree

Dear spree

after seeing this when i came home

image: 15ds6cz

i couldnt stop feeling stalked and herassed by you and your father, threatening me over the internet that me and/or my friends have to watch our back from now on. i really would appreciate if you stop being a total shithead and stop stalking me on my profile.

p.s. i have a friend who is in the marines that i informed about you, and gave him your info, expect chuck norris actions in your street soon, you better watch your back!!

image: chuck-norris-album2

this journal was sponsored by :
mkay :C

edit: first
agree. fuck this.
lol Spree :DDDD

<3 :D
1st of all: you deserve ban from crossfire
2nd of all: when did I threaten you again??

but ok, sudden hater, keep licking loekino's ass, your problem
ye but spree, dont you think your father over react on all this? :P

after all its internetz
my father is barely on the internet, logics that he reacts like this :/

I personally don't give a shit about their flaming on me, srsly cba to care, but I can understand that if you're not often on the internet and some random little nerd boy with too big lips and a fucked up face starts sending you messages like "kankeremo", you can overreact a bit. Not that I think he overreacts, I would laugh my ass off if loekino had to be in a policecell for one night, or had to do (dno the english word) taskpunishment, u know, just doing shit like picking up cans from the ground for a whole day as a punishment or smth.
pic of loekino pls :D
never seen him
threatening on the internets, now thats something only tough guy would do.
It's not about licking his ass for everyone. Some people just can't stand e-pussys like you. It's hard to resist on commenting on it because it's so hilarious. Grow some balls and stop this kiddie shit, you're just making it worse for yourself, same goes to your dad, how old is he ~50?

It's just ridiculous in my opinion.
me love you long time <3 finally someone that thinks the same like me and alot of others :)

To be honest I doubt there would be hardly any people thinking that Spree's actions are justified if it weren't for the biased opinions of those who either like him or don't like Loekino. How seriously emotionally hurt can you get by someone showing his dislikes about you on the internet. If someone can't take that then he's simply not ready for the internet but that's just my conclusion. All in all it's ridiculous and also he's not really doing himself a favor in showing this sort of weakness in an e-world full of flame and arrogance. In my opinion he's never gonna get through with it anyways and that's good because we can all enjoy this fail while it lasts.

I'll say it again, like I did already 500 times, I myself don't give a shit about flame. They can flame me all they want, I seriously can't be arsed to care. My dad is barely on the internet though, so I can fully understand his reaction since some ugly fatlip nerdboy retard kid he doesn't know starts posting things like "kankeremo" on his hyves..
well, threatening would be more appropriate :>
do you know how scared i am atm :( i dont even dare to go outside anymore man, i could get caught by corrupt cops lending their service to friends! how cruel is that!!!!
well, i see ur point and let me assure u my feelings are with u. be strong man!
u really have no idea what im going through man :((((((((

well, then ur only chance is convincing my chef to give me paid hollidays now n buy me some tickets to come n protect u :P
you live by any chance near berlin? then you can go together with my gf to amsterdam on friday ;PPPPP
exactly in berlin tbh, but this part still doesnt solve this vacation-problem :((
lol, i was in berlin a few weeks ago to visit her! but im sorry dont have money for tickets for you ;((( maybe we can work something out between the sheets? :D
hehe, sure would be possible, but since i switched jobs i cannot take hollidays for the next 6 months :( but if u'r here next time drop me a note! in case things get out of control there ill take my batmobile :P
hahahaha, thanks m8! would be fun to meet someone of the legendary c3u team, although mascot lives 5 km from me and ive never seen him irl =DDDDD
fun indeed, but i was in -fa- back then :>
omfg :< i always mix you and nexie up :((((( sorry m8!
not this shit again
dont you just get happy feelings when seeing these kinda spree journals? :D
god fuck you!!
why do i have to press on your fucking profile every time i see you write something!!!

fucking fanboi thingie and shit. i mean damn!
chucknorris > all
spree stalker :E
wats happened to his dad everybodys talking about?
check the link @ the end
I feel you homie!
lol why does noone like spree?
cause he is a cancermongol? :D

ps i laik your flag!
image: low618b9e6fbe4d452av9

is that rly spree?!?!?!:D:D:D:D:D

EDiT: if not, its still funny as hell to pretend its spree!
i heard rumors from junkies behind rotterdam central station that its really him!
everything behind rotterdam central station is a fake!!!!!11111shitENTERoo9
i got trustfull resources (99% of them are emo and cuts themselves)
aight, than i believe u!
you better, else i will sent the police over to you for stalking me!

o wait....
Waiting is overrated.
^^ wanna wait together?
Yes plz <3
np man ^^ <3
it was me when I was just growing my hair. made the pic myself btw (inculding that subtext n stuff) :) funny that ppl try to use it against me now while I made it myself
ow shit niggah, im gonna hide myself and stuff son!
oh the fucktard mongol is back, hello spree and fuck you =D!
ill be there with mazz/true 100% so np 4 me
i will party hard with you + maikel + loekino :XD !
I hope it's a joke
you hope that what is a joke?
every journal with my name in it and a comment about spree is epic ^^
this is definitely on top of my list of most absurd things i've come across on this website. i didnt expect to ever meet anyone online who's more retarded than spree is, but i have now... its his dad :S
his dad is spree's own alter-ego, his real dad is dead, died from cancer and mongiality
online only maikel!
you just made the best comment ever, i think im even gonna quote that one man :D
no fuk yoo!
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