bitchfight with yermans

Dear journal,

I am currently in an e-mail flamewar with a project partner for school. He's yerman and strives to live up to that title. Although he has absolutely no grounds to do so he decided to start attacking me through email and I have just now sent him an e-mail which will most likely put him to silence (I hope :D)

Does any of you dear readers have experience with annoying arrogant and smartassish german people and have tips for dealing with them?

thanks in advance (although i think my mail sort of did the job gnagna :D)

faithfully yours (and in great anticipation waiting for a reply-email :D)

QuoteHello Christian,

During today's IEN class we were grouped together for the next task. I dont know whether you can get the actual assignment off someone you know who lives close ? If not I'll copy it and send it by mail. I think the assignment is to be found on han sis as well though perhaps u can try i haven't checked yet.

I want to suggest either of us do 2 out of 4 SWOT parts (let's say I do strengths and opportunities and you do weaknesses and threats) and both of us make a list for those. If you disagree or if you have another suggestion how to start please let me know. if not I'll make sure to have my bit finished by sunday evening and mail it to you.

Have a nice weekend


QuoteHey Dirk,

back merged together again =))

At the moment I am at Frankfurt at an international symposium and I am terribly sorry that I was not able to attend the meeting. I ensure you that I will make up for that unconvenience. I have so far not had the time to read nor instruct myself. I will arrive at Arnhem late Sunday night and will start reading myself into the topic immediately. For that matter I would like to ask you to send me a short minute of the first discussion and its results so that I do have a direction of thought and if I do oppose to your plan I will certainly let you know - no offense - but otherwise I agree with you and I am looking forward to receiving your mail and work.

Late Sunday I will also check my schedule to see where there is room to meet and discuss. I assume Monday/Tuesday would be sensible in order to adjust before Friday.

Thanks for the planing in advance and I will tal to you on Sunday, maybe on Skype if you are available then (probably around 24h +- 1h I guess)



QuoteHey Dirk,

lets be honest for a second:

You havent met your own set deadlines
You have not responded to my mails - no contact at all
You have a past for being known to work that way

I hope you have a good reason to behave that way and I dont hope that it is something serious and that you are back on track soon. If so: Next time let your team mate know. Last time I thought we did work together quite decently and I was not able to tell others in school bad things about your behaviour when you were the topic. Well this picture has changed.
I am not going to try to fix that thing for you. You might want to reconsider your behaviour if you want to be perceived differently. It is unprofessional and shows little interest into me and the project.
Well your choice.

Id prefer working in a stable reliable environment in order not to waste my time. You dont provide that. As we need to hand in the same report or actually only one which goes for the both of us, I would like to ask you not to do anything anymore please. I will hand in the report for the both of us.
I will send you the report so that you are up to date.

Please let me know if that works for you as well.

Take care and get well soon

QuoteHello Christian,

I have just now read your e-mail and I am quite astounded by it's content I must say.

First of all, let's get this straight; when you say "my mails" are you referring to all the other mails I received from you after the one you sent me on saturday (none)?

Honestly, in your previous e-mail you say you will 1) read up on the assigment, 2) let me know whether you agree with my working plan and 3) see if there is any time on the schedule to meet up after the weekend. In all honestly, no I didnt send you my work on sunday evening and frankly I forgot you asked for a short summary of last friday's meeting and I am sorry for that but at the end of the day what good would it have done to send you all the work I did over the weekend if you hadn't even had time to read the assigment yet which I told you was to be found on HAN scholar.
Apart from sunday and yesterday afternoon I have hardly been behind my laptop and I have been very busy. I spent close to all my time off from work or school to read the article for IEN and work on the assignment so I hope you can understand my displeasure when reading the e-mail you sent me.
Just as yourself I dont like to work in an unstable environment either and if I remember correctly you were the one who didnt show up at friday's meeting and then you are the one who doesn't let me know he's back from wherever it was you were and have read up on the assignment.

As I didn't hear from you at all (you know I dont actually use skype so I was expecting an e-mail from you as soon as you were up to date on the assignment) I just kept working on it myself to make sure the work wouldn't pile up by the end of this week. You can find what I did in the attachment. I'd feel sorry if all the work I already did would be for nothing if you insist on doing it alone but if you really want to feel free and let me know and we'll meet again on friday.

Other than all that, I must say I was quite astonished about your comment on "my past". I'll be the first to admit I am not the most motivated student but I dont feel it's anyone else's business if I mess up my individual work and therefore my grades. When it comes to group based work however, I have always done my part and helped wherever I could.
As for the general infantile behaviour of people talking rubbish behind other people's backs I would have thought higher of you than to do the same. Last year I was smart enough to ignore all the negative comments about you from classmates too, I would have thought you intelligent enough to do the same. From your email it seems that you were disappointed to find out there was nothing bad to tell about me behind my back. I dearly hope I am wrong here.
Note that I do not actually care about anyone's perception of my attitude at school. Those who feel it necessary to talk badly of someone behind their backs are not worth considering to me at all in the first place. As for you trying to fix my reputation for me, I cannot help but to smile at that comment :S If you want I can compensate for all the costs you made last year while working as my personal PR person hrhr...

Like I said I have nothing against you and I would like to finish this thing properly together but let me know if you feel differently and you will take a lot of workload off of me. Also I would like to thank you for your concern when it comes to my health and/or personal affairs but I can assure you I am doing perfectly fine!

In case you do decide to consider the work I have already done, as you can see I have gathered as many strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as I could find and have done the prioritising for the strenghts. If there's anything you would add or think differently of feel free to alter or let me know.
Also if you still think you'd rather finish this assignment alone, feel free to use anything I sent you so that the work was not for nothing to some extend.



what was the fight about? :P
this project is a weekly thing. We get a new assignment which is meant as problem based learning every week in which we have to apply theory we are learning. All of these assignments are quite extensive and each report you come up with (in groups of 2) is graded.

every friday we discuss previous week's project and introduce the new one. these friday meetings are mandatory and very important. this guy (which i got put into a pair with last friday for this assignment) wasnt there on the meeting becasue he was at some important blabla in frankfurt so i mailed him on friday night with a proposal as to how to work out this report and how to devide tasks etc. so saturday night he sends me an email back saying he's in frankfurt and wont be back until sunday night late whilst the weekends after friday meetings are normally the periods during which most of the reports are prepared.
admittedly i said i would send the work i had done over the weekend on sunday evening but then he didnt get back to me at all when he was back from frankfurt and i havent heard anything at all from him meaning i didnt even know whether he was aware of the assignment. So i worked most of the assigment out this weekend and yesterday and then last night he suddenly sent me a mail flaming me etc and attacking me personally etc :D

rofl great project youre gonna have
use the nazi-card
never talk with germans, they are fucking retarded and arrogant !!
god, i hate those nazis.
true, they are all the same
what if its a german girl called mika :~<
pic related:
looks a bit russian!
her round head gave it away:D
she will always be my mika :~>
what if its a german girl guy called mika :~<
hellou mr. jew :DD
i went today to the best barber in my city :o)

i look fucking awsome hanso :DDD
hot hot hot :p
can i has a look at it? ;D
already took a shower :(
so no spikes :XD
but he is the best =D
i did a strong haircut ;p
the best :~>

brb calling a russian girl >:D
you forgot something behind the "muhaaha" xDD
i didnt :~<

100% agreed. Fuck those retards.
Cool story, care to give us the full email correspondence

Germany phatefully yours
how? :X i cant forward the emails to the entire crossfire member database i suppose? :P
copy and paste?
dutchies = germans

just in goldmember

west germanic ppl
dont haat germans!
"Who are you to judge me
And the life that I live?
I know that I'm not perfect
And that I don't claim to be.
So before you point your fingers,
Be sure your hands are clean."
niet haten, niet haten
Kill him. simple!
that's mean MEANIE!!
that's a no no no.
German smartass here. You can't beat us. You never will.
just use the word hurensohn multiple times, it'll solve all your problems.
What has the nationality to do with it?
nothing, had to come up with a journal title though didnt i
had to deal with smartassish Germany lumpi quite often, he had no chance though
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