Im wondering...

... what kind of frags u like at fragmovies...

-> Do you like 1 man frags? (3 hs luger or 3hs smg.. just because the enemy is known / skilled)
-> Do you like mg / flammer / mortar frags?
-> Do you like 3 man kills against known/skilled enemies even if there is only 2/3 hs?
-> Do you like spamm frags? ( 3 smg, 3 landmine + 1 nade for example..)
- multi frags with nice aiming/lotsa hs
- nice 1 man frags (when you get raped, turn around and ting-ting-ting)
- spamkills: 3+ nade/mine/arty/support/mg/panzer/flamer/...
- funny stuff

- opponent doesn't have to be known, when it's a good frag, it's a good frag!
\o/ nebuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
pandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa \o/ :D
only my cat is a nigga
no, there are more, i have seen them.
Im wondering...

- The hits I get while I got more than 30 warning points, do they still count?
- The buddies I added while having more than 30 warning points, do they still count?
- When will sol lose his adminpowers?
hmm i never had 95/100 :(
only made it to 80/100

but gratz aswell @ leet posting time
Wondering if you could get 99,9 warning points.

PS: I only made 2 dutch comments to get 95 warning points. Never received a simple warning either.
same, got like 30 + 30 + 20 from swine for flaming ugly people :P
45 & 50 here

fuckin cunt that sol
95 warnng points for speaking foreign language ? a big LOL
95 looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
-> Do you like 1 man frags? (3 hs luger or 3hs smg.. just because the enemy is known / skilled)
not if you are camping
-> Do you like mg / flammer / mortar frags?
5+ men mg, 3+ flammer, 3+ mortar
-> Do you like 3 man kills against known/skilled enemies even if there is only 2/3 hs?
-> Do you like spamm frags? ( 3 smg, 3 landmine + 1 nade for example..)
3 mortar (in one shot ofc) is good?
1 man mg (standing up, not proning) against shewie is nice?
3hs luger / smg in normal 1v1 (or 180ºc) is good?
I like when there's a part where you hear some 1 man kills with 3 headshots in it, not camp 3hs but just run/strafe 3 hs. Like in the bull got milked u got some parts and in some fragmovie from ganon or smth also? dunno anymore. And the movie of sacc and manki.
mortar frags are always welcome:D
the shewie frag isnt really great i guess
3hs luger with only 3 bullets > *
3hs smg frags with 180° are also nice imo :)
shewie frag is the awesome with mg
spam frags <3
nice rifle frags.
just watch yourself playin then (;
haha nice asslickin D: <3
you can say that in a nicer way:/
fast frags, killing sprees are boring
ye i agree.. but for example i have some 20/30 s frags with 6 man kills but its spamm frags (ofc it can look better with effects + skipping time)..
I played at "all" class's since i started playing et.. have rifle, mortar,flamer,mg , smg, fdop..eng...panzer.. frags :< kinda hard to mix them all in a movie i guess
fast frags, 5 man smg + 3 hs a kill ofc
• good 1-man frags (see mAx chapters 1&2)
• 3+ panzerfaust (med-long distance)
• riflefrags (rnades on long distance, 2+ hs with rifle)
• smg multifrags w/ lots of headshots
• 3+ support/artillery frags
• "last man standing" frags

although I couldn't care less about the frags if they don't fit with the music
mg42 one-man army, thats what people wanna see

(at least thats my only demo i still got cuz it was on my ftp gg!)
One of my 'best' frags is from taking out most of wm! and some other teams with my trusty MG42 \o/
Sniper frags
Sniper multikills
Sniping + jumping
Close range mortar
4+ MG kills
6 man arty
Fast frags, yawn to 4-7 killing spree shit
Lots of HS
I like 4+ smg frags @ known opponents, lots of spam frags (rifle, mines, arts nades supports panzers) and some funny stuff.

1man frags suck, mg/mortar suck, all boring stuff suck
it doesnt matter how many you kill, as long as its dynamic...

and 3 only body frags are the best you can show in any fragmovie
strikes (-5 min), panzers and 3hs luger/colt =D
I like:

- Fullpulls in 6on6
- Rg tricky frags where at least 2 die
- Sniper & mortar ownage the way Finland Vanhaomena does!
- Knife kills where at least 3 die on the knife
- Trickjump before panzer kill (hi2u Finland HardyRah)
- And everything else that doesn't happen in every match
xD <3 vanhaomena
I have lots of front-knife frags vs known enemies (shewie ganon butchji ferus and some others) but i dont have 2 or more knife in a row
flag runs!
mostly what people said, + i love to hear shoutcasting parts to the frags
I like them as long as they are interesting, don't care if it's against low- or high if there is something relatively special and interesting about it(ie. 180 turn and then 2-3 hs, random unexpected rifle shot, funny knife kills, no hs 3-4 man kill, frag while at 10 hp or less, pro doc run or flag cap etc.)

and I find multikills against opponents that are reviving each other dull and stupid
oh, and I dislike those "I kept my xhair in one spot and they just kept coming" frag
-> Do you like 1 man frags? (3 hs luger or 3hs smg.. just because the enemy is known / skilled) YES
-> Do you like mg / flammer / mortar frags? NO
-> Do you like 3 man kills against known/skilled enemies even if there is only 2/3 hs? YES
-> Do you like spamm frags? ( 3 smg, 3 landmine + 1 nade for example..) YES
I liked Apocalypse now
all the frags u will see in my fragmovie next week (propably) ;>

3-4 man sniper kill with lot of hs
3hs,180degree turn,2hs
3hs luger´s
3hs 3 shots smg frags
3kills with smg
some spam frags
some long frags (takeing out the whole team in 15 seks or smth)
and a fuckign nice flagcapture @supply :D (betetr than all sqzz avi´s together :P )

think u need rfom everything a bit..
a movie with only godlike hs only frags gets boring.. same as u only see spam kills.. everything is needed :)
any preview of your movie available?
ähm not rly.. i had some but i can´t find the link anymore and deleted them already. i got some little clip but its not with the real quality.. its just smth to show me some idea. If u still want it pm me ;)
sure i want :) send @pm
nice aimswitch killz with hs
anything like FRAGAREA movies (1,2 & 3)
3hs frags 1 man frags only for the intro or outro :]

mine/mortar/mg kills are the suckage!!

sprees are teh pwn or 3 man 9 hs kiLlZ!
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