Hearth song!

Oh my god i just found this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCd3hKncw7k
its so fucking awesome, its my hearth song for today!
discuss + spam allowed.. i will add random pic after shower(just returned form fitness :P)

image: 2jb5bt1
its not that random but it ownz :D
Go take a shower, you smell like shit.
Command completed!
it is in english imo.. :P
Yes, some aboriginal version of english
I dont care about big letters and interpunction..
its allright except that..
shit dont know why i cant copy paste link:< some probs with comp but
NP: ATB - ecstacy
Rolling stones - She's Rainbow
it rly own hard!
you found that song today? wtf
:) nice song, but yeah a bit old :P

try this: Louis XIV - Air Traffic Control
Rolling Stones has only one good song, "Paint It Black".
Rolling Stones = Legend

the rock is not my favorite music but we need to respect good musicians!

<3 electro, drumbass ,rap, sometimes rock , reggae <3
do you have last.fm? it seems you have totally same music taste like me except rap...
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