
is there any way to see where your rifle hits? maybe on your own lan server where you got all rights to adjust any setting? I'd prefer to have that demó rifle feature, tho i think thats only possible in replays :X

thanks in advance!
download riflecam
make a new et installation, download eth32 or some other bot... test them at a local server / demos.

-> never connect to a pb server
-> reboot your pc / use a diferent hdd or smth to make sure that pb doesnt scan your folder /memory (dunno if the pb stil scans like that.. )
nixcoders <--
I would like to try this to, but i dont find any bot for linux whos free :'< could u pm me a link? <3
+ shut down the pb processes like punkbstrB.exe and A
nice making up a excuse for your soon bust :DD
eth doesn't have a riflecam afaik!
ohh shit, busted :DDd
It does, and rc5 even has cool new additional features for it, including bouncing off walls etc.
Oh wait... :{
yup, eth rc5 (99% sure it was called that)
forgot the coder now :{
sure it has....before rc5
What agon said.

Cut off your internet, wait 5 mins, install the bot on a fresh installation without PB.
Make a server do your stuff bla bla, once you're done wipe any fucking trace of it, re-enable your internet connection, uninstall your 2nd ET installation.
U can just download a cheat from a random site, link it to your ET and then play on a non pb server, Just never put it in your etmain
will get detected, pb searches your whole PC
it doesn't it only seaches your ET folder now.
still, it lags for me like shit when I play Crysis Warhead with pnkbstrA & b
not anymore :)
no wonder why people call you a cheater...
some years ago i tried some nice rifletricks (e.g. oasis from spawn to north/southgun) ... after i got the coordinates and stuff i wrote a script for me...bad that scripts like moveup and stuff got disallowed ;D owned like hell if dyna was planted..

ok now to the point how i tested it:

install et on a second pc/laptop - create a server and walk with this player to your favorite place (where the riflenade should hit the ground :D

now enter the same server with your normal pc and start shooting (displays of both pcs should be in your rl field of view ;D) ... if the riflenade kills the guy you got it!

u and rifle .. noway!
serious rifle=no

fun rifle=yes ;DD

hi btw - ab nächste woche soll mein internetanschluss gehen ;D
play on the old patch [2.55] + older etpro and u got hitsounds on spam ;)
2x et @ r_fullscreen 0
practise practise practise :)

search a dude whos bored enough and train with him :)

Go to limbo menu and see the little screen down there where objective descriptions are. After shooting nade press l and see it landing.
* local server, noclip & cg_marktime @ high

* cheats

* buddy
you could try enabling wolfparticles (to see the explosion) and wallmarks (to see the black traces of the explosion on the walls) or you can simply watch your demos with the riflecam feature incorporated in etpro (can be accessed by the menu on the right of the screen while watching a demo)
ask some1 to help u...
10 Steps to become riflepro (safety version)

1.Download Riflecam
2.Copy it to your Usb-Stick
3.Delete the hax from your Pc
4.Visit your friend (dont ask your bro - could have some bad consequences)
5.Tell him that you want to show him something cool
6.Install the hax on his PC
7.Go on a server and train some Rifleshots
8.Go back home and train these trickshots
9.Open a Crossfireforumpost and ask for med+ clan which needs a rifle
10.Win EC
gonna try brb.
download nexus gold
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