Your worst job?

Due to the impeding recession, and the Israel Jewishness of banks United Kingdom I'm being forced to get a part-time job.

The jobs I've applied for are 'Part-Time Refreshment Assistant' and 'Part-time Student mentor'. I will be crap at both, and I'm hoping to sort something out before I'm forced to go for an interview. The student mentor position is actually well paid but doesn't have many hours. The other, well, you can already imagine how bad it's. :D

What's the worst job you've ever had to do?
I had to do nothing.. just sit there and earn money. it was boring as hell
wanker, i wish i could have that job
Only had one real job which was as a dishwasher at some shit restaurant where they treated me like shit. After 2 days he asked do you like this job? I said no it's just for the money. 4 times working later and I got fired for some shit reason :DDD
road labor
harbot labor

construction yard :xD

after putting a wunder-baum on the back of my Captain me and my brother in crime had the great honor in taking care of the latrines after every feild training exercise (army)
Dagisfröken <3
working for a drinks-shop

fuck me, that's a heavy job...
and it didn't pay well neither...
Second would be "Supply teacher"
worked in dorothy perkins when i was 15, no shit. I mean i suppose looking back at it i would liek the job now, but back then the last thing i wanted to do was hang up thongs in front of 50 people.
working for panasonic well so i thought untill they put me in a room with 50polish picking stickers of childrens books.
Worst job I have ever had, was cleaning at the butchery factory. The worst place I cleaned was the area below what they called the "intestine house", basically where they cleaned the intestines to use for saussages... and the "trash" went below that area :D
roflmao! now THAT is a crapjob!
Pretty much taken out of "Dirty Jobs - with Mike Rowe", yeah :)

I also cleaned this big vacuum thingy, which sucked all garbage from the processing areas to these blades, that cut everything up... this grounded stuff was then picked up by trucks.
gag reflex training , comes in handy when in your case you're sucking dick later on :(
Did you just call me a cawk-suckah?

Anywho, it gave me a valuable thing... I never get disgusted by smells or cleaning stuff :)
You win! lol
i think u win shittiest job. grats!
waiter/dishwasher as a part time when i was 14 =) opened my hand 3 times in 1 night one of it was bone deep and my finger turned blue after 1 day, and my hand started peeling pretty bad due to all the chemicals in the soap , quit after 1 week
giving tennislessons for 10€/hour
tennis lessons = hardly that bad right?
especially when u don't know how to play :D
Dinner lady in disguise, I imagine.
hmm worst job ever..
when I was working at some liquor factory (2weeks), I had to look at hundreds of bottles crossing by, to see if one is bad/broken etc, since the chance for that is like one in a million, I bored myself to death there, especially with the big clock behind me which made me look at the time every 5 mins.. it was nicely paid though, but nothx rly
how much did you get for 1 hour of looking :p?
I believe 15€ (netto) via interim, but since its boring they hardly find people to work there xD
it was Konings Drankencentrale (Zonhoven), same for Alva (in Alken), pays good but everyone leaves after a few months
I'd fucking sit around doing nothing for 15 bucks an hour.
you can't, and neither can you use an mp3 player or smth, since you need to be ALERT!! if something might happen..
so it's pretty much standing there and waiting for something to 'happen' :D
My absolutely worst job was a summer job in a construction company. I got assigned to project, where we needed to dig drains under already built terrace houses. The houses had had some mold issues, so new drains were needed to get rid of the excess moist below the floor. The ground was completely solid with potato-sized rocks everywhere, and you had to work in a space about one meter in height... Took us four weeks to dig the drains.

Now that was a shitty job. I never applied for any kind of construction work after that. :)
+1 about construction working
Only had one job. Over 4 years in a Hilton Hotel.

I mostly work in the bar, and a few weeks ago I had to clean the ice machine. Doing this, I came across shitloads of black stuff and what can only be described as jizz inside. It was fucking horrible.
haha yeh, had a simlar experience cleaning the bar fridges, only mine was smelly white sticky jizz. think it was a combo of millions of little fly shits and sugar fermented alcohol.
sorry u have to get a PART TIME job because of recession, what were u doing before that? :/

worst job: working in a fucking busy bar/club serving hot/orange tanned chicks/sluts and asshole chav guys, fucking exhausting with no breaks rly. also did some temp shitty manual labour jobs that were pretty bad.
He's a newswriter for SK-Gaming
it was a summer job, I had to pull/strain the new fiber glass cables over the tunnels on streets and along the roads.
sitting, waiting, changing money, waiting again for the next one to change money. Boring like hell. I had a PC there but was not allowed to use it.After a while i started to KNIT .. coz that was the only thing i was allowed to do...

10 hours per day/5 days per week. do you keep your head together :o
Knitting pwns!
In highschool I sat in the front row and knitted pink stuff in only the obviously boring classes purely for lulz :D
lol @ knitting :P
painting fences :S
Orderpicking. Lots of walking and carrying things for pretty much nothing at all. I worked there with friends though and just in the summer. All the regular staff are actual retards so we had good entertainment.
I worked at some place where we had to clean play grounds etc, and all the tares (the shitgrass whatever you call it?) :p

Worst experience in my life I'd say, workwise :>
Punching 10,000 plastic pockets by hand for a company that my mam works for, it was an order for champion sports so next time you see them little tags think of the hardship!
jobs are overated
Voulenteer(=no money!) toiletwasher at a festival is what sounds worst, but that was awesome tbh :P

Worst must be delivering papers. Normally OK, but not in January when they decide that "Yeah, NOW is a good time to have full distribution!" (AKA every house gets the paper even though they're not subscribing to it)
That meant 200 newspapers instead of 50, and try to balance that on your bike on icy norwegian roads in January when you're 14. I quit two weeks after that :P

I can't complain though :)
It's more like IcelandJewishness 8D
I was at lidl.

spreading "alpro soja-joghurts with peach flavor" dressed up as easter bunny last easter.
i dont like girls anyways
who the fuck are you?
cant be that bad :D
sounds hot ;)
made some arrays, really shit work, I got like 0.5e / array and I could make like 10 in an hour :D
club for young people interested in learning stuff about computers, boring as hell cos I hardly ever have people who come to learn
oh my fucking god

is NO ONE going to make the handjob joke here?

i'm possibly going to work for starbucks, like 20% or so... 15€/h
internetscout! was boring like hell!
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