joop hit a tree [NL]

today the famous Netherlandsjoop has finally got his drivers licence, he passed it in 1 time, now he is allowed to go on the road !!!!!!!!

be carefull joop i don't want to read your name in the newspaper beloved ET player Netherlandsjoop has crashed against a tree and died in his car

image: congratulations0an8

SO WATCH OUT @ CC5 NetherlandsJoop will come with his car!!!!
oh shit
isnt it "driving licence" ?
Nope. Not only, at least.
WP nigger
duidelijk dat je niet in mn auto mag rijden
gefeliciteerd he dikzak :> dat mag ook wel na 300 lessen
46 uur in totaal! :c
:P verspreid over 2 jaar?
14 maanden
very pro :DDD
Ja iedere keer 3 weken stops, of door mij of door hem. Was wel beetje jammer :c
rofl :D how stupid is that
das in Nederland zo , het is verplicht van me de rijschool te oefenen .

Gelukkig woon ik in België , want als ik daar ook nog eens tijd en geld moet aan besteden...

GL joop ;)
ow ok :) I followed 6 lessons in belgium and even the last 2hours of the 6 were too much (I practiced alot with my parents and I prefer that than paying too much to those schools)
I had the 20 hours, it's better tbh , you can drive alone during your "3 month trial" , have my definitive license for a year now
same as vila
2years now ... Driving alone is much better than ze parents ...
I have my license now since august. I think that 6hours of lessons are good enough to learn the basics etc.. After I did that I just drove alot with my parents :) But I dunno how your father would react when you almost hit a stake ("paal"). Mine had to laugh with it :D
i wish i had 20 hours of lessons , i passed my first theorethical ( w/e) exam ( 2 mistakes BAM ) 2.5 years ago , practiced a little with my parents but they never had time , couldn't do the practical , preliminary drivers license expired , had to do theoretical again ( 6 mistakes since i didn't learn ) 1.5 years later i just learned to park the fucking clio . Bus to school takes 1.5 hour longer than a car , so i rly want it but parents don't have time
that kinda sucks yeah :)
same here , only I have broken my arm and had to reschedule my practical driving exam :) but in Belgium the waiting period is minimum 2 months :/
valt wel mee tog?
1 les is tog 2 uur?
Ik had iedere week een uur. Alleen de laatste 15 uren waren van anderhalf. Moest dan in Utrecht rijden waar ik dus ook moest afrijden ...
ah ik woon vlakbij Utrecht :>
ga in mei ff snelcursus doen alsk 18 ben en hopelijk me havo diploma heb ;)
ey fu, i was suppose to make his journal... DIE
you slowpoke (K)
scared the crap out of me :<
haha, same.

Well done 1timedriverslicensejoop
watch out for your car joop,
mr.carfire EstoniadunZ will come to cc5 too.
joop is sexeh
car phayaaaaaaa
"accidentaly car accidents has started to increase highly in Netherlands NL"
Gefeliciteerd Joop
Nu hoef je niet met je fiets naar CC5 :DD
lekker joop! nu nog trouwen
leuk neuk

nie zuipen en rijen eh
congrats... plz dont hit me
lekker joop! nu nog trouwen
godverdomme nice wnb dutch skills kanker schaap...
Lekker joop4hs :)
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