Election Day 08- Mistakens Journey

Well, in America, things have been a bit busy today, I was out in a town about a 45 minute drive away, and I picked up a 9800 gfx card, and I went to drive home and got caught up in traffic for close to an hour and a half. Sorry about not showing up for the cast.
enjoy ur gfx card :)
Who did you vote for ?
I dont vote :D where I live it doesn't matter what side you vote for, democrats always win. :D I think America is screwed either way, but I think McCain would be the better choice.
why if McCain dies then its hillary or w.e. now that would suck
your pretty alone with your opinion ( here on cF ofc) !
All the news posts are reporting Obama in favour of winning right now {::::
please you can't have mccain just for the fact that sarah palin is such a backward mongoloid.

mind you any governmental system where religion plays a heavy part is doomed to failure.
iam at least not from the us but i would vote for mccain too ;-)

obama maybe symbolize "change" but important changes are not possible at the moment.

and please in congress the democrats are holding the majority and those polls are worse than those for president bush. its something like a tradition that during a recession there is a change in gouverment.
Yeah economy crisis + unemployment rates going higher, no need for change.
man ur in the know - mccain dont care about the crisis! o dear, my bad.

check up both campaigns.
haha nice editing your post :)

You said that important changes are not needed at the moment..
not needed = not possible? ahh kk. and i changed nothin except spelling mistakes.
zzz might be that I just misread :P Fucking tired so better go to sleep :) gn!
good night ;-)
you are joking to me, aren't you?
Postal voting ftw =D
Queues the length they've shown on the box over here just seems like gross-incompetence, someone should be accountable... and that's coming from a Brit who's national pleasure is to queue.
I don't see why more of 'em didn't vote early... :v
i dunno maybe they have jobs and stuff...
I thought some states had this as a public holiday?
Last I heard at least 34 states had early voting (some earlier than others), no source I'm afraid.
Would you trust those republican legislators?:x
About as far as I could throw their voting machines!
Don't worry, McCain still has that 1.1% chance of winning!
yeah yeti, and lets vote for someone who has been a senator for ONE TERM boy he knows alot about government.
Good point, let me go back to the polling station and see if I can switch my vote.
I bet McCain wins :/ i'm rooting for obama though, power to the people! :D
Ohio votes for Obama...seems like he will do it.

Time to sleep.
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