room checks!!

we have roomchecks every fortnight (or every 3 weeks i cant remember) @ university and last night my room was a complete mess, i mean a proper tip... this time around i had to impress because for the past 2 roomchecks ive failed miserably... the amount of stuff that id thought id lost after only being at university just under 2 months and then found this morning is fucking crazy. x2 mobile phone chargers, my friends blow-up ball, my 2nd pair of house keys, my nextdoor neighbours bluray casino royale (which is fucking immense btw) and i even found the banana under my bed that i lost like 4 weeks ago... didnt really want to eat it anymore surprisingly! set my alarm for 6.30 this morning considering roomcheck last time was at 9am, so got up, drank x2 JUICED relentless' (not the original or inferno - not a good idea for that time in a morning!) and got to work! first up was the bathroom - well, i had no bleach for the loo, and no gloves either... you guessed it, MANUAL SCRUBBING! a bit of mr muscle bathroom soon sorted out my toilet and sink! my sink was surprinsgly clean apart from the dried up gel that had settled infront of the mirror after dropping it trying to fix my hair in a hurry last night ;( anyway, check out my (relatively) tidy room!! only 4 minutes until the cleaner witches arrive! lets hope i pass otherwise its 3 fails in a row = WARNING!!! ;'(

np: Ministry of Sound - Tigerz Talkin - DJ Zinc "Maximum Bass Xtreme"

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is your university public or private? :O if it's public, that's pretty hardcore stuff for them to be doing roomchecks :<

EDIT: Times Tables made me lol :DDDDD
hull city :D
i like your times tables
im primary teaching!! helps me and the kids :D (me mainly ;()
roomchecks are always fun! nah not really :D lived in dorm for a whil, there was 3 of us in 1 room, we got a warning cause our fridge smelled like shit, cant remember what it was but something had been rotting in the fridge for like 2 months :D
kinda gay that they force you to clean up your room.
Well, it should be obvious to keep the room clean.

However, room checks are stupid, indeed.
Ewwww, Strongbow... :(
So do chicks dig your stuffed furby?
LoL, roomchecks :|
what happens with multiple warnings? you get kicked out? ;D
wtf, when I was there a bint came round every Wednesday and cleaned up..Even offered to iron my washing once "for a price"
time tables :D haha but it looks clean .. :D
you are allowed to have alcohol in dormitoty? that absolut looks nice, lest be friends!
Isn't that hard to keep your room tidy now is it?
that's one of the hardest things in life!
We get cleaners who come into our room once a week. How fortunate.
I failed one in halls when my room wasnt even that bad, they just came a day early for some reason, I had a few clothes about the floor. Now in my uni house atm my room is really bad.

thats just strange?!?
-1 strongbow
-1 hull
-1 untidy room
+1 times table

total score -2

hI mIkEy
My rooms have always been on the policy of "do whatever the hell you like while you're there, but when you move out make it spotless". I'm pretty good at the end-of-year megaclean!
Mr. Muscle > aLL.

It's also SoL's favourite cleaning agent.
luckily we don't have roomchecks here, or id be in jail now lal :D
today i woke up a bit too late.7:10 o'clock. then i was still tired so i went to sleep again. K at 7:12 i woke then up and went to my cupboard. There ive took out my new trousers from Etnies which ive bought last week in hannover. After going downstairs i took my bag and went to bathroom....washed my teeth ..styled my hair ...bibablub. After going out at 7:34 i had still some time untill school starts. so i ate my orange on my way to school. exactly at 7:41 i arrived and had luck that my teacher wasnt there yet. Then the next 2 hours i had my germanlesson..we taked about a german book called "Wiener Wald" or something...dnno..just read it at wikipedia.then we had break at 9:15. i nearly fell asleep but i had to go out said my teacher. then i bought myself a "fischbrötchen" at the cafeteria and went to my friends. we were watching some younger girls but they had all this emolook. violet jeans or pink pullovers...blabla...looked like bill kaulitz tbh. ah ye....later we stand next to the tabletennistables oO lol....there were some 10 years old bois...then suddenly the ball flew to a friend of me and the 10 years old boy wanted to beat him up cuz he didnt give him the i had math omfg...but it was pretty cool... our teacher bought some cakes and coffee and we had a chilllesson yay^^..some hours later i could go home...i went to the kitchen and oh noes..mommy didnt cook for me -.- so i took the chocolate and the orange jouce lul ^_^ im in front of my pc and write this senseless comment....and i hope this journal isnt deleted yet cuz im writing since like 10 minutes lol :D:D

that was my day
greetz razzazahaha
do you walk around and stare at your watch, or what's up with the precise times(7.12 / 7.34 etc etc.) :D
:D i looked at my mobilephone watch....always doing it when i wake up and go out of our house :P
So glad my uni isn't allowed to enter my room without permission. Only thing they can do is enter the living room, but I've already seen the landlord looming in through our garden window, gazing at our collection of bongs and waterpipes and not say a thing. Think I'm safe o/ . Plus what Adacore said, my room's a mess pretty much every day but the moving in and moving out day.
Nice ferbee on your pedestal cupboard
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