Fav Frag Movie?

What's your favo fragmovie?

Mine: Winghaven: Out Of The Way III :-D

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image: lolcat

Flame on :D
another fav frag movie post, geez!
Never seen another 1 yet :D
open your eyes then
yohooooooooooooo <3
Hoi Sergi <3
mmmm havent seen any good ones lately
An aimbotters fragmovie, they make incredible multikills!
A david blaine journal and a fav fragmovie journal. God your journals are original.
a Gold airstrikes
xbox or ps3 :(((((
Vegas blur
Need demo!@121@!2
your mouse binds? journal. God your journals are original.
stop with these kind of topic :|
It's boring guys...
Lettu´s fragmovies <3
power of speed
Winghaven - Second Nature definatly:) Just like the feel of it.
just wiesiek 2
and obviously lettu's (skilled) fragmovies
even after seeing that video for the hundredth time it still stuns me every time :O
its an epic moment for sure :D
the shoutcast makes it perfect :d
First big final I ever saw on ETTV Live :DDD
gonna watch it now again :P
send me the gtv link! :)
I don't know it:P
was 2 years ago:|
found this on youtube by luck..
im off now bb:D
gza 1st movie
mAx ch 1, 2, 3
shewie n ganon 2
winghaven ootw, 2nd nature
eSr movie
tsu nothing
reload et presentation
born to be lame
rtcw eurocup X
fugly 3
dignitas exposed
dignitas et presentation
Just back from the gym
the Bull Got Milked
kvetakes & blablabla

shitname, nice movie :)

+ esreal
winghaven's latest movie (3rd?)
eSrael, Lagging Revolution, Wrobel the movie, The Wolfenstein Killers Unmasked, sensy: expammed and WoW Presentation.
hoi fisker,

i like the wingheaven movies the most ;d but you prop saw them esspecially when you hear shoutcast and of ehmm.. lio and mesq that one is also good
hoi rick, alles goed?
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