I just love it

Today, I have looked at the old ET movie we can find on cF.
At the last page, we can find XyLoS - The movie

I already downloaded it before but I lost it.So, I downloaded it again and I had so much fun to watch it.
It's really an amazing movie, and no doubt, it's my favourite ETmovie.

image: XyLoS881366xas
Shewie Ganon mAx movies, they just are the best
I like souvenir by ganon too
butchji the movie feat mAus & wiesek coming soon.. =D
you're shitting me?
I've always wondered why there is this commenting part in the movies section, we could just do a journal every time we like a movie.
Just read.
Guyare making a journal because they didn't go to toilet during 1 week, so I share my life too.
thats not old
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