ET best "class" to start with

hey guys ive just installed Enemy territory and i got a small question what uis the most univeral class to learn play the game with ? im open for all suggestions
pls dont start QQ ing about noob and stuff i just wanna know :) thnx
turn your brain off, shouldn't be that hard, go medic, rambo, np
soldier with an mp40
Engineer so you learn to do the maps objectives... Overall Medic is the class to play & frag on but

Engi = objective
fieldop = spamm&damage
panzer = spawnkill&lameage
covert = only in special cases e.g. destroy commandpost
medic = you could be reviving the engi, but in public mostly a killermachine with superb aim and much health
covert = most fun imo :D
with sten and only 3 hs?
and namechanging to the same one as another player every few seconds?
yeah, most fun imo
no stupid, getting a suit and pushing opponents :D make them shoot because the get pissed of pushes so they shoot on you and kill you and watch their reaction, that's what i call enjoying :D or giving a fops who is giving ammo @ spawn a push throw satchel as thanks for ammo. and you thought giving 3hs.... well that's boring :<
Eim telling us about the World, today: Enemy Territory

Engi = objective
fieldop = spamm&damage
panzer = spawnkill&lameage
covert = only in special cases e.g. destroy commandpost
medic = you could be reviving the engi, but in public mostly a killermachine with superb aim and much health

thanks :)
i would start as engi with rifle... so u could get some easy kills , do the objectives and dont have the medic -ammo problem
thnx for the intel guys appreciate it will probably try out the medic seems like a cool class to play :p) with the seringe and shit :D
don't forget to say: 'fucking cunts, die of aids' when u die every time
+ Noobs, learn to play, get hittable polak
Engi imo :)
soldier mortar
engineer smg to learn how to play obj & frags
engi smg
covert with fg42
imo every good player playing any class should be able to play medic well too
what ever you do,remember to avoid poland! don't play with/against pole people,they are tards. :(
I would go for field ops or medic, as medic you don't have much ammo but you can heal urself. And as field ops you got a shitload of ammo :D but try not to teamkill to much with the airstikes
To learn the obj and stuff : engi smg is the best class.
Medic is the easiest class to play as you don't have to care about the obj.
Fops looks as medic but you have so many things like timing AS or FFE which are difficult in the beginning. You don't handle the fops when you only can frag with your smg :D
My first class was engi smg
play that secret 6th class
lol snorfiets
I started with fop. If anybody cares :/
dont listen to the noobs, go medic and learn positioning, learn to die and get hit as least as possible, learn to camp.. this way you will spend most time alive and training your aim.. do this:

hide behind a corner, use e and q to lean (learn lean properly they can see you if you do it wrong) if somebody is there just pop out and shoot him, if you feel you are gonna die hide behind the wall and quickly heal! (or put medpacks before you leave your corner) and jump out again to try to kill him.. put windows mouse acceleration off! use a sens like 20 cm for a 180 degree turn its best.. and get a cfg from a good player. in, ET strafing (your movement) is just as important as your aim.

spec some matches via to see how they do it (ip's are there) Clans Like TLR (aka BB), MAMUT, Overload, FF x-fi Replay Vae are the best
... more leaning noobs haha
you are 4 years too late
probably the first et related journal in years

thnx man nice post will keep it in mind
dont listen to him! he is a public player only!
lol plz noob
engi smg!
what version do you have btw
Go on a private server and Teamspeak/Ventrilo with someone who is experienced with the game and let him teach you!
arent you a pub hero only? did you ever play in a clan?
clans are for noobs, and I am teaching the man some very important things for somebody who wants to learn ET friends and you budge in with your big mouth -.- are you completely noobed ? engy? are you serious -.-? the guy prolly dont even know how to go into limbo menu
yeah idd its more essential to camp like a retard let teammates die and the objective omg whats that!! if you dont care about competive play and enjoy to play pub only ofc its not necessary but if he want to learn the game (and pub isnt the game neither 1v1) he should start learning the game by the basic and thats the fkn objective and he can learn it at its best by doing the objective as an engineer!!

but well you know it better with your 0 knowledge about the game! :D
lol so you think he should play wars first? plz not wasting my time on you anymore. learning the game by the basic is to learn aim movement etc.. not getting raped as en engy, laters m8 dont talk to me anymore plz
:DDD i never said he should play wars but he should definatly start playing objectiv!! the community doesnt need more brainless rambos! :D

"but if he want to learn the game (and pub isnt the game neither 1v1) he should start learning the game by the basic and thats the fkn objective "

he will just get raped before he gets to the obj(unless he has a lot of luck or plays on a real noob server) even if he would get the dyna what good does that do? it teaches you fuck all exept how to be a lame obj maker and on most skillled servers: how to get kicked very skillfully.. anyone can plant a dyna but to get there you have to aim good and move good;thats why those are called the basics.. and now read my advice to him again and you will understand the rest hopefully, if not.. GL in life
i cba to read your reply because i know its just bs!!

flamethrower imo
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