in fact the main reason i dont watch ettv is that people who aren't playing have enough time to talk to each other, which is generally a bad thing when youre 14 and dutch :}
omg winghaven replied to me ! :O omg i cant sleep now ! omg omg omg im going to tell my mom WINGHAVEN REPLIED TO MY COMMENT OMG!!! [/fanboyyime] mmm.. that sux hope you will have beter ping next time i see you on ettv !
I always had the feeling that vae were very bad playing, even on supply which they won. They had a quite good defence on supply but that was it. And BB wasn't even that good too.
in fact the main reason i dont watch ettv is that people who aren't playing have enough time to talk to each other, which is generally a bad thing when youre 14 and dutch :}
...all the defuses and vae still doing it