decems policy ?!

Players get banned for playing with busted cheaters.

What happens if I play with players that are banned for playing with busted cheaters? :X If they get banned too, whats up with players that play with banned for playing with banned players who played with busted players?
Kyrpää suuhun
Haha you are playing with smokeninja lol bans coming! Sniperscript nigganoob
If you say "busted" or "hax" you will be banned.

EDIT: Oh shit, well had a nice run, gg wp bb.

image: wanderleimayhem

Bunch of whining retards trying to look smart.
That guy in the background ;D
Do you really need someone to answer that 4 u?
Not at all
its a stupid fucking rule anyway, or you play competitive and don't get banned from cf/cb or you play with ur friend who has been busted or w/e
so what, that's like 3 years old now?
they are making us choose play with friends(assuming u have busted friends) / play offi's
once a cheater, always a cheater
cb policy regarding cheaters is nice
he's right, so what?!
who cares
Its nothing new. If you recall when kenta got busted a week later he got recruited into a team, so we banned the whole team.
Example: We have 4 players.

Player A: busted for cheating
Player B: Plays with Player A. (ergo. banned)
Player C: Plays with Player B
Player D: WoW (retard)

Whats up with Player C?
That's one of the most hyped busts in time. I for one don't know all cheaters by name and so if I play with someone I don't know got busted and get banned for that is bullshit. It's now obligatory to do a check up with everyone you play?
If you join a Team you look that there arent players like HUNTA or KENTA in it, if they spoof and name fake you wont get banned.
Not talking about obvious known cheaters, I'm talking about 90% of the random unknown cheaters I've never heard of and thus can't identify as a cheater.
you just will get banned when its prooven that you've knew he was hacking which is nearly not possible.
Knowingly being the key word.
Ok good. Good rule then.
and how can someone jugde if someone knew its a eX-cheater?
keywordS being knowingly plus CURRENTLY banned on CB/CF, cuz otherwise we wouldn't see a few admins for 3 months.
ofc currently goes without saying... you're overly aggressive today :O)

CB doesn't ban for things 2 years old either ^^
nah, I'm just tired of punishing the wrong ppl. It's no use to punish the friends of someone who hacked on a pub once or twice. Ofcourse there are clear cut cases where ppl got accused, teammates defending them, player gets busted, teammates still playing with them etc. but when it comes to a stupid pub-bust I just don't see what that has to do with competition. I'm not saying ppl being caught cheating on a pub don't deserve some kind of punishment but it shouldn't be from CB or CF in my opinion. To me that's like the belgian police punishing a german guy for smoking a joint in holland. It has nothing to do with them.
dumb rule, btw why u banned vis?
Can I still play with Hype?

": D"
Can I still play with teamportugal?

": - D"
Fucking idiots...

Great rule imo
There is a difference between playing with a cheater (like kenta) and playing with a banned person (like Smokeninja :D) .. You won't get banned because of playing with a banned person afaik..
what happens if you dont know that they cheated and play with them?
or if they arnt banned anymore and your squadleader gives him a 2nd chance ....and 1 week later he gets busted.

whats then?
i was banned 3 years ago. can i play with others ?
u are like aids

ur fucked up and can fuck others up if u play with them.
so we have to prevent ourselve from you with a condom (punkbuster)
if you want to know who is infected then you have to ask your doctor (killerboi)
he will check if you have aids or not. if you have aids, you will get killed (crossfire+cb ban)
u transfer virus into me. Fucking girl! Next time ofc we use condom.
ur the virus cuz ur busted
give me proofs
vjt on 19/11/08, 14:09:30 PM | Reply

i was banned 3 years ago. can i play with others ?

selfbust xd
i supposed :D
if the bust is 3 years old.. we have to consider it!?!
ask the doctor
haha nice comparing aids with this whole situation, but actually it's just the same!
Quote by CheatingCrossfire does not welcome cheaters and will double any ban length given by Clanbase, that ban will include site activity and Crossfire tournament activity be that online or off. Crossfire will on occasion bust players off our evidence and accord, this will be met with an instant 12 month ban from the site and its tournaments.
Crossfire will proactively seek to out and ban those who are playing with current cheaters, i.e. Cheaters currently serving a ban (that is a Clanbase ban, not Crossfire) or those who common sense dictate are blatantly cheating and either poised to be banned or have been banned under another nickname. This does not include any retrospective activity (i.e. someone you played with a year ago who was busted) nor does it include playing with people who have served their ban. Such actions will be met with first a 3 month site & tournament ban and if repeated a 12 month ban. Each case is subjective, though general precident can be found in the FF & Gnajda case.
i see a lot braindead idiots...for example players like kenta and gnajda were so fucking obvious and their clanmates just kept playing with them -> BAN,which is great
fuck decem, even if he is skilled flamer
what happens to ppl who did more than playing with them? :o
which cheater did u fuck :o
Castrated, or as in your case total removal of your ovary.
Genital mutilation be more apt.
That's just cruel :(
ooooooooh noez.. but we want kids one day!!!
Should've thought of that before you went to bed with a cheater!
pls forgive me all my bads... shame on me. but i wont stop..:! muhahahaha :DDd
Bye bye ovaries!
u wont find me and i will run away at cdc :Pppp
I will find you and perform surgery on you! Just have to find out who will be my scrub nurse :D!
He was busted 2 years ago. so no.

but if he is doing 180 degree turns/snapping/headshots....
can i still play with azatej?

": D"
can i still play with euruz?

": D"
if you play with euruz they wont ban you, they will just rename you again
image: b59a72d2956b
just so you know, its not my policy, it has existed for longer period. the thing is, it can be only used when you are certain that the players know they are playing with a busted cheater. let me give you an example.

1) a team gets a merc. the merc is busted cheater serving a cb ban for cheating. the team doesnt know about this. they play a match and after the match they find out their merc was cheating.

2) a team gets a merc. the merc is busted cheater serving a cb ban for cheating. the team doesnt know about this but their opponent notifies them about it. the team takes no action and keeps on playing with him.

3) a team gets a merc. the merc is busted cheater serving a cb ban for cheating. the team knows about it ignores every commentary given regarding the player. the team takes no action and keeps on playing with him.

1. The team played with a cheater, but not knowingly (or even if it was knowingly, theres no proof of that)
2. the team played with a cheater knowingly.
3. the team played with a cheater knowingly.

these situations might happen rarely, but whenever they do and when we can be certain that playing with the cheater has been intentional, we will take action.
even on random matches like pracs and funwars? bullshit?
how come? you want to play with cheaters or you want people to play with cheaters against you?
well tbh i cant care less playing against cheaters "anymore" ! but i do care waiting for the opponent to get a clean merc which will take ages! :D

almost every random med+ team got a cheater in it busted or still under cover so its pointless imho if you just want to paly for fun and not waiting for hours!
You're dumb...
Hes right ...
mmh any explanation?
Here's your explanation in your own words, idiot.
" well tbh i cant care less playing against cheaters "anymore" "
If you can't understand your own writing, don't ask me to explain the idiocy in that (your) statement.
yeah i am honestly sorry that i have to face cheaters every day and i cant care anymore!! its really a cruel but i cant help me anymore :(
mmm, i remember pm'ing sol about some fags playing with busted cheaters. They asked me to merc, i joined their vent and saw it was one big cheaterparty. I pm'd sol about this, and he replied he would never take action unless the game they were playing was an official, as he only would kick ppl playing in the same team.

Anyway, nice to hear crossfire taking action. Next time some tard like schranz or hunta invites me to play with them ill give you their vent ip etc and you can ban all their nicknames.

fuck, ment to reply to decem
#2 is weird
but in #3, how can you prove that they know about it? I understand that you can probably check demos/logs for #2, but what about the last one?
can i still play with chaplja?

": ~ D"
good question :D
yeah because he isnt doing 180 turns with hs snaps :DDDDDDDDD
but he throws amazing nades and can see through walls
image: v2vk9w
how about playas who cheated their gf?

oh damn then we cant play with you anymore :D
im a faithful man!
naise lies!
schallo hatzi :D
huhu schnuckie ;)
sup?! <3
paly paly the inactives together tonite.. maybe?!
yöööööööö...bin zuhause..komm dann irc :)
ja ich back jetzt erstma brot ;)
und daaaaaaann ausse rich schlafe ein
blame the parents ...
QuoteWhat happens if I play with players that are banned for playing with busted cheaters? :X If they get banned too, whats up with players that play with banned for playing with banned players who played with busted players?

haha :D

GREAT RULE BTW! (no sarcasm)
Oh noes, I can get banned from xfire.
Just make a new account, problem solved.
QuoteWhat happens if I play with players that are banned for playing with busted cheaters? :X If they get banned too, whats up with players that play with banned for playing with banned players who played with busted players?

What happens now? Nothing, whole et community will be banned !
srsly ... did you understand the 2nd sentence? :D

I dont :Y

hi btw :)
yo,hi,still want to marry with me? xD
well,i understood :D
Hrhr ofc :D you're the one and only^^
thats the fucking point, if its unclear, no action will be taken.

and with the edit it seems even more funnier.
it's the end of the world as we know it
Hi Meez, oh...
i heard perfo was playing ps2 with his brother.

ban perfo plz!
no more paly with maikel then -_-
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