Wich mouse with razer destructor?

hey, i'm looking for a new mouse.
I have a razer destructor and i have arround 80 euros.
what's the better mouse for aim and track?

EDIT : Btw the mouse is only for RTCW:ET :)
EDIT2 : what do u think about g5? this one hv a drivers with ax x & y ? like on razer ?
netcoders x500 - best for tracking
witch hunt
e: wich hunt

pls stop be lames...
mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 for the last time.....mx518
a razer again ofc
mx518 ofc..but imo any mouse aint worth that much money
actually the DA sensor is better than the MX518, but whatever, most important part of a mouse is its feel

basically, you have the following to choose from:

any 3g razer mouse, WMO, IME, IE, mx518, mx500, mx300 (and possibly that ikari mouse but I don't know anything about it)

MS mice are probably the most popular, followed by razer followed by logitech.
DA made random jumps/stops quite often, mx518 never did (had old version and now the new version). so how exactly it is better, eh?
Meez bought one, thats how.
higher limit of linear tracking
higher malfunction speed

the DA hardware wins hands down, but whatever, the most important part of a mouse is the shape/feel - hence why WMO/IME are generally prefered
That's the DA compared to the old mx518.
The 518 refresh prolly has more or less the same sensor as the DA
bullshit :)
sujoy's review was too synthetic, attached to the conditions he made.
Dunno at which DPI he tested mx518, but at 400dpi and on a few pads(basically i found only 2: Everglide Titan & Qpad CT) it's perfect control speed is OVER 4 m/s and mailfunction speed is fucking over 4.8 m/s, both are fucking unreacheable, while DA@450dpi is probably usable up to 2.5m/s or so, coz malfunction speed its totally unpredictable
DA is an awesome mouse(shape close to 3.0, awesome tracking, stable 1000hz), but the bug that it performs much worse at lower DPI settings doesnt rly make it's sensor best ;[

e: will probably test em both much closer in the evening if you need correct numbers
statistically, DA > MX500 > MX518

but thats not important, see what I wrote to Trevize.
mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 mx518 for the last time.....mx518
deathadder je l'ai et je la trouve pas top top, elle est trop précise, sinon lachesis que tu avais avant je crois ou mx518 mais tu retourne vers de plus vieilles souris bien, d'ailleurs, mais dans le phénomène de mode. Gl !
ps: etant donné que pour ET la meilleur dpi est 400 - 800 tu as pas tellement le choix :D
razer deathadder : 450 - 900 -1800
diamondback, best of razer and doesnt cost too much.
genius navigator 535
yay someone replied, was testing a feature :X
Razer Krait
deathadder ofc
image: 006

Razer Death Adder
deathadder obviously
any Trust mouse is awesome
g5 / lachesis
mx518. 43.50 EUro. GG
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