iPhone doesnt get British accent

This is a translation of an article I read yesterday in a Dutch newspaper:

Apparantly, the new program of the iPhone that should recognise voice commands, is not working correctly. The program should be able to google by given the right commands.

However, people with British accent and then especially a Scottish and Welsh accent, have major problems.
When spoken to the program in a Scottish accent issuing to search for "iPhone" the prog returns query's as : "Einstein", "sex" and "home alone".

With a Welsh accent it's even worse. According to the article it returns with query's for pineapple and kitchenblocks..lmfao.

Google responded saying the prog is only 100% perfect for people that speak American-English.
It works fine but yes, bad luck! :P
so which accents it accepts? ? how about IRISH accent ? or polish :D we sound a bit like americans once we master english :)
It recognized North American English best. :D

Quoting the google app on my iPhone:
"Voice Search only works in English, and works best for North American English accents."
north america ...they didn't mean Canada right? because it's also america .
Or did they mean North USA ?
friend has an iphone i must try it out!
100% perfect

Heh. Right.
btw, is it worth buying iPhone for 0.25 euro ?

cause I need to choose new phone, but on the other hand I'd rather take nokia n95 8[
N95 if you want to have a kick-ass photo and video camera and Symbian support.
iPhone if you want a sweet gadget with lots of cool tools. The camera isn't really good, but good enough for blogging and such.

Both have GPS, 3G/EDGE, but N95 is more of a phone/PDA than the iPhone, which is pretty much an expanded iPod Touch with some sweet additional PDA functions. Which ofcourse is nice, but you gotta like it.

Also you need to like the touch screen. If you don't like cleaning the screen, or just want physical buttons, you could also try the later HTC phones.

Internet on iPhone just rules. :-) The Safari browser is super correct in displaying CSS as close as possible for mobile.

Also the iPhone is really big compared to most phones, which is a reason for some people to leave it for the N95.

That's my view. :-)
Thx for opinion :-)

And what about this touch screen? Is it long-life gadget? Because I've heard that it breaks down after a short period of time.
No, it doesn't break quickly. It gets dirty quickly though! The thing is, the touch screen only works through electricity, which is conducted via your fingers. A generic stylus wouldn't work. For that reason, you can buy a protective cover for the screen and it will still work 100%, and stand less chance on breaking.
If you get it ensured, in most countries, you can get it replaced within 4 hours and you could then just synchronize it to your iTunes and you would still have all your contacts, notes, songs, video's, anything. N95 also offers nice synchronization, but not the way Apple did it with iPhone.

File management on iPhone is worse though, in my opinion, you can only manage files through SSH and not via your USB cable. At least, not usually. Even for SSH it's tricky, because you would have to use a hacked firmware to run illegal software. When your iPhone breaks, and the firmware isn't restored to the one provided by Apple, you lose warranty, they won't help anyone with different firmware than their own, obviously. N95 can run unsigned programs (read: similar to illegal software, but not much illegal) with some trouble on the client-side. But when you find out how this works in practice, it all goes fine. I don't think Nokia makes a problem of this.
If you could be so kind and write me one more thing: what about music quality in N95? Cause I suppose it's pretty awesome in iPhone.

I really appreciate your help btw.
How do I put it.. I plugged in the earphones and when I started listening suddenly I heard things I haven't heard before. That was weird! I think it's the earphones, or the iPod equalizer being cool, hehe! The music library is sweet on the iPhone, that's for sure. A lot of fun just messing with that in your free time :P Some songs are joined together on some albums, like uninterrupted transitions, iPhone handles this perfectly, I think N95 doesn't do this too well, like most phones.

Having said that, I've looked at a lot of stuff on the N95, but I forgot to listen to music. D'oh!
Ok, that's all thank you very much! So from what you wrote, iPhone isn't that bad option :D

To thank you for the effort: http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=KBDqKYQhJBA

I know you won't understand half of the words but this beat is so sweeeet :D
That reminds me.. YouTube on iPhone is total win. It downloads the stream as MP4, like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBDqKYQhJBA&fmt=18 so you get high quality audio and video. Sweet, huh? :P
Oh yes, I think that now I know what to pick :P
If i'm not wrong you have to sign for yourself the programs...So you need a 'cer+key' files to do this or break the symbian OS and use a generally cer+key files...Easer then Iphone jailbreak but this is illegal too;)
You are right, but I meant you can run the programs without getting them signed first, you'd have to do it yourself. What my point was in that little post was that if the phone eventually breaks, the warranty doesn't go void when you sign a program yourself, but if you mess with the firmware, it's a different case, because that's pretty much your operating system hacked. :P
are you saying the N95 is less of a brick than the iPhone? o.0
LOL, no way, the N95 is definitely bigger in depth, but some people don't like the big screen for some reason, so they chose for a smaller screen, like the N95. :P
any phone is worth buying for 0.25 euro...
rhis is true, but you know, if I have a choice beetween few phones for that prize, the questions arise :D
If you go for the N95 go for the 8GB, the normal one has a lot of problem.

The main problem is overheating, which can be fixed but you need to send ur phone for repair. The 8GB has less problems, the only big problem is that the memory gets corrupted pretty fast and your phone will be slow, but a format does the job here.

And the camera on the n95 isn't that special, it says 5 mp, but mega pixels aint all. The picture you can take with it look like a cheap 3.2 mp camera.

I work at a repair center and just don't buy the normal N95! If you really want buy the 8GB.

And I don't know much about the iPhone, only that the newest firmware is pretty fine and apple is ripping you off big time.
Ok, if you say so I believe you, but anyway I'm closer to buy iPhone because I like gadgets and nice mp3 quality mmm :d
Well I don't really liek apples, but 90% of the phones are better as the newer nokia phones.

N73 = ok
N76 = ok
N85 = fail
N95 = fail
N95 8gb = fine
N96 = epic fail

You might take a look at the Sony Ericsson Xperia X1, it's a realy nice phone. It's fabricated by HTC and just wears the SE label.
n81 8gb is fine muh muh
well I guess they fixed the errors from the original version just like they did with the n95.

never had to repair a n81 so I didn't put it on my list. I mostly repair N95 + N95 8gb.
I'll give it a look, thanks.
They are loads of different English accents in England though, does it not recognise any of them?
It does recognize English in general, according to Google, but it works best with North American English.
This is lol...
Cunt phone
regional scum
southerners are fucked from the start then..soon as they speak the thing will take em to gay porn sites!
just get the lg voyager
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