need game advice
23 Nov 2008, 02:53
as topic says..
i need advice for a game to play and it should work well on a shitty computer and kinda bad connection (got 250 ping and 30-40 fps in et) so maybe it must be an mmorpg game, anyways gimme some advice thx :)
i need advice for a game to play and it should work well on a shitty computer and kinda bad connection (got 250 ping and 30-40 fps in et) so maybe it must be an mmorpg game, anyways gimme some advice thx :)
guildwars could be an option tho, u dont need to pay every month right?
ps. I also have the game :p but atm not playing it.
85 e for a fkin old game fu fu fu ncsoft.
GW is fun with friends
e: silkroad :dDDDDDDDDD