have you ever ..

well Netherlandskiewan & Germanyrise are having abit of a lovers tiff.

and that made me think (yes it happens) have you even been annoyed with someone on the interwbz ?

and why?
A guy who is 2 faced, he gave me shit with his e-friends, but when he got onto Vent he was nice as pie.
I know, he was a cool guy also, he got too wrapped up in this "I know a high skill player so I need to suck his balls".

He is cool with me and I'm cool with him, we kissed and made up.
and they live happily ever after.
No, we then had sex, spent a week on our honey moon. I then seen some sexy man in speedo'z and shagged him. We split up, he was shagging our clan leader anyway.
We then got back together.
and they live happily ever after.
abort and zeto
well a friend of mine (a girl).

when i chat with her via internetz she never uses "." or "!" or "?" which really pisses me off.

also when i explain something to her she never gets it and seems to be dumb like a piece of shit to me.

because i am sick at the moment i got such a "disease status symbol" in icq...she asked me today: "werent you at work" (<- without "?" ofc which pissed me off again) and i said "no, how should i go to work when i am sick?"

also another friend of mine (this time a boy) chats with me in icq.

he writes me smth while im afk for like only 5 minutes...and he picks his telephone and calls me which is very annoying.

this guy keeps calling me 5 times per day which just brings me to freak out again and again. :(
Haha, good stuff! I know people like that aswell. I have this person on my MSN which doesn't properly understand when and how to use questionmarks, how that now can be possible you might ask!

Anyways, everytime I write her a question she always gives me an answer, and a questionmark after it.

Hello, how are you?
-I'm sad?

I try to tell her that she cannot use a questionmark unless she actually asks a question, doesn't work. Sometimes I try to be a little sneaky and say something like: "How could I know how you feel?" but that never works, since she doesn't understand it.

However, It's highly annoying!
With you? YES PLIX!
rofl, I know some of these people too. they're "ok" irl but on the internet they're dumb as fuck. it's annoying aswell when people use like 3000 question marks and can't wait for an answer. example:
"how are you today???????????
are you fine??????
hello????? why aren't you answering?????"
Ye, but inet fucking sucks at being angry at someone, for you can't grab his throat.
i'm annoyed @ reading journals of attentionwhores again and again...
Example : Hi , me is 29 years old female, being somehow...mentally retarded and Me is caring about little kids on gaming communitieZ.
And ofc me is sending naked pics to nolife gamer-pros I "trust", because he was sooo "naic" to me

Guess who: <
Some people have driven me into fits of rage with their stupidity, but never intentionally made me angry.
me, NetherlandssAntje, Netherlandseager and Netherlandsoverboost are lovers.
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Your comment has been deleted! Crossfire 25 Nov 08, 23:57
Your comment has been deleted! Crossfire 25 Nov 08, 23:57
Your comment has been deleted! Crossfire 25 Nov 08, 23:57
Your comment has been deleted! Crossfire 25 Nov 08, 23:56
Your comment has been deleted! Crossfire 25 Nov 08, 23:56
Your comment has been deleted! Crossfire 25 Nov 08, 23:56
Your comment has been deleted! Crossfire 25 Nov 08, 23:56
sol gave you an official warning! Crossfire 25 Nov 08, 23:56

im not allowed to spam but he spams my inbox --'
I also got an official warning :~<
aren't you afraid of sol =/ ?
attention whore :XD
will probably delete it at 6am when sol is waking up :P
Some people have driven me into fits of rage with their stupidity, but never intentionally made me angry.
Status: BANNED
Warning Level: 100 / 100

I wired money to this Ethiopian guy because he was in big trouble with ninjas kidnapping his family. He promised to pay me back 200%, but he doesn´t answer to my e-mails anymore.

This happened in early 2007, do you think he is ok? Or did ninjas get him too, I am so worried.
u cant defend yourself from ninjas with money, hes probably dead
I got uberpissed once, when some grown up, not particulary stupid, dead serious guy claimed that Africa goes to hell without european influence during the Kenya election unrest (I was there then).
some (a lot of) ET players are just way too fucking stupid, but apart from that i don't know any problems, i'm a good boy :)
most of humans are just fucking stupid, SLAVES OF THE SOCIETY!
Don't worry, Nibiru will kill humanity 2012!
sorry cant talk right now, gotta go and build new basement, brb
build a basement :O now thats some talent :)
he is working on his survival place for 2012!
i think christa and darky were having a thing back in the days
Anonymous Hype took over my channel once :(
Just sol.
i fucking hate girls that starting a conversation the second that you come online, and then only say ask how you are doing and then nothing!
- hey!
- hello!
- how are you?
- fine thanks!, how are you?
- good.
- nice to hear. so whats up?
- ...
same!! So fucking annoying
try making the conversation go further by yourself
ye that is what i do when someone askes me that after i havnt seen or spoken to that girl or guy in a while. but some of these girls ask me the same fucking thing every day! sometimes even 2 or 3 times... like after i have done the dishes or something... fucking ennoying...
YES! the question is, why the fuck would someone start a conversation if he/she has nothing to say? I'll always be a mystery.
exactly! that is why i am so fucking happy that they invented the "appear Offline" function! :D
banned...thank fuck, you are an annoying little turd..
Status: BANNED
Warning Level: 100 / 100

few people due to their stupidity, but mostly its just a laugh on their expense (hi kamz)
mirage & qate & lesti :$
most et players =(
yes, stupid people
yes, espion is a fucking slave but i (L) him
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