he was indoor only ( cause i lived in the 3th floor ) , but since i moved he is always meeting some other cats during the night if the weather isnt too bad and is sleeping all day then cause he is exausted =D
nice bs :P cat's are the most selfish bitchs i ever had, i had a cat, and he was so freaking evil, my god
my dog atm is sooooo cute, and such an angel :D when i'm sick he always jumps on my bad and grumbles next to me so i feel warm
<3 him
</3 my old cat..god he was so evil
everytime i buy new shoes or get some pack i give him the box to play with it :p
and the 2 new catz:
my dog atm is sooooo cute, and such an angel :D when i'm sick he always jumps on my bad and grumbles next to me so i feel warm
<3 him
</3 my old cat..god he was so evil
schnee wanted it!
Nice plush
He really looks like he would stare at you when mating :{
king of the hill:
retardcat is retarded
I own 3 cats (or better to say: they own me xD)
pix @ profile
cute, who stole it? :<