what is skill?

We can read everyday that people are med+. What it means? Player has med+ aim and med+ gamesense? Or medskill has low+ aim but high gamesense?
What you think what makes people skilled?

random image:

image: hehe%20look%20at%20this%20mom%5E%5E
btw, +1 for top;)
Mikä sua vaivaa, joka päivä pitää tehä jtn random journaleita, eikö sulla ole elämää. nerd
en alennu vastaamaan
turpakii sammakko! =)
moro drowsi :) mitäs w3sti miehelle kuuluu? :D
eihä täs ketää.. mitäs itelles? :)
eihä tässä kait sen kummempaa :)
common sense, game sense, general knowledge of the map and its camping spots, teamplay and ethics, communication, concentration, movement? then aim comes last lol
This journal is low+ skilled. I hope u understand it now???
ET is all about aiming and raging players with 3vs1, mAus is good at backrape, butchji is nice at aiming vs 1on1.

True dat.

There is no skill in ET anymore :/
real professional here
QuotemAus is good at backrape

image: facepalm
He's right though.
He's not wrong though.
You're a douche.
why iz game ?
Intesting question. I think aim is the key factor, you cant be high skill if you dont have good aim, other aspects as gamesense and teamplay are important but a player with ok gamesense is useless if he cant aim. Highskilled scene is full of players who can aim and have a good understanding about a game, some are little better than the others but most of them have both qualities. Then there are some players who are said to be "aim-only" but most of "aim-onlys" can play in a different role than "the aimer" aswell, just different thing if they want that.

Because ET is a team game there are spammers and leaders playing above the level they would be individually which will affect how people judge skill. You cant say that a) EC-player is better than b) OC-player just because player a) plays one league higher. Thats why skill-system is as it is. Its common that EC-player complains if some OC-dude comes and owned him, people cant accept the fact that someone is better than em. People have ego.

med+ in my mind is a player who has good aim but lacks some gamesense, he can outaim and outdmg any player but in the long run his performance just isnt enough to success as a team and consider him beeing a highskiller. applies both 6on6 and 3on3
You sir! have your grade in ET ''skill'' level!
You can still be high and have a med skilled aim, if you have high+ gamesense and teamplay ;)

If you movement and knowledge of the game is better than your opponent, then I would say that aim is less valueble; a med skilled aimer would be able to kill a high skilled aimer in a 1on1 situation. Atleast that is my experience.
You cant call a medskiller aimwise beeing a highskiller even if he knows how to play. That doesnt make any sense. Yeah, in some situations gamesense can overcome aim but in most of firefights there is no edge and there the one with better aim wins.

What are the high aimers with good gamesense with your logic? high+++? superextrahigh? because they are atleast 3x better than the one with "med-skill" aim
Tell me one good example who has med aim and you would call him highskiller?
Well, I agree with you that a med skilled aimer would lose no matter what, if you set them in a direct 1on1 situation. However, if the med skilled aimer is able to use the gamesense and knowledge of the game to his advantage, he will win the dual.

I'm a good example myself, I was never a high skilled aimer, yet I was able to kill high skilled aimers in duals... mostly because of my gamesense and knowledge of the game.
You seriously call yourself a highskiller? Highskillers use same method's as you said you use, but they have better aim, thats a difference between highskiller player and not highskiller player
I once backshot Denmark Darkie -> highskill

isn't it obvious ?
I would call myself highskilled back in 2004 yes.
Nice living in the past
Nice not respecting the elderly!
Where does this put Latvia Clown?
Weak aim won't help but it doesn't mean you can't be highskilled. ET has more to it than just firefights, a lot more. Positioning, timing and situational awareness are three things I prefer to see in a player before aim. It's that which separates EC from OC div 1, not aim.
well kind of useless to argue since you think the opposite as I do. Judging people's skill is a personal matter after all :P

I guess it's less extreme in ET but if you look at duel games you can see what I mean more clearly

Pitting mAus, mystic, Azatej against any mid-tier cpm player would result in embarrassing rape.
not really understand why you bring cpm into this
Wait. Wait a second. I'm reading back on this and please tell me I'm wrong in assuming that you mean a "mid tier CPM player" would "rape" mAus, mystic, and Azatej in ET?

On the other hand, I can see you mean the opposite, thank goodness. But still, aim is not 100% transferable between games, so it's not really that relevant.
true but the reason mAus gets multikills isn't because of his aim

for some reason so many people think that, probably because they never actually play with or against him. it's mostly positioning that gets him those frags
Yeah mAus is pretty hard to kill.
Actually you can suppress mAus fairly simply as with anybody with his playstyle, the problem is that the rest of the team is people who will punish you for focusing too much on something such as that.
I'd say it balances out to some level. If you have less than mediocre aim but manage to kill people just by placing yourself right you leveled out their superior aim by gamesense.
Superior aimers can outaim people from bad positions xD
look at me!
knowlegde of the game

= skills
it's a word, lol
"Timing is everything"
now all ETplayers search med+ lOoOoOoOoL

its funny ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
worst topic i've ever seen
brain is win.
positioning is everything in ET, that's why mystic is the best player ET has ever known.
mystic is so fucking awesome.
And a Sennheiser headset to hear people who aren't making sounds!
can't do the job without one!
don't you mean a TRUST headset
damn he's not, for example I think you're better than him (no sarcasm)
mystic was the best (no sarcasm)
sure perfo!
Amount of training and motivation.
I don't care about this skill thing.
My gamesense and al7's aim + a good fishbot to do the dirty work!
without aim you can't brain.
hm many players think he med+ others think they are low+ mh skill disscusion suxx
I got a 5 man vs TLR while they were covies in a match. High skill please.
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