your first et experience?

your first et experience?

I remeber that i was playing fueldump and i got owned in tunnel :´(
I was at a friends place, and we played goldrush =D like 4 years ago it was =)
was playing fg42 on railgun

and with a new computer i managed to do a 5men airstrike, unfortunately all of them were my teammates
NEW computer
Warning Level: 75 / 100
trickjumping in fueldump.. =X
on goldrush as allies medic :D
super hax pokemon!!
edit: you took picture away :<<
I played fueldump with my AMD duron 800mhz. Needless to say it didn't take long for me to disconnect and go back to rtcw.
same here :D 900mhz and a 32mb video card TnT2
I had the 64mb version XD
geforce <3
I played ET for 2 years(2003. - 2005.) on: Pentium III 1.2 ghz, 128mb ram and gefore 2 mx400 on 56k modem. So imagine how hard are my nervs or do I still have them. I can't even count how many times I had "Connection Interrupted" on my screen or how many times I wanted to bust my monitor and just cry:))
played on sniperservers a long time at first
great fun :)
First time = Drown in Oasis tunnel
so true lol
fueldump, some fag was tk'ing me and i kept complaining, so he kicked me!

realised later i'd been running over his mines ;DDD
haha true noob =]
`still doing the same XD
owning nubs on 30 man pubs LoL
jaymod with default cfg
Played at my friends house. Railgun with pistol (I wanted to save smg-ammo)
i was wanking on rtcw porn when i cum and read enemy territory, then i d/led it and wanked like 3 weeks
fueldump on et pub, as engi trying to plant!
playing on fueldump, llying down behind the back defence with the mg, could stay there for the whole map doing that, was so fun at the start :D
I have to admit, I enjoyed this game much more when pwning with mg @ masspublics than what now. :d
at first the game is more fun when learning etc... now when highskilled no challange...
+1, thats why sometimes when im bored ill just go and play some random etpubs :) have to admit its alot funnier than playing dikkitanas
they should kill pikachu/ash/team rocket and pokemon should be all about gary tbfh
radar allies 10fps

good way to start ;DDDDDDDDd
goldrush, allies first spawn. I felt excited coz I had 14xp before I left to school :DD
etdemo, fueldump, dont remember much.
watched it on giga
I too, and I can remember the lame taktiks from the first et wars :D
6-map standard maps publics.
<3 dgc]
Germany Headwound
Germany Zorro
Germany Braveheart
Germany rise
Germany ...

32 slots was perfect btw. not too big, not too small.
Oasis at friends pc, got positive stats too :d
battery axis engi noobing around shooting teammates accidently and planting mines on the most dumb spots.
sniping on fueldump's hill at cp :-D
my friend played it, it was random pub on 2.55, fueldump first stage :D
Goldrush at friends pc,
got addicted in 1st frag :D
grush =[ getting owned by every1 =[

2.55 =D
Playing Soldier with MP40 at fueldump.
Venice , with default conf ofc.
hmm well I had 3/45 the first time I played ET, i really dident cared about my deaths only i got excited when I killed someone with panzer. i use to ask my m8 why i cant run when im having panzer my pc has issues.
fueldump on the enemy serv with meez necuz and other fags in it if i remember right early 2004
haha, yeah, back then I totally respected the knowledge and skill of those guys....till it appeared that most of them cheated :-(
medic on goldrush in winter 04/05
just run around as allie at first allies spawn and didnt have a clue what to do (i think there was only on other one the server, maybe 2 or 3)
First time i played ET, went allies.. soldier smg as i didnt know how to select classes :P We were playing goldrush and i didn't have a fucking clue where to go, the map felt so much bigger at that time too :P
"We were playing goldrush and i didn't have a fucking clue where to go"

some things just never change I guess, right sean
You're not getting in BIGBEATS, stop talking to me. Stop trying to get my attention.

Fuck off.
Like I wanted to get into BIGBEATS, bitch please, 6o6 low+ hvserv much

at the beginning i was wondering about all player who were faster than me.. :( i was so slow.. (tried to walk fast with pf :D) didnt know i have to switch the weapon ^^
Played NC final against Belgium


Oasis Field op at my friend, because my computer couldnt run ET. Played RTCW at home
Playing Battery on a LAN game with some friends (only 3-4) from Uni. Didn't really work with that small number as a fun game on LAN, so we went back to playing CS. I didn't touch ET again for another 6 months, when I got bored and hit the AIA server.
Getting raped as allies on battery on some masspub
Those were the days... I still get raped, but now I have much more pride than i had then :( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::D ahhhhhh the days ahhhhhhh the days
gamer #1

but im talking even before them !
before them i played in hul :<
a friend introduced me to the game around 3,5 year ago, we were mg42'ing on radar >:)
First time I played, I got banned because I was too noobish. It was on gaymod 2.55.
ETPUB @ RD / RDE public server

Was pure win!
I remember playing vs mamut in CC5, map was supply i guess
at goldrush i killed 3 teammates and got owned by <><><>PILLE<><><>
2004 at a school LAN, I followed my friend around Oasis and he kept calling me a retarded noob because it was my first ever FPS and I was having difficulty adjusting to WSAD and I ended up changing to arrow keys
everytime I saw an enemy , I proned :xD
tis nie omda ik 2 weke me ali & gifted speel, da ik opeens hack he: <
my first war, 3on3 on fueldump <3 with faux and Deluxe xD
2.55 random pub server, getting owned on oasis
2004 - connected to ETTV serv (didnt know what it was) and got extreamly pissed that i couldnt join -if i remember it correctly it was dignitas vs. some team.
with default config. on battery i was fops and discovered how i can kill all with a support fire. I said to my friends : nice I can call airplanes and them throw some explosives :DDDDDDD
oasis, 2.55 etmain june 2006 (?), then break, but i started playing on etpro since december 2006
at my cousins place, remember only that it was goldrush and it all seemed so cool with tanks, mines n stuff :p
2.55 Battery with FG42 @ my friends place, total ownage, eventhough I managed to get 1 kill per 6-7 deaths, it was still funny as fuck!
first map was baserace :D
got kicked, because i changed my name through the limbo menu, but yeah, it was fun :O
Old oasis, 6v6 clanwar, played eng smg :)
4 years ago (almost)
2003, watched a program on Sky1 called Gamesville. Got the game, loaded it up. First map was Goldrush, got owned but kept on playing. Met the Tibet guys, got in their clan. Then joined AiA > GiB > Xytogen and bang! im a fucking pro
The 2nd AiA! :D

Organised Chaos (formed from the AIA server regulars on their forum) was originally AiA for 2 weeks before we came up with a new clanname.
AiA ftw! :D
pwnd someone as covert ops with the sniper rifle on battery (close distance)
my first map was fueldump on etpro 2 years ago, then i played 1 year etpub _:D awesome headshot sounds
2003, fueldump on a friend's house, I was sniper I think in the tower :D
ETBOXI back in the day I was young
Battery, reviving, handing out medpacks and trying to stay out of the way.
uhmm 4 years ago ETPUB CLAN name Assasins Machine with my rl friends 30 slots and i was the best RAMBO! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
waiting for illumise & chizzels twidi bind :xD
ja maar ik speelde alltijdwel ETPUb hoor :P *|UFF|* en *AM* :DDDDZZzzz
was playing radar. The i got my 1st rank 4 years ago (almost)
I asked spNk for a free FPS game, first time I connected to a server, I didn't know what to do, I was spec and could see other people playing, but didn't even know that there was a limbo menu :DD So well, disconnected, few days later I asked him if there was an option to actually play the game :P
You're no geek! A true geek would've pressed every button on the keyboard to see what happened and found the limbo menu that way. It's the first thing I do when I play a new game ;)
minesweeper is difficult yeah :)
eh? Yes I picked it up after I got a better computer?
hhmhmphm.. 2004? at my friend's place. We were playing fueldump as covertops! camping in the water tower or something similar. 2005 installed it myself at home and first map I played was oasis as allies smg soldier 8D. It was fucking confusing in the beginning :D
i got owned mg vs jumping covertops @ battery :[
railgun! on etpub server
A lan in 2003. The full game had just been released. Some guy wanted to play fueldump but Sweden blaze had already played it in the beta, he wanted to play goldrush instead. I played engineer. Cant remember much more.

Little did I know that few years later I would become the greatest et-player in the history.
at a friends house playing fueldump 24/7 with headshot only
(friends house)
Running around on Fuel Dump and then Battery as a soldier with a mp40.
and this mouse :XD

( on my own )baserace 24/7 GamesMajor 2.55 servers my old pc wouldnt handle any other map =DDD
- first happyness, working out that i can strike spawn on baserace from the bottom of the ladder. nice 9 man kill
lol @ mouse xD
mouse was np bet your finger was used to abuse before, lame I know :/
railgun and shot on everything that moved... got kicked
early 2005 playing on jolt 4/5, etmain all the way.
Was playing Fueldump as axis, from their 2nd spawn up to stairs at the windows shooting riflenades to tunnel,,
my first expirence was at 64xp save server with Saberpeak <3
played lotr maps on Tibet servers....
friend's dad showed me how to play, it was goldrush.
Jaymod 2.55 at my stone age PC
my first try was on some random public as axis on goldrush. my class was soldier with smg (of course) and I remember getting raped around the first spawn exit / under the bridge on last stage of the map :D
getting owned on oasis by my classmate :{
ask Pala... he knows better than me
goldrush as smg engi @ axis, i got fuckin pwned
about 2003 in 2.55 server 24/7 1944_beach <3
i played witht he friends from my father RTCW 1 year then came ET demo out and i played it with them (fueldump only)
-=KTA=- Kill Them All
lol I remember them =]]

I was back in the days

Sir Von Santa
//s.v// Santa
[-=N.U.=-] Santa

in 2005 or something it was =<
Playing oasis with flamethrower in 2.55 random ETPub
fueldump on some 'miramo' server
ally soldier smg goldrush old cp

Friend involved me with ET and we had been playing on some pubs using snipers, was fun ;D
1. rtcw -> single and multiplayer
2. et -> at friend pc
3. et -> at my pc @ 2.55 mexican etpub server (ping ca. 250) for 1 year xD (first map was fueldump I got owned by .[SiN]. Member)
4. and so on^^ .....

btw I remember the old et times @ my friends pc: the pros played 2.55 and I remember a noob war taktik @ supply with flamer near controls :D
oasis, axis, 2.56 main, high ping, shoting at everything and got owned by a motar several times.
it was in June, just after summer vacation ended. ET had it first anniversary, and I read about it in CDaction ( :DD polish computer games magazine ) dloaded it,

axis medic at oasis if I remember right. But my first time was not on my better computer ( I shared it with bro, and it was taken at that time ) so I wasn't very impressd with the game as it was stuttering ;)

But it didn't take long to get addicted to it after trying on better computer.

Oh shit, it was four and a half year ago.

was waiting for goldrush to load 2.5min, than got pissed off and exit the game.
5 years ago. Played at a friends house (Netherlands Ness). We we're playing Railgun and I was amazed that he could actually tell the difference between the axis and allies players.
got lost on oasis
Since et was my first fps I really had to start from scratch -__-" I don't remember much though.

I know that it took me months to discover the sprint key lolz.

I also didn't know etpro jaymod etmain etpub etc., I just connected to a random server in et's serverbrowser.. I also tried to save my favorites on it but it never worked...

I didn't know there existed things like custom configs and scripts & stuff. And I was so fucking happy when I joined my first clan...

I guess I was just an innocent newbie that seemed to have discovered a whole new world ;o.

EDIT: Oh yeah, it took me ages to figure out who were my teammates & who were not xD
played fuel dump only version of et and got owned by a random.. always at the first mg if you spawn as allied :(.

good old times!
I played Railgun and walked around as MG soldier killing team mates.

Good times.
2005: goldrush with etconfig.
early 2003 ?

with friends @ lan

et beta version or very first version, dno
fueldump, played in my cousins computer and he kicked ma ass because of it :'(
My first ever was when I got the disc from a magazine from Tesco. The magazine featured ET, I had shortly played RTCW before that, a noob I may add.

The map I played was Radar and I was in spectator mode for like 5mins before asking my dad why I can't do anything like shoot and other people can.

He chose Axis for me and I began to play, after that it was Railgun, oh my god were those days fun on my 1.7ghz Athlon 512mb Geforce 440mx were.

what does tesco vodka taste like?
Never tasted it tbh, it's around £6 I know that. I wouldn't try it either, I hate cheap alcohol.

Smirnoff man myself.
was at friends house, remember playing on fueldump and not knowing what it meant when i ran out of charge with rnade, thought it was my gun jamming xDDD
Playing soldier with MP40 at oasis.
Flamethrower at Railgun.

Also planting mines everywhere on Oasis was kind of funny + Panzerfaust!
In a mates, while they were playing, i personally thought it looked annoying, and hated the "need a medic", but then i downloaded, since its free, had some openGL probs, fixed that. Started playing on Qubenet 03 middleearth server. As field ops. I remember phoning my mate and asking "How do i make rockets come from the sky", he casualy replied with "Click the mouse" :D. Was fun back then though.
My older brother introduced me to the game, who got the game from his classmate.
hah, i wont say it. Thought it though :D
and who introduced your younger brother to the game? 8D
your "brother" stories are gettin annoyin
agree with this belgtard
Searched for nexus on the internet and with nexus ET was included.
soldier on battery haha
Running around as allied soldier on oasis without a clue was not funny. :-(
But votekicking the panzerfaust from your team, spamming "HES AFK" just to get the panzerfaust, was!
was in 1994, played bremen for the first time.
My father introduced the game, started playing with Swedentornis untill his father didn't let him play anymore :D

I think my father regret when he realized how many hour's i spent on the game xD
But nowadays he doesnt care untill he figured it out that i've spent money on the game :| (no cheats)... on configs etc.
Kapoks public @ 2.55, et_death or whatever this duelmap is called

10-12 slots in my souvenir, waited 1 hour to enter it, then I got owned
was playing fg42 goldrush at my stepdads workplace, i remember always wanting to go there to play all the time :D
I played on a bot server with a friend and thought I was killing real people.
4 years ago with friends, etpub and map temple
I cried when he left in the spaceship at the end.
:DDD dont worry mate, i got it!
2.55 jaymod on gwc and i did pretty good in my first days of et
round 2 years ago
was playing in jaymod and I was runnig over mines, i thought they were just flags and u need to collect them to get points :o
November 2003: a friend of mine convinced me to play some 1v1 on oasis. He hosted a server and we played for several hours.
Killing Finland mystic.
started playing on the ACI server with etshrub
remember playing alone on the server cause it was american based and empty during the days
took me a year to learn how to change weapons from limbo menu :-(
Think nightmare forced me to play it after mp_toysoldier went boring, bet it was oasis and rambo medic or mg42.
guess it was on some random servers, just playing with rifle without knowing about the grenades, complaining about getting tk'd after walking on teammates mines and shooting them :> wish i'd remember the exactly first moment :p

still remember downloading the game tho, back to 2004/5 when i found it from some finnish site where you could get free games.. i was going to download duke 3D with my 56K modem, and even thought that ET was duke.. i was so dissapointed when it turned out to be something rly different ;< at first..
fueldump etmain as soldier with mobile and i didnt know that i must prone for it ;)
dunno random 2.55 server I remember there was a guy named JoukiPL there.
he made me giggle.
first try @ school on oasis
playing fop @ goldrush, i was throwing airstirke and i thought its smoke nade omg
played @ Aristo's PC when we were cheating with invoke :DXDXDXD

map: baserace
weapon: sten
2.55 bl00d clanserver. Think the map was venice
cant remember XD
oasis with a friend who told me that et rox. I got bashed and didn´t knew why. Hm... no difference to my game-xp nowadays :-D
Random server... had to donwload stuff for 20min...
Played Fueldump and always tryed to pick up the Sniperrifle (i was soldier with mp40)
goldrush 4th medic lvl :D
a friend downloaded the game @ my home and the first map i played was railgun,,,
,omg 4 years ago and i still remember it! xD
Dominating Verkkogurut (etmain) server, then joining Ajojahti Zeppelin (etpro) server and getting owned. Hard
I played 1v1 as an engineer with my mate on radar at host server :S we didn't know how to tapout so i placed dyno on him and it was great tapout!
played railgun with my mates on LAN
2004-goldrush.I was allies and defending 1st spawn camping behind the wall.I didnt see the difference between allies and axis so shooted to both ;/
can't remember exactly, but I remember a time I was playing on my friend's comp and we just planted dynos @ ammo cab in battery and defused them immediately after. got xp :---D
playing with friends on public via Skype :D
got banned from my fav server cause I spammed that people should leave the server because it has a virus, so that my friends could connect :<
2004 oasis, waterpumps was interesting :D
was playing grush with rifle @ GIB games (etmain)
switching from rtcw made me play with low fps, but with good aim, compared to others. I didn't have problems in getting "highest fragger" and "highest XP" awards on ET beta pubs.
winter 2005, a friend told me about it, DL, was playing on ETmain, got owned.

Januari 2006, Discoverd I wanted to join a friends server but I had wrong Patch :[

March. 2006 discoverd that I dl patch but didn't install.
after that , I played on =SC=madhouse.

winter 2006, I discovered what a config was,mouse sens, that u could change xHair.

2007, played GW and WoW.

march 2008 started playing again.

April, discoverd ETpro on =DoE= and that there existed gaming pro's =D

may 2008, discoverd CF.
fueldumb, being confused.
running around on oasis with medic (my rl friend told me how to switch classes) and there was a guy waiting for medic, didnt know how to take syringe, started writing "sorry dunno how to revive" and I got killed while doing that. good old times.
I was looking for some hardcore beats for my newest album, when I google'd 'hardcore beats' and came across the mQ vs eZ EC qualifier war, probably one of the most brutal beats any 'fairly' decent team has ever endured from a team that later on got raged in EC but managed to win because their team leader, Wesbo, asked his friends to ping all the eZ players during the match so they would lag out and have to constantly replace players, pause, and get players on full. Wesbo did this because he realized he was really bad in ET and he really wanted to play EC otherwise he would go mental on Ventrilo, so his buddy mishaverheul helped him out by making sure at least half of the eZ team lagged out constantly. Oh yeah, this was totally Wesbo's idea, you know Wesbo right, that good ol' Wesbo, the friendly guy, who never did anything wrong. Well, perhaps except for this minor feat then, but hey, he's still friendly old Wesbo right? RIGHT?
Got the game through my sisters friend... he explained engie to me how to use pliers.... it was a server without mine restriction i can remember... i planted mines all over the place like hundreds, everyone started calling me noob but i thought i was ownage cuz i killed a lot of people <3
fueldump ofc with a random usa player called SS EST & sonofeveil
sjappie :DD
started on fueldump server as engi :)
got 0wned :P
played fueldump the whole day, and when i went to bed i taught about getting into the dump with a cov in uni :D
Playing on some Jaymod server, map was Caen_2.. had no idea what to do. In stead of getting owned I just played medic with shotgun and let everyone else move in front and revive them :d
goldrush at friends home

would run into airstrikes cuz i thought they were signals where to go to :<
my first map was goldrush on 2.55 jaymod...i play only panzer or fieldop and i had many teamkills :)

with a big noobname and i wondering why the other players have colored names :D
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