Happy unban day tapsa :_)

Well, THE BEAST (meaning me) is here again after 2weeks pause, which was caused by sol's dislike towards human female boobs (lol I think he might be gay). Anyway HI ALL :)) and gl for lan to VAE and Roskis and decem and all the other tough guys if there's any going. To nerds who r going there I say: LOL fucking nerds.. -,-

Do you like my new earring? :_)

image: 94572070

CC5 related song: http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=aXAUoDasAEA :)
(only for tough guys liek Roskis decem & VAE - no nerds -,-)
Welcome back mate :_)
welcome back! i missed you!
welcome back :D
hello old mate :)
u going to nerdlan also?
hey :D
ye im going to play again xD
What are you going to do?
I'm trying to get the school finished (~40 days left and a shitload of work to do) and working and saving mony for february, when I'm going to go to school finishing -shipcruise and after that to northern Finland snowboarding and revelling with my m8s so no nerdlans for me this time xD

gl for u also, pwn again! :D
haha thanks mate gl to you also :D
ban this nerd
Is your smileyman A) disabled or B) have a bad twitch in his eye? :))))))))))))))))))

WeLcOmE bAcK nerdman
Yeah niggah fucking pimping finnish rapnigger song! Bust a cat aight!
rofl some finland rap about vodka, sounds like a joke
Finnish rap IS a big joke.
bann again !! FAST :D

nah just kidding :D
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