unexpected cc5

yes, it was unexpected this time. we didn't miss any flight or train o/
the lan was great, but we just couldn't play on our level at all, so no can do I guess.
at lan edges are smaller than online as we saw that there were more (?) 4-2 games than 4-0. at least I felt like it. first I was about to whine about monitors when I saw that epsilon was using 3-4 CRTs few times (against us and in the final). anyway thanks to toss for giving me CRT at least once ! (in epsilon game) it just felt a bit bad when we know that some player(s) can't do pretty much anything with a tft and when we play them we find out that they're using many of them. I can tell to guys who're saying it doesn't make a difference, it makes a HUGE difference. if im right BB wasn't totally quiet about the monitorthingie either.

anyway was nice to meet ppl again. had nice time because of chmpp being wasted twice and twidi extremely wasted once :p

where's our online only -award btw?! wp all, especially polagz. we were at least totally surprised :S
finland = online only
u should get also warning points !!!
at least you won the 2 euro pott @ poker :XD

vitu vitu
QuoteI can tell to guys who're saying it doesn't make a difference, it makes a HUGE difference.

i expected you to become :/
tbh i wouldn't have been quiet about the monitors either!

considering the monitors are shitty, i wouldn't want to play on them if i didn't have to

pretty damn unfair that they got to use CRTs
yeah, but they said "all other computers were in use". it's a bit complicated :l

and butchji is a good example who aims so much better with a CRT. can't blame him, TFTs sucks in my opinion :/
I don't think Butchji even played with a CRT - I may be wrong.
butchji on 13/12/08, 20:20:40 GMT

I could play CRT vs vae - was nice
Ok *shrug*. I just assmued that since he's been using a TFT at home he'd stick with that. I know some of the epsilon players did.
yep they did. They chose for TFT actually.
Well i think it just bullshit to let some other teams play with crt and other doesnt.

Everyone crt or tft, thats how it should be.

And don't start telling me there were that and that many computers and only that many tfts, cos I don't give a shit.
if they would have wanted some, they would have got them
why not? there were still 4 free
when VAE played vs polagZ 10 crts were in use. i tried to get the spare one for Iron, but the CoD admin was like: nono, we need it when they finished their CoD match to change it with the TFT again...
i dno, atleast in the BB games BB had the opportunity to get crts, they didnt want to, but still atleast one of them complained after the match
like i care about vitu vitu Matias :D
I didnt complain about it!
ofcourse they blame it after the match, they thought DAM we gonna lose, dont make use of the CRT's then we can blame the monitors
also CoD got some rational ppl that realize the fact CRT > tft :o ?

that was kinda new to me :)
i think 30/40 CRT's are a bit to much.. than again i would say either everyone gets a CRT or noone, but hell im not a cc admin
We had about 50 TFTs and 12 CRTs for 58 PCs. You work out a way to distribute them fairly to everyone and I'll give you a cookie.
Well, it can't be too difficult to distribute them fairly in the final stages when there's only a small number of teams left. Both teams should use exactly the same hardware, imo!
And in the final stages (the last 3 games) we did just that.
why? if 12 crts and 12 tfts are avaiable everyone of the 12 players has the same possibilities to choose what is fitting best. i never played et on a tft so it would others give an advantage (it they are used to play on tfts) when they have to play against me on a lan where i have to use a tft (as if they would need it, i speak only theoretical here ;)). you got my point? and as it seems at least in final bb had the chance for some of them to use crts. they didn't take it, so need to discuss about it imo.
give the 12 crts to the 12 worst aimers?

Where is my cookie?
yeah nice excuse, squal just suck.. you just pwn no mather what monitor
U do deserve online only award though :D

too bad i missed u guys, stop hiding !
"Online only"

Hello Estonia hell, Norway Eirik and Finland toNi!
that another form of online only !!!

fucking onliners!
i just cant get over lettu with 1/12 :D while online with 4 people we were hardly killing him :D who's the lagger now? xD
we reminded him many times! ofc just kidding, because he just had unlucky round :(
its just 1 round :D i got naded left and right and played supply pretty well right after that

ps. i never whine about "laggers" online and neither do i lag because i have constant 48ping to 99% of servers i play in
u could have told me that u are not squall when i talked to you :DDD
what I heard was "have u seen v1ceh" or something like that :bbbb
lol the funny thing was, i know how squall looks like, but somehow right in that moment i thought u were him and i called "squall" into ur direction and u kept looking here :DD
I really didn't hear that one :p
sux when all get different hardware....there's bound to be fights about it...
But its the taking part that matters I guess...respect anyway :)
I found it very unprofessional as well that there were a few CRT's around and they could get them if they asked nicely (read suck up to TosspoT).

There should be either a choice to play on TFT/CRT or let everyone play on a TFT.
Kind of a fuck up by the staff at this point imo.
How the fuck were we meant to let people choose monitors when we had 58 PCs in use, 12 CRTs and 50 TFTs?

The only reason Epsilon got them was as a concession because BB wanted to reschedule the WB final. Would you have rather we gave Epsilon a forfeit in the final?
I am saying that you should have fixed it up front that there were TFT's or CRTs for everyone.

You did the best you could at the time.
i was like switching cfg only :D didnt like the tft colors at all eflt like less than 16bit :<
but still wats the difference.? -.-
colors/sharpness/was searching crosshair/ lol c yourself!
, refresh rate, ...
we played on tft against mamut and still won, HOW THE FUCK COULD THAT HAPPEN??????
image: Hitler
mamuts tft's were even worse most likely
i think the crt/tft thingie is kinda personal. Lots of highskilled ppl play on tft nowadays and nobody whines about it, only the players that didnt perform well (see what i did there)
Kind of depends on what you play with at home. If you have a CRT, suddenly getting used to the TFTs is difficult. I hated the TFTs the second I tried them on CDC2. Blurry.
they are still using the same tfts, or at least as bad ones(have seen none good ones yet, only bad and really bad ones)
well, everyone plays on TFT and enough ppl can own like hell on it, i think its just a lame excuse why ppl play bad. Real owners can own on anything, they dont need the perfect setup cause youll only get that at youre own house.
the difference between a CRT and TFT is huge, there's no denying that.
true, but i only hear a few players whine about it ;( i play on a TFT for over 4 years already, on a 26" now even and i can tell you i suck as hell @ CRT now. Its all about getting used to it imo.
Whats the difference between at TFT and CRT (except that you can look at a CRT and won't see any colour difference and it can get a better refresh rate?)
on a tft only 1 resolution is good, the rest is just crap.. and on a crt imo all resolutions you can see nice

i think;p
i got a tft and with 1024*768 1280*960 and 1440*900 had np with 19" TFT :o but i never had a CRT so maybe thats why? :p
i have a tft and only 1440 * 900 works good, the rest is crap, especially on et, when i do 1024 * 768 on full screen its freaking ugly..
smoothness that comes along with 100+Hz
Well, BB had an ultimatum from epsilon, either we let them have CRTs or they dont allow us to reschedule the WB final to saturday morning because of davids illness.

Pretty dick move from them, but i had to agree, even though i can't act the same towards my ex teammates zerender and butchji anymore after this. I know i wouldn't ever do such a shit thing to them.
Come on clown unleash the rage!
rofl you are such a bad loser

most of us play on tft at home and are used to it, we just wanted to play there, coz most of us need much space.
and afaik 2 of you guys even played with crt aswell and hey, you slept twice as much as we did.
rofl you are so arrogant since you won cc5!
what, you aint know shit
more arrogance please
my online career doesnt affect my character at all, but this bullshit here simply makes me very angry, since im an emotional type of guy.

did i even say something arrogant? god, hate this ignorance
they way you talk to clown you are such a bad loser... EMO!
perfect example of an expression that gets a different meaning when translated word-by-word.
I think he meant "sore loser".
Didn't know CRT gives more space.
Point is, that stupid ultimatum, CRT OR NO RESCHEDULE. Pathetic.
it was meant to be a joke, we agreed on it earlier since adacore said there was no time to play the game
Stop making up shit, i talked to Adacore, and he told me in front of butchji and someone else that epsilon will agree only if they can play on CRT's.
as if it matters, you could have used the same amount of crts, you didnt want to, its ur own fault. + we played mamut with tfts and we played exactly the same.
the tables were bigger.

you wanted to reshedule, we wanted the crt spots, how can you call that an ultimatum?

awwww david was ill, so what? snoop was also ill, he even could hardly speak.

just accept that you lost, coz we played better
Thats correct you guys deserved.. End of discussion i guess :>
Thanks. (No Comment about Clown in public)
stop whinnin now clown :O

its over n u lost.

well done epsilon :D
u could have used crts too, you just didnt want to :D
Wow, ok this is now pretty poor Clown. We had great matches against eachothers and EVERYONE except of you could congratulate us and showed absoutely great sportsmanship, why can't you do the same?

1. snoop was ill too the whole weekend but we didn't think it was time to complain, it could happen to ANYONE
2. NOONE said you can't use CRT aswell. TosspoT said that both teams can have CRT's, IF THEY WANT. I can't really remember anyone of you wanting one. So why the whine now? This is just a poor move of you and I feel pretty disappointed, I didn't expect this. I don't think anyone of us acted arrogant or something like that through the whole event.

Anyway, nice games, good sportsmanship Wing, Xylos and the others, seems like you can't handle losing afterall :(
Yeah i didnt congratulate zerender and butchji after final, not at all. And ask what i told zerender when we were outside. You just don't realize the different between hating to lose and hating to be fucked over by people you don't expect it from.
We didn't do ANYTHING wrong, accept that. You could have gotten CRT's aswell, you didn't . That's a fact so what are you fucking whining about? That we gave you that '''''ultimatum'''''? The reason was obvious: me, butchji and snoop had to get to the trains so we wanted to play saturday, david was ill so u wanted to play sunday, so we arranged something between. God, never use the word pathetic again if you should clean infront of your house first.

Oh btw, me and butchji missed our trains :)
mAus couldnt handle it too, he already left after bb got the money..
some of Epsilon actually took TFT.
Lame, it was told months before the actual event, that ONLY cod4 teams were allowed to use CRT's.
and why were they allowed to use 'em if ET players weren't :o ?
Don't know ;/ but atleast all of the cod4 players played on crt's, but giving some people crt's in ET and some people not is just plain lame.
yay I agree, the LAN should have even setup, but I don't just get it why cod gets crts and ET not. Ofc crt benefits in cod as well, but for sure it benefits more in a tracking based game like ET. I guess cod would be playable even with tft :p
Just let all the teams from all games play on the same monitors, then you don't got any shittalk either ;/
That's actually completely wrong. 10 of the CoD machines had CRTs, 10 had TFTs. Frequently we had 5 CoD players on TFT playing against 5 on TFT. How many of them whined about it? None, that I know of.
Ok, I'm wrong then, but shouldn't it be easier to just let all the teams all play on the same monitor ?

btw nice organising at cc5 =)
VAE onlineonly cheaters...
monitors.. pfff.. worst excuse ever LOL
chmpp clearly online only !
(others were lan-prooven already, right?)

Anyway, the thing about CRTs sounds kinda unfair to me. But it also explains why epsilon was so superior compared to poor online shows.

The adminsshould get more CRTs for the next LANs, because there are many ET players at least (and apparently cod also) that realize the difference!
or let every one play on tft so it doesnt makes any different
I'd like to see highest skills on LAN events whereas tft can't provide that.

Also it might be hard for some ppl to proove their real skills playing on a crappy tft. I guess u could see the difference in butchji's performance between the 2.
yeah oke +1
must be sten hax @ lan :o
takes a few weeks to get used to TFT's, plus placebo effect tbh!
and 5% worse acc with tft as well !
it's not placebo if it "skips" frames. it felt pretty funny with CRT (I've got identical CRT at home). they always didn't even shoot back on 1o1. on tft it was more equal.
i know what you mean:D had the same feeling after i switched to TFT. but after a while when you kinda get used to it, it does feel a bit placebo, it might be just me but it just feels like it :]. i wonder what would happen if i started playing on my CRT again:D
yeah it sure takes some time to get used to, but I just can't see why should I :b heard someone saying he gets headache when playing with CRT there and changed back to TFT. I didn't have any with my 120hz :-/
my plan for CC5 (if I was to go) was to switch to my LCD about 1 week before LAN and try and get used to it

i could do it for longer but LCD feels like shit and I play for fun, I'd rather enjoy my CRT than spend ages on a shitty LCD

with all this drama I don't know what to think though
1 week isn't enough! first 2 weeks skill drop for sure:D and opponents will think your preparing for lan:DDD
i remember first time I thought to plug in my CRT again after ~5 months on LCD

seriously ridiculous

instantly from 35-40% to 45-50% ;_;
i was raging when i saw some teams got to use CRT's :'(
u should have stolen one of them :)
u smashed ur keyb :(
i even forgot to pick it up at the admin booth after i lend it to squall :'(
microsoft one? 8D
logitech mediakeyboard with a key missing :)
Didnt even use it btw ;D
doesnt matter, you still owe me 30€ for the keyboard!
You told me to leave it to there so no!
seriusly crt flame is awesome :D
that's just bullshit, the biggest delays I noticed were caused by aToOn and charism who both had one guy with bigger problem. both took atleast an hour to fix and they had many guys trying to solve the problem all the time

atleast I saw the tech team and all the other admins working all the time helping anyone who asked for help. definately gotta give lots of credit to all of them for their good work
well I think this CRT/TFT stuff is really unfair, if some team is using CRTs, other one must be allowed to use them too. Or just remove all CRTs.
Or just remove all CRTs.

me has a big box monitor weighs like 50 kg :/
+1 about the screens, it rly makes a huge diffrence ;[[[
just to make smth clear. we played with crt against v&e because there was no other place free.
we played our groupstage games and the game against mamut on tft and we were, ofc, able to perform good against mamut too and even had our strongest moments there.

when there were only 4 teams left (bb, impact, mamut and us), teams were asked whether they wanna play on crt or lcd, impact played on crt eg and BB had 2 crts too but they could have got more if they would have wanted to.

and btw, BB played on crt during the groupstage and clown said the monitors absolutely suck.
these events are not 100% professional but are getting better atleast
smoking being allowed inside was the most annoying thing in the past
hopefully next time they are able to arrange monitors better
wzzrd should get new screens :( TFT's would be fine with 4:3 aspect ratio
they would probably fail hard and end up getting 5:4 TFTs which are just absoloutely fucking horrible for anyone except people with 5:4 TFTs

imo widescreen is better to play on, it's just a shame that CRT is infinitely better technology
i have to say i dont know much about tft's just that i dislike playing with such high res as 1440x900
They could get some news TFTs, as those Samsungs they have are simply shit. I got this HP w2207h at home, and eventhough it's 22", got only 5ms response time and is only 60hz, it's a lot better. The picture is sharp and not as blurry as on the LAN TFTs. In addition it can even interpolate 4:3 resolutions without any problems and almost without any quality loss.

Most of the new TFTs can do this afaik, atleast the newer Samsungs and HP can do it. So I really hope they get some of those for the next event. :)

Edit: The native resolution is 1680x1050@60hz. I'm playing 1024x768 on it though and the picture quality is excellent (native reso looks a lot better still, but it feels laggy ingame)
ah I didn't realise the monitors there were actually BAD LCDs on top of being LCD... that just adds insult to injury :(

My LCD is 2ms g2g, back then I bought the "LCDs are just as good as CRTs now" hype and went back to CRT after a few months.
without CRT's we are low skilled retards bibuy....
i dont think anybody is saying that but ur whole team thinks they are
That's my way of highlighting how people can exaggerate and attitudinize when it comes to losing and excuses.
where i stand is no one should have an advantage not even a tiny one, if theres is someone will whine for sure its just a nature of these things
finally some truth in this topic !
I liked the widescreen tft's :<
just don't use crt's in general next time and avoid all whine =D
lets play the blame game
NICE fucking whine.. both teams could use crt's.. BB didn't do that. No need to whine about it afterwards cuz that's just stupid.

as for the "if we reschedule, we get the crt's" thing, I can't say much about it cuz I wasn't there, but I DO know there were enough crt's for BB to play on them as well. And besides that, some didn't even want to play on the crt's. Snoop for instance didn't want to play on crt and kept playing on lcd.

This is just sad loser whine.
I agree and besides, I don't think the CRTs did or would make the difference (that big) between winning and losing.
some other teams didnt have a choice
yeah, like changing the PCs and re-setup wouldn't make any delays etc. That's why BB were not allowed to play on them.
plug the one monitor out and take it away
then take the new crt to the table and plug it in

and then exec the cfg you use at home on your crt and voila

done in 5 mins.
+ I doubt admins would be happy about it.
then keep the pcs while you move to a different place with more space so you do not need that much time to get used to it

and tbh if you want a crt and there are stil free ones the admins should simply get you one if the opponent is allowed to play with them too
well the fact is Cash didn't allow them to play with CRTs, don't think they could do anything else.
well some say they were allowed to use crts while others say they werent

kinda confusing me :P
I very doubt Clown would lie to me :(
For the record, I wasn't involved in any of those decisions actually, so I wonder how you got that information. I was handling CoD at that time.

We had plenty of PC's free for BB to be placed and CRT's were also an option as we had a few spare ones.
we were happy to do so for BB on Sunday morning. Well I think another admin arranged that as I had the late start on Sunday.

Moreover, I know that I didn't hear any complaint from the BB players when they were setting up. And I was there helping dAvid and mAus solve fps problems.
twidi nice lan skill or he just play like that online also ?:C

we didn't use them (crt).. ended 5th :P
you might like a CRT more ye, but it's a LAN, online you can play with anything you want ^^

wp anyway, gl at the army !
Jo0f used crt at our last 2 matches, but it doesn't matter imo :P
I even prefer to play with TFT because I got the same one at home :-)
I do use CRT, and I got 2 tft's. And I can easily see the difference between my tft's and crt. I get 60Hz out from my tft's. And 115hz from my CRT ( Should get 121hz, but dunno why it doesn't give it out.), but 115hz is laggy whit 125fps, so I use 100hz.

If I move from CRT back to tft, it does effect alot for my performance.

So, everybody should have CRT instead of TFT at lans, because if someone can have CRT and other can't, it's just lame. (except the guys, who like to play more whit TFT.).
Newer LCDs aren't too bad, mine is 75 hz with a 2ms GTG time. Don't really notice any lag, as long as I don't use vsync anyways. And the image is sharpe, so it's easier to see. But I doubt the LAN had any that were any good, let alone have any of the premium 120 hz LCDs...if they included CRTs, they might as well given everyone CRTs, and kept a few LCDs for people who have problems with eye strain.

I miss playing with 120 hz on my CRT @ 1280x960 though. What I don't miss are the headaches and eye strains. Or the bending desk cause it weighed like 100 pounds. Lol
Imho the CRT's gave a advantage over the TFT's. The TFT's in the venue where budget and without crystal bright. But if you play on a really realy high-resolution that prolly sucked though.
need more comments. go for glory Mr. Onliner
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