Spanish! ~

Oh god please somebody help me :)
I need to help with my spanish work, my balls lays on it!
I have to write 80 word thing about what i did in one day, so past time..
I wanna write smth like:
"I woke up at 10 o'clock, i had a shower, ate some bread + cheese and then i went to fitness. At 13 o'clock i had a lunch. I went out to cafe and had shisha with my friends, and had some talking there. Later i went home, to do some cleaning at my room, and then i went to the pub and had some beers."

Translate please, i will love you for doing it! <3
use online translator.
i need to have no mistakes in that, otherwise, i will have to leave school :D
"Me desperté a las 10 en punto, tengo una ducha, comer un poco de pan + queso y luego me fui a la aptitud. En 13 horas tengo un almuerzo. Voy a tener café y shisha con mis amigos, y hablando. Más tarde me voy a casa, a hacer algunas limpieza en mi habitación y, a continuación, voy al pub a tener algunas cervezas ".
Isnt that by online translator? :O
why didn't you write it in past then? :)
i was just thinking about that :D i am way too stoned
fixed :X

in direct translation you would fail already, you got so many mistakes in english -_-
i know that why i ask somebody who can :D
you will never learn Spain like that!
dude, he will fail :(
first we must help him not failing
then we can flame him that he is a n u b
if we will help him with not to fail, theres no reason to say that hes a n u b
but he is a n u s
i just won 8D
we never compete D:
now you can blame me for beign noob :D
You actually said sherlock, you're not saying it.
Me levante a las 10 , me duche y fui a comer un poco de pan y queso, despues de eso me fui al gimnasio. Fui a tomar un cafe con unos amigos y estuve hablando un poco con ellos. Despues de eso volvi a mi casa para limpiar mi habitacion, y termine el dia en un pub con unos amigos.

I love you man... <3

i will give you a laught as payment :)

image: 4648____k__e
do I get a cookie now pls :(
"I woke up at 10 o'clock, i had a shower, ate some bread + cheese and then i went to fitness. At 13 o'clock i had a lunch. I went out to cafe and had shisha with my friends, and had some talking there. Later i went home, to do some cleaning at my room, and then i went to the pub and had some beers."
"Me levante a las 10 en punto, me duché, comí un poco de pan y queso y luego yo fui al gimnasio. a las 13 en punto yo comí. Yo fui a tomar café y had shisha (WTF is this) con mis amigos, y estuve hablando con ellos. Más tarde yo regrese a casa, limpie un poco mi cuarto, y entonces fui al pub y tomé unas cervezas"
water pipe = shisha :)

thank to you too, i will study both :)
Ahahahahaha Shisha = Shisha or "Cachimba"
regresé, limpié
this one is better :))
No te calentaste la cabeza xD
PM Winghaven, simple as that
"I woke up at 10 o'clock, i had a shower, ate some bread + cheese and then i went to fitness. At 13 o'clock i had a lunch. I went out to cafe and had shisha with my friends, and had some talking there. Later i went home, to do some cleaning at my room, and then i went to the pub and had some beers."

Me levanté a las 10 de mañana, me duché, comi un poco de pan con queso y fui al gimnasio. A la una comí. Fui al bar y tuve "water pipe" con mis amigos y un poco de conversación. Después marché para casa para limpiar mi habitación, una vez hecho eso marché para el pub para tomar unas cerverzas.
ah i have 3 versions :O i expected nothing :)
thanks ;)
Don't believe this guy, that's not spanish, that's espanhalan!
levantei-me às 10 da manha, tomei um duche, comi um bocado de pão com queijo e fui para o ginásio. À 1 almocei e fui para a "coffeshop" fumar uma cachimbada. Depois fui para casa limpar a minha casa e a seguir para o pub com os meus amigos beber umas cervejas.

oops this was in portuguese.. :p
sorry? :D
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