Cohen's blogs nr.6 :~>

well soon the shabbath will enter :o
we have more few candles to light !

well who am i kidding, the main topic of this journal is this:

14:55 < Meez> i need to get ready to go out cu

and after interigation
14:58 < Meez> family shit
14:58 < Meez> ;_';

we love him, and we cant without him !

come back fast meez !
while you will be away, someone could have problems with linux =(

so, whats your planning for today?
tomorrow too :O

shoutout to: Israel nebu

image: rani84jor354930
family time :S
i just put on my wack slacks and my fuzz and we're gonna pick up some chumps from the tom tom club on the way
AHAHAHAHAHAHA HARSH REALM, stop swinging on the flippity flop in your fuzz :DDDDD

Arcazatej was ere lovin Meez xoxox
Meez away? apocalypse
waiting for the 28th already :) leaving to Chamonix in the evening of the 28th.

Bout weekend...i gotta go to the office tomorrow :( not really stressed tho, gonna spend most of the time behind pc..spamming xfire.

and u didn't give me a shoutout :( u hater!
you didnt get a shoutout since you are not my wife !
how could i be your wife? O_O
gief me shoutout fuck ass
you are not my friend, nor my wife
lol you fooled me :<
done yesterday! chilling today and celeb the birthday of my father tomorow!
merry xmas süßer! ;)
dir auch ein fröhliches weihnachten!! <3
today: study
tomorrow: study
random picture: nice
no shoutout to me?
you are not my wife :(
you don't have to keep our relation secret
there is nothing to keep
loel me and fat?
maybe you turned fat in those 3/4 weeks :P
miss Anonymous Meez already :(<3
why do i see your text even i have ignored you?
going to the club till 9, hf browsing cf cohen!
its shabbath
got nothing else to do :~D

edit: i hope for you its till 9am or else you are first grade or something

but 9am is also weird
ye guess its always shabbath, its till 9am
not, only today till tomorrow afternoone

wait you think if you go to a club you are what? :D
i also been in clubs but it sux, too much noise zLOL !

if you must know
every night i sit with my friends outside, also every night

and most of the days i host friends at my house

so shut up virgin
Quoteand most of the days i host friends at my house

hahahaha :D pretty awesome life u have, so all u do is browsing cf and have yourfriends come to your parents house, pretty fucking dull dude. and your the virgin
so tell me something
what are you refering?
if it social life, i meet my friends everyday
dont forget there is nothing to do in my city

i have a job, make it 3 jobs which i work during the week
few hours a day, good money and benifits

tell me something, what are you doing for a living?
erm i work :? u have like a mobile pc then or sumthing? i dont believe u having 3 jobs and friends sorry.
1 job is at my mother place
i have pc there, with 100mbit intenet connection

hf downloading shit load of stuff there and bring home : D

second job life guerd in near by hotal, also pc with internet connection

third job is advertise company, one of the hardest physical jobs there is and you wouldnt survive that, no pc :p

dont forget i work with my friends in those jobs

beside i donno what you want, im not all day browsing here and dont know why you say that

and i dont work every day in all 3 dont get confused

now tell me what is your job
cause your always online when i check cf and i work at a clothing store. and what do u do with those friends when u invite them at your parents house every night :D thats so fucking dull haha u probably sit at some table and drink beer!
everytime im online i see you online !!!!

and lol working a clothing store, and you even dare to flame me?!

in my hotal i get free food as much as i want from the hotal kitchen
gurma food
do you get that in your cloths shop?

in my hotal i can swim as much as i want, i go to the jakuzi and saune as much as i want

everytime i work there my friends visiting me and we swim and go to the gym near the pool
we are always hitting with french or americans hot tourists, enter the jakuzi with them and saune :>
show off to them at gym and sit with them on the balcony

do you have all those in your lil cloths shop? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

oh btw, i get paid for all these
and more than that, im not belong to the hotal stuff, so they cant fire me
only human resources of the state can, cuz i belong to them

i can keep going, but im afraid you will kill yourself out of jelousy

and when i sit with friends we sit outside, with coffee and just talking, or drive in our cars
when i host friends we watch a fighting movie like never back down, last time we saw rightous kill, very awsome movie, we do bbq with lots of meat and we tells jokes and laugh :>

so i dont understand why you flame me, only because you see me online everytime you are online?

wow !
erm its not like i work there the rest of my life, its not hard work pays good. and lovely girls work there aswell. i flame you cause your an idiot. and honestly i dont give a tiny shit about your jobs, i really really dont and im not the tiniest bit jealous of your.
i mean it doenst get more dull then this.
Quoteand when i sit with friends we sit outside, with coffee and just talking, or drive in our cars
when i host friends we watch a fighting movie like never back down, last time we saw rightous kill, very awsome movie, we do bbq with lots of meat and we tells jokes and laugh :>

i mean your 18 and your watching an action movie with your friends :D
told you already we also date those hot tourists

what do you expect me to do with my friends?
have sex with them like you gay ppl do?

i told you we go out everyday
but a jelous person will read what he want
owh ye sure, now u suddenly go out every day :D surreeeeee
told you everyday we sit together at nights... X_X
pays good?
you work in a clothing store you cant get paid good

lovely girls, who dont give a fuck about you :~D

so thats all?
they dont give you food :<
too bad you need to pay for food while i get for free
and lol swimming pool and gym in your store :((((((((
not even a sauna and jakuzi

your job sux !!!!!!!
well its pays better then most jobs and i dont have to work hard so im satisfied, i will quit it in 3 months anyway so i dont really care. whats a good job if u have a shitty life anyway.
again with your shitty life xDDD

you fucking work in cloths store
who are you kidding, you cant get paid well + you dont have benifits

watch out not to get hit by men underwear lol

HAHA i have more fun in my job then you have in whole year
i find it pretty weird your 18 and behaving so childish, why do u care what i think of u u dont even know me. i hope for u that one day ull come out of your little dreamworld but i really doubt it.
first of all you start it first
and second so now you think stuff about me?
i was sure no one care about the others at crossfire wow !!!

we are having some progress here meight !

enjoy seeing all day clothes
i dont see me writing long stories to make u think im cool
thats because you have nothing to write about

you work in a clothes store ffs

thats like being a slave
only stupid ppl with no qualifications work in these kindes of jobs

to be a life guerd you need to do courses, expensive one
you need to be built and swim good

you dont talk because,,,you are a sad person
i dont talk because i dont give a shit about u, man how many times do i have to repeat myself. Talking about slaves and whos going into the army :~D
so tell me something plz
or i will assume like you do, that you are a fucking no liferrrrr

and being in the army doesnt make you a slave
furthermore, israeli pilot earn 20,000$ per month and i think its more than working in clothes store,
Quoteand being in the army doesnt make you a slave

:~D but working in a cloth store does!
because its a worthless job
but then again you are worthless :~D
cause i work at a clothing store partime i am worthless?
and because your parents know people so u can get nice jobs you are awesome?

your bringing stupidity to a whole new level :DDD plz go on
2 out of 3 jobs i got by myself

i did a 1000euro course to be qualify as a life guerd
which i got the money from working at advertise company

the job i got from my mother is in the goverment facility

so think about another tactic !!!

oh and its awsome to have parents which are very successful ^_^

your parents cant get you anything, maybe the work in clothes store too? :O
wow a 1000 dolar course, i got my drivers license which is even more expensive! haha now im more awesome then u. Haha u even get angry because your beeing flamed on the internetz, but keep going im kinda bored now but u keep me entertained.
you are a terrible driver if you paid 1000$ :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

more than that llllllllllooooooooooollllllllllllll

beside, you wouldnt pass the tests
what do u know about the prizes of taking drivers license in holland? paying 1000 $ for a swimcourse ...
just admit it took you long time thats why you pay alot

a bad driver
and i got the money i invest in the qualification on the first 2 weeks of work you tard
erm no its always over 1000 actuly. u earned 1000$ dolar in 2 weeks of coast guarding hahahahah :DDD
you know why?
cuz life guerding is one of a hell a good jobs
but only few work in it ;)

now gtfo clothes store worker
and be jelous while i get paid to be in jakuzi with hot tourists ;D
why are you bragging to me? do u honesly think i believe u earn 1000$ in 2 weeks partime working as a coastguard -.-
life guerd...
image: %D7%9E%D7%A6%D7%99%D7%9C%20%D7%91%D7%AA%D7%90

and dont believe, i got all i want :D
its guard, ofcourse i wont believe u cause its not true.
ok its not true
all the stuff i had i bought with my money btw

and the money is not from any job !
its from stealing from europeans !
why would u lie to me about your wage i ask u
i didnt lie about my wage X_X

tell me, can you accept the fact that i earn more money than you?
you know, everyone ask me why im replying here
cuz we know who are the europeans
they have different opinions than us israelis
but there are only few ppl here who actually ask me from time to time to tell them about my job, about what i had in school and what im gonna do in army
there are few ppl here who do get to know me more and they are like we israelis
i stay here only for them, and i will tell you the truth that all you and other ppl behaviour only proof that we think opposite
our way of life is different but you dont see me starting a flame war and accusing you of lying and other stuff, i only flame you as self defence

rather if you believe or dont believe its non of my councern, but if there is something we israelis rly rly hate is being accuse of lying, while the only 'wrong' thing i did was treating you like i treat to my friends
to treat to complete strangers like i treat to my friends

in every help journal im trying to help as my as i can, also in school i vulenteer 3 years with being a guid person to dozens of youth about how to build airplane models.

hate dont hate your choice, but facts are facts, you want me to scan you my qualifications? i can do that
wanna pictures of the hotal i work? the office in the facility?
can do that
but dont accuse, cuz we hate it
i believe u have the jobs np, i just dont believe u earn 1000$ in 2 weeks of part time working and some other.
Quote by schneeu sir speak the truth
im going now hf in life, hope ull grow a little bit wiser some day.
have fun clubbing
anyway the point is i dont give a shit what people on cf think of me cause i have a good life. its obvious your just a nerd cause your always trying to let everyone think your the coolest guy on earth. like anyone with a bit of normal life would care what people think of him on cf, your obviously just a sad fuck. end of discussion.
you are obiously care enough to flame me all the time everytime
i also have a wonderful life style with few have

im not coming to say im better, i only say that to protect myself from your flames

with my friends we always talk about jobs and money and what im talking here cuz thats what we talk about

i done a mistake and brought those with me here
didnt know many ppl here are fucking jelous, but not my fault.
what did you expect me to talk with you guys?
about the weather in europe?
we talk about jobs and money but you took it as im trying to show off

Quotelike anyone with a bit of normal life would care what people think of him on c
sorry dude but i doubt anyone is jealous of u

u always talk about jobs and money....... must be fun :~D
ppl who dont care, simply dont comment
or say ok ok i g2g

but the rage you bring on me
you take jelousy to a whole new lvl

and breaking news, ppl do care !
well if you think im jealous of u, your even more stupid then i tought :~D
yep im stupid
meanwhile you are the guy who work in a clothing store :DDDDDDDD
erm its just a part time job dude, dont cum over it.
your the guy who talks about money and watches action movies with his friend :~D
yea while getting paid for swimming with hot tourists and enter the saune with them HAHAHA
Man, you bragg so fucking much about how fucking cool your IRL is, still you every fucking day argue 5hours here about your life. Everybody here knows you are nothing and you have no friends. Have fun crying yourself to sleep. Hell, i think youre even too retarded to qualify to your so fraking awesome army.

Fucking cool man, fucking cool.
not you again
and how they know plz tell me?!?!?!?!?

they want to think that cuz they are jelous ppl :~>
Thats the reason you bragg off. You think that it's a perfect crime, no one will never know if you speak the truth or just lie. But all the bullshit youve wrote has gone so far, that no one fucking believes you :D After all you live in a 3rd world country full of st00pied sandniggers :)

Now you fell the urge to defend all what youve said so you wont lose youre face infront of schnee or other females in crossfire. Dude, you wont get laid in CF

you are a fucking russian and you dare to speak?! :DDDDD
good argument, your really smart i see
i have 10 pages summery about why russia is a fucking tin country
yes all russians are the same so they cant talk...
Quoteyou are a fucking russian and you dare to speak

saying that makes u veryyy stupid
its a reply to all israeli are stupid
common sense, you dont have it
haha ye i have no common sense, but u do :D everyone who has a normal job is a slave!
except for u ! now that is common sense
nope everyone

only you

working in a clothing store=one of the worest jobs ever
but hey, if thats what your skills can get you then enjoy : D
its one of the better jobs actuly but hey what do u know, u never come outside
all my 3 jobs are outside
and i go outside every night =DDD

well you are just repeating yourself
except for all the night you have shabat which is every day? u were just saying u were going away, yet u keep on repling everyone who comments u. its not very convincing u know
you said you are going to club
yet you are still here and not with your friends =D

and i never claim that i have to go anywhere
ye because its only 7 o clock and i still have to eat. it start at 11 so i have loads of time left! but dont worry i have seen more clubs then u will in your entire life.
its not an achivement lol

i do something with my life so i will have good life insted clubbing

grow up
ye good life = talking about money/job. well i would say hf with your good life. haha u saying grow up to someone :~D
in here when you are with friends, we talk about what job we have, about army and about things that interest us

now, i have no idea what you ppl like, so i talk with you about what i talk to my friends and as a matter of fact, you should take is a compliment that i talk to you guys like i talk with my friends

and i only started to talk about where i work, i started to talk about money and those after i got flamed about telling where i work...

so you see, its some of you who have issues with being jelous.
i started flaming u???? dude... :D but u should talk about things that interest u with friends. but its totaly obvious all u ever talk about is money/jobs means your a pretty boring person.
well if i talk with girls with ppl here, im a nerd
if i talk about army, im brainwashed

i talked with you guys about what im talking with my friends for a start and got flame so np, trolling vs eachother to the max !

and dont worry im not boring, you didnt bother to know me insted you flamed me :d
im just replying, all i said actually was hf browsing cf. and because its the truth u started flaming me. its not like i hate u or sumthing just behave a little like a normal person, its not that hard and more people will like u if u do.
you done that in many other journals...
yeah i like it :D
Had to stop here! no offence or anything but being a "life" guard at a hotel swimming pool can't be all that challenging, it's not you like you have drowning people every day :D.. Have you even once seen someone almost drown :Þ?
yea i worked in a community city
thats was my fire deep :<
before i was on crossfire xD
dude it was horror .....

400 small kids and it was a deep pool xD
once a week maybe i had to jump with my clothes to save some kid who couldnt swim xDD

but yep the hotal job isnt challanging at all, and thats fucking awsome :D
but the course was challanging...
Haha, yeh get your point. And your definition of horror :D
the most danger are not the kids
its the old man :<
they can get heart attack !
Im actually finnish.

To the point, im glad to see that i made you rage. Cry sandnigger cry, you might get white someday.
even worse :D
damn poro !
for whats that?
ts,vent,server? :DSA
ET server i am waiting there for you
Actually im fine, thank god i was born white :~)
yak white skin 8DD
you must be afraid of the sun cuz you get burned and red and stuff >:D
No, i actually dont burn easily and im born with a browner than milk white skin. Carry on.

E. Gonna go now and fuck some swedish chick, big boobs and blue eyes n' fucking beautiful. You know what im talking about, youve seen them in pictures right?

there are many israelis who suit the description but np
have fun getting aids from your whore : D
dude really noone is jealous of you here. tbh i find u rather sad person, i actuly think u have been bullied alot and u are a very frustrated person.
sry to dissapoint you
but nope
cuz of you every journal i will open, i will get those spams
Do you even believe yourself? Be honest for a change.
i believe leokino is lifeless
his physical appearence prove that

but consider me as him !

no =(
Loekino is way cooler than you are.
tbh this guy is really mentaly troubled, he truly believes the things he makes up. but well he get free food at work so i guess he has a better life then everyone here.
That's good, at least one person believes him.
:D maybe his friend who easily wins from four proffesinal k-one kickboxers also believes him. but i doubt it
by the gods !
i didnt ask if he is cool :XD
line up? :P
locals! u wont know them :p
its over!
come irc or else !
u claim to be such a pro irl but u still mess around the whole day with the xfire girls
im not claiming anything

and they are fucking hot !
not talking to them is a waste of words !
more like a waste of time
go out sometimes u will find way better looking girls there im sure of it 8D
dont worry :~D
got all the hottest americans and french tourists in my hotal
the gurlz living next to me ;D
if is that so why u keep trying to hook up with schnee and other xfire chicks ? u dont make sense
why it doesnt make fucking sense to talk with schnee and nebu?

plz tell me why its weird

so you dont talk to them because ppl will think you are a nerd? :DDDDDD
i mean, wow...
cause normal people talk to girls they know IRL...
Quote by Cohendont worry :~D
got all the hottest americans and french tourists in my hotal
the gurlz living next to me ;D

like anyone on the planet would believe that...
why the fuck would u give egirls so much attention. complete paradox
dont believe ;(

and there is no paradox, and i doubht you even know what it means cuz it doesnt even connect in this sentence
yes your trying to hook up with egirls, while u claim to have all the hot tourists.
tell me
how can i hook up with egirls when i live 1000000000000km from them, and i dont want to fly to europe

plz answer that plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

let me tell you something, i find benifits in everything i do
i play et so the benifits is to meet new ppl for the good and are for the worse, jelous european like you, working in a clothes store jelous in a "camel rider with sandels"
god wanted and there are female gamers omg

then why not talk with them?
or should i say, why talk different with them!?
plz answer
btw, thanks for making the shabbath go faster
you supply me more things to do !
your whole story doenst make much sense, learn english if your so goddamm smart. U even piss girls off online (about evilynn i agree with u btw), dont think any girl would like u irl mr virgin
how it doesnt make sense
dont talk short, say all you want :d
and who am i pissing off ? D:
well evyline pissed me off when her nude pictures came
almost puked xD

and everything i say, you will say liar liar :<
so why bother to add that there is no guy irl that can say bad words about me :<
yes cause noone knows u. and do u think schnee likes u? btw are you really 18 cause even that i dont believe, u really seem in behaviour like 13/14. u talk as childish as for example pds/nzz other kiddies here on cf.
well i think she dont hate me
and i also think she enjoy how i talk to her sometimes
if she would want me to stop talking with her i will stop, and so far she didnt said that

and no, im lying about my age, im 9 !
thats not the point
there are many ways of "talking" and yours just seems pretty weird
no matter when i see a post of schnee u reply there at least 10 times there
i just have to smiley when i read your stories about the tourists and then i see how u act here 8D
well we do come from different places
what seems weird to you, may not be weird to us

as a matter of fact, i also laugh in my comments to her cuz its funny for me
thats why i enjoy replying to her

and i act the same with the tourists, infect with all girls only its much more nicer in hebrew :>
sometimes 1 friend comes over to his parents house and they watch a action movie together!
damm i wish i could say that :<
Quotewell soon the shabbath will enter :o

u also dont do everyday-things (working...) on shabbath?
he has permanent shabbath
sex on the beach baby
Listen: I'm getting sick of all your trashtalking over the internet and I'm probably not the only one. If your life is that awesome, why do you keep spamming crossfire for months? As a matter of fact 90% of the community doesn't care about your life nor the ones of others. That leaves you with those 10 percent who care about your life. Can't you fucking tell your stories by Private Messages? This is an gaming Community and not Oprah Winfrey. Furthermore you keep claming that youre so cool and your life is all fine and stuff, but still you're spending like 50 percent of the day on Crossfire. Hello? Do you have some mental decease or live in your own tiny world? You don't have to be honest over the internet, but you should atleast be honest to yourself.


Another very annoying point is that everybody tries to be all nice to those girls here at xfire. What do you expect? That they're making love with you once upon a time?
Sorry, that aint gonna happen! So please stop bootlicking them all the time, that just makes them - more or less - attentionwhores. Go and get your girl outside on the streets instead of wasting your time in here.
u sir speak the truth
see below !
he said i got a point !
now he speak the truth !
I do understand your position, but you should also try to imagine beeing a complete foreign person, who doesn't know you at all. If he's gonna read your words he might get a wrong image of you, even if you only try to protect yourself. I didn't intend to flame you personally, it was more likely meant to 'wake you up'. This is a gaming Community with many diffrent people all over the world. Something, which might be a common thing/ behaivour in Isreal, might be rude to some people from other countries. If you stop providing them with a target, they'll stop flaming you, but flaming others as selfdefence is just dumb and has nothing to do with protecting your honor. Just let them talk trash if they want to, most of the people in here are stubborn and have a tunnel vision anyway. Think about it :-)

there is not much i can say to express myself :D
you see it as a gaming community, i see it as a forum, a place where ppl all around the world meet.

haha, 99% of the journals here are not related to gaming ;D
i dont need ppl to tell me how to act and how not to act
for this i have my parents ;D
and look for us we dont gonna take shit from anyone here

what can i say to you, im not gonna change
i dont need to change, and aslong as i have those 10% which i connect and play with im gonna be here :XD
if not, i will just read more books between every comment :D
You got a point there, though I didnt want to tell you how to act, it was meant to show you the other side of the story. Of course you don't have to change yourself just to make the others like you, but you shouldn't take everything as personally as you did in the past, as you probably won't meet them ever in reallife. Anyway lets cut this crap right here. Cya around!
if you even need help in something i have knowledge about =(
ask !
hey hey my day start at 5:30 and end at midnight
i know how to devide my day pattern so i will do everything, job, having friends, spam and etc

i will tell you even how

take a A4 page
devide it to 24 rows
each row is hour of the day, now write what do to and follow it :D
dont forget i have internet connection at my work and i do nothing there
so dont say how can i do all i say and keep spamming :O(
so, it s time for u to shut the fuck up
you should be hanged
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