Your New Year's Eve?

Where do you celebrate on New Year's Eve?
And with who? Family? Friends? Alone in IRC?


Brandenburg Gate in Berlin is fine for me!
Chillig at friends home with sum bears and stuff is fine aswell...

image: 190251_1_071213_silvester_ddp
i hope sensation white @ düsseldorf
my god :< sounds awesome ! btw, how much do you pay for the tickets?
The tickets wouldn't cost that much to be honest.
Hm orite, I'm planning on going to a Sensation White rave sometime 2009 :p

EDIT: inv me to the man utd "clan" on this site :p
for gods sake, why haven't you told me about the date earlier?!:C
i looked the tickets on the internet for sensation white in july in amsterdam and it was 160 euros xD
Well, at least the Mayday isn't that expansive:S
hehe for me to go to sensation white

160 euros for sw tickets
250 euros for plane tickets
100 euros for the drink for the weekend ( maybe more )
100 euros for the hotel ? dunno the prices of them
15 euros for the train ticket to Dublin airport
15 euros for the train ticket from Dublin airport to Waterford
50 euros or less for food

so whats that all together :D 800 euros or something ? :D
but its all worth it tho
check loekino's journal..
do not want
I'll go to Belgium Leuven, Oude Markt, together with Belgium spiROZE and some others !
cya there hunny, or ill be in paris, dno yet !
let me know !
undecided yet...
cool evening ull have fun with jeanette biedermann & co
I will be drunken anyway :y
after 1 kindl :p
I will first eat with some friends at our 'chiro' (gourmet)
then we will go to the newyears eve party and after that we'll go to café.
i'll be in my bed around 09:00!
at home in bed sleeping since i need to get up early again.
i always planned to do that once
I have no choice, have to be @ work uberearly -.-
maybe I party all night and go without sleep to work, did it already often :D
Thats what my grandpa did. He went to bed 23.30 every new year.
Oh, he had to work early too in a callcenter with annoying clients? Awesome.
Nope, he was Beamter in the Rathaus. His "wake-phases" were never longer than 4 hours I guess.
Part of his job was to close the bunker gates in case of nuclear attack!
Sounds pretty exciting if u ask me! Too bad I am no Beamte, then I could go to a party at new years eve and get wasted .. maybe I stay up all night (sober) and go to work without any sleep... dont know yet :d
yea sux. well, I think it's best to just go sleep if u can't party/drink. I hate watching others getting drunk and sitting sober in the middle =/
Drinking and goin to work afterworks doesn't sound like something people of our age should do =X
Idd .. that was when I was younger (and worked fulltime in a bar.) Well I think I will decide when its midnight. :D
yea hf with whatever way you decide! You can still call in sick (which might be a bit obvious) :P
nah wont :d but thx, hf too !
You need your beatysleep :)
staying home some neighboars and friends of my parents are coming. I am going outside with a friend dunno what to do yet ±;
last year i played wow
this year... dunno probably like any other day

actually I'll probably be asleep at 00:00 anyway so it doesn't really matter
was fucking supposed to go to France Chamonix, last night, but surprise surprise the plane is delayed to tomorrow(whoo fucking ray). doubt i'll be going anyway if it's leaving tomorrow cause i gotta be back on january the 2nd probably in Tallinn, or somewhere around :)
you are dodging france noob
atleast im not a lan dodger!!! :D how ya doin?

2 MIN LEFT TILL THE END OF MY WORKDAY!! but i'll probably stay few minutes longer :D
lol i have 1,5 hours left now! Im fine, will party at my own city at the streets lol, like loekino said clubs are expensive at new years eve :<

e: how are you?:P
caught a god damn flu, throat is killing me, other than that im fine, going to snowboard competition on january the 4th. probably gonna fail cause i've snowboarded only once this winter :<
Haha you noooooob! Well the flu is around i guess, many ppl are ill :(

and now i have 1 hour and 25 min left!
:D enjoy the devilish time at work mate :D im gonna leave now, ttyl ;)
ill make sex with yo sister!
seems that im gonna be in bed if this keeps going
Awakenings ! :XD
At my garage with 11-15 friends (5 boys, rest are girls). Lots of alcohol, music, chicha.
Nothing special
on ET server, with the whole KRP :)
Whole KRP - taz!

I was drinking beer you fat ugly homo nerd!
going to a club in amsterdam with a few friends
can i come with u?
well, you can go aswel if you want !
"a club in amsterdam with a few friends"

an ET server hosted in amsterdam you mean. :>
hahaha :D fuck jou
QuoteChillig at friends home with sum bears and stuff is fine aswell...







i'll go to a friends home aswell, at like 11.30 we'll go to the dorfparty, launch some fireworks and try to get as drunken as we can :P
in my house with my family and probably calming down my cat underneath my vest :D
and after 00:00 ET, cause you have to train your aim for next lan
haha i calm my dog too xD
is your dog as nice as you are? pics please !
cutest dog ever >< dont have a camera to pic him @ net :/ but he is cute as hell <3 him
you has webcam i no
well last year my cat was shaking like hell, lost half of her hair, and just hide behind my arms when I was holding her, so Ill probably just put on a vest and keep itunderneath their :P
newyear in style @ gent eskimo fabriek
playing the New years 3v3cup !
facing new year with my e-buddies gonna fucking bash newbjes team
cu @ vent at 22.30!
yeap, and ask your mom if she wants to spec us!
she can't she has cod4 offi at same time : (
ahh, I wish her GL!
Hi Estonian Buddie!
oh plz not another ee flag guy, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy is half xfire with ee flag
psst psst!
wanna join our NYE clan?
ahaha no :D i will be at my home made party with friends.. going out in somke mins to buy some alcohol :D
"sure" mate sure!
Its true (bug!) :) Already cleaned my space, bought some stuff :P i will show u a pic in some days :D will be pwnage
didn't know that you have party in WoW realm with your friends : D
lololol :D fuck you polack!
image: izeknowzkungf128389357470312500 bears?

anyway gonna be at some friends place with like 20-30 friends and enjoy some drinks :)
nice writing a journal without mentioning my name! :D
one of my friends (Malta badboy) got a flat and we're going there

we're going to be something like 20 ppl

we'll order food from some caterer and we already bought the drinks including 5 Smirnoff bottles, 1 Martini, 1 Jack, 1 Baileys and 2 Champagne for countdown

oh god, I'm so totally gonna get wasted :D
not enough alco imo :(
nice nice :D irrd nara erba ritratti takom hara haha :D il-festi it-tajba u sellili ^^
lilek ukoll gbijn :D
we'll be in my brother's house. Him, his gf, me, my gf and another friend. And the (3 months old) dog.
We will make cocktails like we did last year. I bought 7 bottles of liquor (rum, dark rum, vodka, gin, peach liquor, cointreau) and bring some leftovers we have. some juice ofc. I doubt we will drink it all :P
For food we will have some raclette which I don't really like...
QuoteI doubt we will drink it all :P

come over my little swabian friend, I'm sure it's enough for u aswell =)
well, thanks for the offer but i doubt there won't be enough alcohol around here :D
Yea, just in case you run out of it, you know where I live!
np, i'll take the next plane then, new years eve from above should be nice aswell!
playing the New years 3v3cup !
facing new year with my e-buddies.
gotta win those awesome prices.
Chilling with some friends, drinking (water ofc) and that stuff..
Quotedrinking (water ofc)

no need to mention that.
going to leuven probably musiccafe
going to be with the girl
plastic one?
that's good one
You like plastic girls? :DDDDD
nah, more like rubber
I got my Darth Vader outfit ready for a fancy dress party. The trousers are a little tight tho..
Drunk photos coming :D. I will be going with scarface, Captain Jack Sparrow & Snow White
tbh scarface and sparrow> all :d
i guess ill learn for exams, chat with friends on irc and go sleep @ 2300. Like any other day

Happy new year
Going to a party ofc :)
going to watch the WoW firework this year.
private 50ppl party at a restaurant we rented
woow thats a great idea tbh! renting a restaurant for some hours with 50 ppl, share the costs:)

not some hours, whole night + day. we've been doing it every year and since you buy drinks in a store this way, there's just fucking a looooooooooooooooooooooot of it
have to work as well, but luckily i got the late shift, so i have to work from 12:30 @ 1st january.. party party party!!! already bought my ticket today... schuppen2 in bremen!!! :D
#irc-silvester-party by pumu, cu there.
going to install ET again just for that night.

nah going to a cafe and have a party there i hope ;x
playing vs bots
At a friends place with some other friends.
in my town's night clubs with friends and when I get drunk find something to boom boom :>
Chillig at friends home with sum bears l? :DDDD

i ll celebrate it with friends of course
Going to Amsterdam, On a James Holden concert anyone else being there?
Dancing after 1 am, before with my family
playing ET all night long
friends eating + warm up after that to sinne klaas and gent
just me and my PC
Friends prolly come to our place. My friend moved in today, cuz I had a spare room.
in bremen with friends, gonna be fun!
gonna zit met meine freunden en dan hardcore frituren en biertanken
hardcore frituren en biertanken +1
party in the melkweg
hanging out with a 1,75L bottle of Jaegermeister with friends at their cottage
i think ill meet up with our guild in wow and fire some fireworks which we can buy in the stores, then we will do some raids. will be awesome
Party at my house with alot of my friends, drink till you drop, LOOOOOOTS of very cool (read : illegal) fireworks and my GF will come over from Berlin for 3 days! So my NYE is gonna be fking awesome :DDDD
Usually I have celebrited it with family/relatives, but this time I am going to be tough guy and go to bar.
3on3 cup with my clan together with a couple of beer.
With my computer and

we are nerds and we will play
So many choices its hard.. could stay in london or go to3 other cities :/ always ends up being last minute and usually ends up messy ;)
with friends--->
got to work from 31.12.08 19.00 CET - 01.01.09 6:00 CET
houseparty with friends
friends are going to do a LAN-Party =)
image: lauaviin

with friends
birthday partay -> beach till 0:30 -> club -> hangover.
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