first to admins: stop deleting my posts! ok thanx

SECOND: GUYS, how are u? whats new? are ur inet providers live?

btw, stop this war with GAZA!

saving private ron
stop making useless journalls then
may be this is not ur war, but part of world! stop useless thinking!
obviously when my country is in war, i would post it right away on crossfire, i would not even care if the Germany germans r infiltrating my house already
just for this time i wont run away from my attacker then
o point, where art thou?
strikes? arts?:)
Please. You'd pown the tanks with your mahi krava :O).


Its raining here now :(((((
mahi krava haha lolsd
I ordered a new Hi-Fi from Amazon using next day delivery. City Link said I wasn't in and left a card according to their site, but there is not card! Got up at 7:30am for nothing YEA!!
Id say let them fight, we save on our gasbills
jews at mass murder sounds better
gas them all
how can you do some jokes with that
cause im retarded and i dont give a fuck as long as they dont take down anyone i know :[
The Jews are about to exterminate the Palestinians, it seems like they want to repeat what happened to them almost 70 years ago... very reasonable! But really, what a fucking nazi regime Israel has become. If it wasn't for America Israel would be blown to pieces by Europe.
cases like you, it's better to leave you alone and let you figure alone how retardish and unbelieve you sounded, maybe when you will grow up and understand better the situation you will laugh at your self, how words to describe people like you
Country: Israel IS

I think we'll stop there.
Firstly, the situation in israel is nothing like the Holocaust. i can't remember the Jews willing to do anything against German, and i certainly sure they weren't bombing german cities on daily basis for several years. there was an agreement for cease-fire, which was several times broken by the hamas. there was no choice left but to attack the hamas in order to stop the bombing of israel cities.

secondly I find it quite ironic how you say how terrible is that israeli people kill people, and immediately after it you say Europe should kill all the israelis.
jew in the oven sounds better
Lakaiii you're an idiot ._.
the Palestinians bombing our cities daily with Kassama's and Grads missiles, killing an innocence people , Womans, Kids .
now that Israel Air Force finally started to get involve it is an excuse to revenege on what happend to us years ago ^^?

I cant justify what we are doing [ as a soldier on israel air force ] but its necassary.
the Palestinians have crossed the range to Ashdod city now israel will never let them reach their hands to tel aviv there wont be a Gaza anymore by then :)

true innconece people are dieing in thier side as well and its not alright but we cant stay still without doing something, this is a political discussion no time for that :D <3
You don't make sense at all. Is killing hundreds of Palestinians justifying terrorist attacks on Israel (which haven't really made a major impact on you the latest years). You haven't thought about how Israel is oppressing, segregating and dominating Palestine? No you haven't, because you live in a bubble, manipulated by the Israeli state.
as soon as they stop firing missiles into israel which they have done EVERYDAY for 3yrs.. they were even given plenty of warning to stop.. so pls..
14 deaths in 7 years, not to say that's acceptable, but to place some perspective on the situation...
yes, there might not be a lot of victims of the bombs, but you would probably agree it's impossible to live for 7 years , hearing bangs few times a day, fearing the next bomb might hit you, your family or someone you know.

yes, for the last dew days there were lots of victims on the palestine side. most of them were terrorist though. israel only attacks Hamas's buildings.

now you answer on this question: what are they trying to get by keep bombing israel still?
Could be due to Israel continuing to encroach on Palestinian territory building new settlements? Then Israeli students rioting & indiscriminately shooting Palestinians when the police try to move them on? Not that I'd defend either... a mind numbing situation, but the semantics of language used, ‘n the attacks committed, they both acts of 'terrorism' (or aren't).

57 civilians dead by the last news report I saw, about 1/4 of all those killed, not great figures.

(Depends if you consider an ‘acceptable’ lever of collateral, what with it being one of the most densely populated areas in the world). History seems to show that short of genocide or a total police state, you can’t batter a populous into submission without creating ‘martyrs’. Lift the economic embargo that's starving the population, engage with the democratically elected representatives & work towards a sustainable, prosperous Palestine. You mollify extremes by making life easy… Jeez it all sounds so simple! Nellie for a Nobel peace prize!
i totally agree with the last part of what you wrote.
but you didn't anwer the question. not why are they doing it. what are they trying to get by doing it?

Israel has got no interest of making the palestines poor, hungry or keep them uneducated or anything like this. israel has even given them money. we provide water and electricity to these places.

the problem is that they believe, and the hamas encourages them to believe, that it's israels fault that NOW they are in that unpleasant situation, and israel should be gone, and should not exist- and fighting israel would be the right thing for them.
since people think that way, they go and buy weapons and than complain they don't have money to eat.
Admins: delete this journal FAST!
fuck the palestinians go jews
to restore peace palestinians need to bomb israel so that those fuckign jews would die and those ppl who lived long before this occupation could come back to their land
jews were the first to live there, way before muslims even existed
ok then lets start deviding territories between nations, like its been before muslims were even born
yup, since you're right on that one, it's good the Jews have got other rights by this on the territory of israel.
ye and adam and eve even lived there before... :X

I was first

No I was

No i Was

etc etc they should gtfo
thats bullshit, but its historically proven that they lived there
omfg did i say they didnt? learn to read mate, the point i wanted to make is they should stop this stupid discussion about who was first..
fucking jews they start to do the same as hitler @ 2 world war. terrorist? bla bla bla
They're going to gas their selves?
u fucking polish twat ..
shit why hitler doesn't kill all this fucking jews. Go out from poland pathetic shit
you talk to much kid....
if u didnt notice: Hitler is dead \o/
ohh rly men?!!? :OOOOOOOOOOOOOO impossible
If I say so :o
pm theodor,he will explain u the situation :D
Hopefully Theodor will decide it has been going on for long enough and he'll pick up his plane, defeat every single Palestinians one by one, then make a looping because he fucking can, check his Rollex and be home for the time his 10 wive will have his dinner ready.
The chosen people are moving their positions forward. Not unexpected comming from the most bloodthisty people on this planet. It's no match attacking people shooting missiles from the dark when you have heatseeking to counter with. However Iran will be another story for you and blood will be shed. You have already been issued a warning, stand down while you can jews!
Read an interesting analysis stating it’s posturing aimed at Iran & their nuclear ambitions more than provocation by Hamas (sustained but no major inflammatory factor), a gamble to ensure Israel remains the defacto power in the region.
I see. I'm not sure though if Israel would have something to gain in showing "whos boss" knowing Iran has a strength not by far comparable with the Palestinians.
pls delete this topic
They need fieldops and medics
The Jews know how to bomb the shit out of one's country alright. They know the drill.
iSreal should win this war, it'll be better for world.
isolating and ignoring the people in gaza was just the wrong way to deal with this situation.
you cannot solve the problems by putting them in an open air prison.

Not much to say about the current attack. Its a collective penalty for all the people in gaza leading to more supporters for the hamas.
Funny how people argue, who sit with their fat asses in save europe, during israel is surrounded by enemies.
Hamas placing their missile-launchers middle of civilian structures. If the civil population tolerates this, they shouldn't complain for being bombed.

And please stop repeating this socialist "Israel executes a holocaust against the palestinian people" propaganda. Its fucking ridicouls and without any scientific proof.

You got any doubts due to the aggression of members of the "religion of peace"? Visit bigger european cities. Book adventure holidays in the next travell-agency.
All in all its all made by jews... last 60 years they were building nothing but walls for palestinians. Jews made them terrorist by not giving them proper education, work opportunity. Its normal that 99% of all extremist are born in gettos / slums, and jews are keeping palestinians in ghettos last 60 years. I saw ghettos like this in France, maby here algierians/maroccans dint have ak-47 or rocket launchers but like in palestine they do not have chance for good education or work and afaik in early 2006 they showed what they think about it.

There are many more places like palestina, where yong ppl cant read or write but know how to use ak-47 bcuz there is war last XX years (leban, afghanistan, some countries in africa). We cant simply nuke em all, we need to pay for their education etc, we need to give them chance for normal life, if we dont do this, they will come to us, mayby not tommorow, even mayby not in 10 years, but one day they will come with ak-47......

sry for my low- english
You seem to lack knowledge of some historic facts.
on the 29 of november 1947 the UN decided about dividing the country- israel and palestine.
the palestines weren't satisfied with that. they declared they are going to exterminate all the jews in israel. well, they failed on that one,but they keep trying thinking that what will do good to them. now, they place the fault for their situation on the shoulders of israel.
Gaza isn't a Palestinians calm city as it were years ago, there are now organizations like Hamas, Hizballa and Jihad that ruling the place, places like Jabalia are full of targets and also full of innocence people all around. if Israel wanted to exterminate the Palestinians they would doing it long ago doesnt take much time. we giving them Food, Water and Electricity - all we wanted and want is peace, the palestinians that lives there are too much manipulated with hatred to israel because they dont understand the situations, they get shot by standing infront of the fire lines if they were smart enough they would realize how stupid they are asisting hamas and jihad there.
Sorry but its kinda useless talking about the innocence people there because they cant leave Gaza and they cant choose sides anymore. my advice to them, stay down.
And that what happened on the 29 of November 1947 is the reason for both sides. I do not denied rights for having a country for both sides. Look at some other history facts, look what happened to most if not all countries that were created or their borders were marked in Teheran, Jalta or under any other UN/Allied decision. Look what happened to Yugoslav, Czechoslovakia or some ex-colonies in Africa. Even in Poland (im from Poland) we got problems early after WWI (with germans and czech) or WWII with Ukrainians bcuz our borders were drawn by some fuckin politics from countries 2000km away. That’s creates hate. You (Israel gov) need to made some moves to destroy Palestinians reasons to attack you. I don’t know what can be done, maybe give them country with full autonomy? I know about Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah, I know they daily bombing Israel from Gaza and Leban, but they will not stop until you destroy theirs reason for doing that. I know that those organizations are all populists, but people listen to populists when there is no other option or hope (remember one small populist party from Munich in 30’s ?). As long as there is no other option for Palestinians when you kill one extremist you make 2 new, and it will be endless.
stop argue with each other ...
lets stick to the facts evry country in the world will protect there pepole ...
israel deseve it too!

thats all

good bye
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