give me back my age

Age:20 ( 4 May 1989 )

must be a little bug,5 months are not so much :-J

anyway,i wish u guys the best in 2009 :D

image: thumb_612_x_0_0-115296-revelion
its 2010
Oh.. wait.
Age: 20 ( 3 June 1989 ) :P
Age: 20 ( 4 February 1989 )
Age: 29 ( 23 February 1979 ) - HAHA!
Age: 19 ( 23 December 1989 )

you're seeing ghosts.
lol you posted @ the exact same time as evlynn did :0

think your year will start bad :o, u posted @ 6:06:06 ö
Age: 19 ( 15 September 1989 )
I haven't the bug :<
Age: 19 ( 4 December 1989 )
Age: 19 ( 9 July 1990 )

wont happen :<
i'm 22...old! accelerates the maturation
lol, thats quite genious i might say, if i grow up and make my first community website, i will use the exact same thing!
Age: 18 ( 4 May 1991 )
nice bday :D
Age: 17, yay i'm still 17!
Age: 19 ( 12 May 1989 )
Age: 11 ( 15 August 1997 )

I fucking rock
Age: 17 ( 3 July 1992 )
Age: 15 ( 11 October 1993 )
Age: 21 ( 21 August 1987 )

no bug for me :<
Age: 18 ( 21 January 1990 )

21 rox :D
Age: 17 ( 5 July 1992 )
Age: 25 ( 7 May 1984 )

11 ( 7 May 1998 )

it's because crossfire thinks you have matured with the new year!!!1 :Z
Age: 19 ( 2 July 1990 )

I'm only 18, don't make me older!
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