New Mousepad for Mr.rodo
8 Jan 2009, 11:40
Mr. rodo needs a new mousepad and doesn't know, which one he should take.
atm Mr. rodo has a QCK, but he doesnt like it.
mr.rodo needs ur help. thx
atm Mr. rodo has a QCK, but he doesnt like it.
mr.rodo needs ur help. thx
mine looks really used meanwhile (after ~5 years :D ), thought about buying a new one :(
played on my bros pc abit with his sense mat feels so much better then my qpad =(
else NO.ID !
this is relevant to my needs ofc!
Aber mit Mikeyboy, da wüsste ich ja nicht, was ich machen sollte, aber nur wenn der kleine Bart dran ist!!!!
muss ma ja echt aufpassen, wa ma so erzählt
i guess, it was bec i was so cold the last days to potter
show us ur feelings mike, np. we love u
Vor allem der 3er!
maybe my version is a bit small
but its very nice pad in my oppinion :)