no et/mirc at school? :(

Hello.. somehow my hlsw says all ip´s are off.. and i dotn see any ip´s threw et.. also can´t connect to irc.. anyone knows how to fix/bypass that? Think my school tunerd it off.

I think proxy should fix it? But proxy + ET = poland ² :(

thx bb
at school you have to study and work hard!

not play ET
That's why you are cleaning toilets
I also had that at my previous schools :(
Im at work right now and I use
i mainly want to paly ET & cod4 :P

I use it on work and it works great.
Doesn't work here :o)
it works only for few minutes at work for me, then it disconnects and you have to open all channels and stuff again :<
I had the same issue when I was watching streamed videos or some other heavy net-usage, problem was solved when I didn´t use mibbit in tab, opened it in a different window (I guess different browser would be even better) and it stopped disconnecting.
ah good to know ;)
works, thanks
at my school i couldnt even get on crossfire so consider yourself lucky. only game we could play was whack the penguin.
Which is ofcourse fucking epic.
just play worms 2 from USB.
play teh quake live!
hi beasty
ich find dein movie cool :_D
same here
hack your school main server (o the joy i had when i did this)
i cant even go on at school, it is blocked and as reason "PORNOGRAPHY!"
had the same when i was still at school.
and when i wanted to use a proxy i couldn't with the reason "proxy" XD
yup... most proxys on school are blocked too, shit school admin :(
Java games and crossfire @ school :) CS isn't working anymore :(
Even some website for my lessons are blocked so pls.. Don't whine ;'(
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