CB / ESL ET Revive

I have a hard problem atm with the league and the supervisior's , i have nothing against Bartichello but some other ppl can invest more time into the et szene.

Tosspot allready trying to keep et alive with the lan events and i mean when we started with et around 2005 we had alot of more challenges alot of more interesting cups.
Right now we have only the EuroCup/Opencup & The cc editions.

I mean seriously , without that HB WC we had nothing at the moment untill EC will be anounced.

ESL = done in ET the admins doing rly a shit to give ET a revive.

What i miss is the Winter Challenges or SummerCups by ClanBase, or some hosted cup (no quick cups) like in the past. No offence vs any admin , but to hang around in a channel because you doing smth in the past and not arrange any events will not help the et community.

In my oppinion what we need is more events (CB & ESL) more serious cup's and atleast some new maps that the teams also start praccing again a bit and making some new strats. Right now et is a standart basic game with 6 map's. Just revive some oldschool maps like oasis / reactor and stuff get the szene more interesting and you will see we get some suprise scores.

And dont tell me now they are doing alot .. there is a 6 month break between the EuroCups! and the nationcup is not for all guy's. It would be great to see more cup's with prizes in the future. A Crossfire Champions League (CCL) would be my idea (Including lan finals) i mean we are anyway all on cc6, that you pick up many teams from qualifier tournaments and from EC & 1-4 of OpenCup to it and start smth like that. Im sure that tossi can also get some prizes for it and he got alot of guys in the crossfire crew. Or just tell the teams to pay 30 euro entree for a CCL 24 teams and we got 720.- Euro prize money + maybe some sponsors and cash out 1-6 place.All teams will pay then, because they got a chance to get in the prizemoney. When you only make 1-3 like cc its pointless then noone will pay.Seriously i dont have the time right now , but there are many guy's which are interested to revive et i suppose.

Dont take it as offence or as insult against you admin guy's but the fact is that i miss the good old challenges ..

Regards Daniel 'humM3L' M.

for you there should be a limit of characters!


com_maxchar = 500
The attitude of the "highskilled" players is also not on their best. When they need to play an EC match and they don't feel to play it they won't play it? It's not only the CB admins, but ye they can make more cups.

(not reffering to you with the attitude of highskilled players)
in my opinion we don't need et anymore :XD
Amen to that!
There is an ESL-Wintercup, a Warleagues-season and your HB-Wintercup. ain't that enough?

PS: new maps won't save ET. I personally can't be arsed to learn new maps.
start to play railgun, oasis and fueldump again, problem solved!
Warleagues ? Please, this cup was dead before the start :D.
+1 :D its everytime the same :D:D
new pb= et revive xD
Nice read, I agree
a good organized et league (or some cups) would be a ncie start for rtcw 2/wolfenstein !
2 high egos 2 many cheaters.
Total agree... Amen! :)
et was 2k5 allready dead ...
it's fucking shit reading gay text like this
Give me a list of what type of cups you would like to see

-> ET Champions League/Cup

name me more, i guess 1day cups are useless since anyone can host that.
something like the premiership format would be nice :/

EDIT: Without the away/home games shit :p
I like the idea of trialing an FA Cup type format, open sign ups to all, single elim knockout, matches drawn at random each round.
sounds fun but in the start it will be very busy... wit the random drawing don't you need to seed teams every round or something?
point of the random drawing is every1 can play every1, as in the FA cup. Amateurs vs high skillers. So no need for seeds
As said above, the idea would be no seeds.

[This can be a difficult concept for some that like the right teams to win always :pp (hi ada!)]
so you putt all teams in 1 jar and draw them out? (it can work yes but i didn't know the fa cup did it that way)
There's a lot more teams in the FA Cup :) they have 6 'qualifying rounds', it's still unseeded random draws, but without the Premiership teams.

From the 3rd round [proper] onwards the draws made compeltely at random involving all qualified teams.

So you'd use the format from the 3rd round onwards, as I doubt there's enough ET teams for 6 qualifying rounds!

Yes, exactly. All teams placed in a pot & drawn at random.
ye well :D 6 qualifiying rounds and then how many rounds of actual cup :D go at it :D
it would be clever to give some invites for this "Crossfire Champions League" by the ranking of the Teams in CB 6on6 Ladder
The high skilled scene only properly crops up for LANs, the mid skilled are content playing 1 day cups. There’s only so much they can do…

There was a time you could easily roll off 20 high skilled clans, select who you wanted & host a good cup, that doesn't appear possible anymore... e.g toFour, ET-Cup (early versions) etc
i agree, except for the revival of old maps (rather make and try a new/decent map).
and it would be more comfortable to read if the whole text wasn't in italics!
A league is hard to create, but cups should be more do-able indeed. Problem is the time needed to invest in longer running cups and general interest/motivation from some high skillers. Also, unstable teams make it less attractive to create a longer running cup.
ET's ESL cup is well organized, why didn't you participated in that cup? You didn't wanto to or what? However warleague ain't pretty attracting, but there are 2 good offline events which are ESL and CB's ones.

Only problem to attract clans for these serious cups are "good players" motivation, if they don't get paid for it they don't play. Yet I can't blame them since money is always good incentive
ET need more maps also
There are already more than ~700 maps (if you count _bx and _finals in you get more than 6000 maps) .
all we need is active ladders
I don't fucking care.

Regards Stijn 'Steen' K.
agree about the fact we need new maps
We need oasis back. And reactor.
what kind of oasis? And why nobody edited like decem wanted in the past...
i wouldnt pay 30 euros. Just too much for some computer game
The old maps were removed for a reason, don't try to get them back.

And I don't think we need new maps, the mappool is damn big already with 6-7 maps to play.
Keep it simple and remove the crappy maps (bremen, frostbite, adlernest).
CS only has like 4-5 maps that are played for several years. (d2, inferno, nuke, train and sometimes tuscan)

I wouldn't mind trying Reactor again though, as I always thought it was pretty decent.
What's wrong with Bremen?
It's true, they were removed with a reason, I know that oasis was quite hard for setting a time on it, but I think Allied spawn had to be closer to Axis,or they just had to put it on some other place(having 2 maybe, one in the tunnel)

But about reactor, I have never seen a proper reason for removing it. It's quite cool,balanced and dynamic map.
hah, coldfire 2.0 is in development, good things to come : ]
well since i recently play CoD4 & 5, the big difference i see compared to my time back in ET is the CB/ESL Ladder activity... in the end it's the same like in politics,economy,companys... it comes down to the stats... activity-stats of a game in this certain case, which makes the game interesting for the leagues and their sponsors.

In CoD you simply search for a Ladder match like u search for a pcw... it's no big deal... you can basically play ladder matches every day from noon to late at night. In ET ppl always make a "big deal" out of a ladder match somehow...

Imo ET is fine with ESL Cups, CB Open- and EuroCup etc., no need for all those 1-day-cups, they do not "boost" the importance of ET in such important leagues like ESL&CB ...but the Ladder-activity does, and it is way too less ... in both, ESL & CB !
ya i miss the good old oasis defense :(
yaaah, me too :(
Ye, give me back the 8 landmines + nades!
1 landmine is more than enough for you^^
airstrike and nade hitsounds ftw!
lol hitsounds... ur so 2004 ... newschooler...
i loved these hitsounds at the public servers:D
wc is enough for this time of the year
lol, I have to agree. weird.
Make several polls, journals and topics where people can vote what map they like to see in the mappool. People have to give their ideas about new cups, ladders etc.
Try to make EC/OC based on the 6on6 ladder :).
More clans have to play the 6on6 ladder, more matches, more active!

EDIT: Get Wolken back for 3on3 :)
Austria beasty wanted to create a league but he failed i guess :,<

ec with more teams would be interesting :P
don't want to see the same teams playing every year in the eurocup
the best way would be switching to ESL and i dont mean playing their once-in-a-year cups but ladders and stuff. Lets be honest, CB cant provide anything which would improve ET while ESL year's budget is counted in hundreds of thousands dolars/euros. Major multigamings also prefer ESL to CB.

Ofc not with the current ESL admins though but thats not an hard obstacle.

Polish American Army's scene in 1 year from beeing dead turned into one of the most profitable in Poland. It became much better than ET because they turned to ESL.
I have to agree with you.

The only problem with ESL might be their strict rule policy, as you get penalty points for every match media you didn't upload etc. Maybe it will actually make ppl act a bit more professional though :)
ye in the end thats what it is all about. If you want important cups and big prize moneys you will need strict rulesets without much space to debate.
I guess, with some time to get used to it, that shouldn't be such a big barrier. :)
like nobody ever won a normally lost game in CB cause opponent didnt upload a demo :D

but indeed thos penalty points are rather anoying, i was receiving emails from ESL about them like half year after i stopped playing there. The system never fails xD

About beeing professional. It's not the best site to even mention that term :D:D:D

Lastly, FUCK you agreed with a cheater ;o
100% agree

ESL is also way more professional and has a way better anti-cheat policy with their own ac-tool etc... i can understand non-germans don't like the page etc, but ESL is simply the most professional league in europe... that's a fact.
though 80% of the ET community doesnt
yeah, read my longer comment above about my thoughts etc...
2hs/3hs 1 kill sucks!
make doneX agree with you ;) WL , CF and ESL are using the european configsets... they are the only ones who dont
well the nab who changed it must be a **** who just got pwned everytime and couldn't frag a fresh spawned medic with helmet! changing it cos it needs to be different isn't something usefull is it?
if you play with more than two medics, which usually is the case, any class will need 3hs at full health, just medics will not need 4hs is some situations. This is the deal about the headshotprotection. There is no big deal about it in general.
well by doing that you make sure that there are less medics? and because of that 1 can rage a whole team cos they have total 60hp less which is a lot imo, dog run etc is way more fun with more packs etc, it's just a thing which is changed for no reason, teamplay is just getting killed cos of it, always, see in each 1o1 it's close, how longer the battle how more fun, yet you removed helmed protection so in a 1o1 2hs is enough.... well i played once 1o1 with 200 hp, which is way more fun that "insta-kill"
you dont seem to know that alot medics increase the overall health of your team. This is what I was talking about.

Also it is not only the opponent team but the whole team in general having no helmetprotection so there is not really a difference for 1 vs 6 raping a "whole team" ;)

Noone has less healthpoints only a few less IF you do headshots. As long as players have full health (most cases) there is no difference and you still do 3hs unless you play 1on1 e.g. which you seem to do according to your comment
well +1 medic is more health
+2 medics even more
+3 is 156 HP for the 3rd medic;o so that kinda matters ye: with helmed protection he will ( when he receives a HEADSHOT) 166HP

and read again, you even quoted RAPING not full there in front 1v1, like any team walks with 6 from 1 way? a fresh spawned player would have the advantage in a 1o1 with one without helm protection( cos he lost b4 in a fight his helm) <<< this means that it's atleast preventing a bit that ppl camp around spawn, so they will selfkill faster;O
that you guys never selfkill and wonder why you lost it, changing it to no helm protection, saying other leagues use it aswell, well like they know about it lol? you ever checked console @ after loading your cfg and compared to the cb one? ever wondered how "usefull" that is? it's a feature of the game you removed it for no reason, and you explain me why we should use it? well why don't you give the engi's aswell 1mag, etc? if you want to ??!?!?!!?

i hope you get it bibuy!
you do not have any kind of an argument... its just your opinion. I have no problem with the fact that you are off another opinion, though this difference to the CB config has been emphasized in ANY newspost where a downloadlink was added. Its nothing we sneaked in... nevertheless it also IS a feature of the game that you can disable it by the etpro command.

Also this settin is in the configset for a very long time, I guess about a year and its working quite well.
well read again gave enough why it shouldn't be removed, that it was nice, is your opinion so..
the site is horible but cmon, you remember the times when you could hack into somebodys CB account just with the link? :D
YES! Finally somebody with brain and understanding!
thank you but its rather im the first person to write that, not the 1st person to notice it ;) If ESL would have the same fast cup system as CB (or similar) there wouldnt be ANY reason to continue counting on doneX and co. (im very positive on other admins though)
so register your team @ ESL ladder and start an avalanche!
im cless so i cant do that :D:D
You can start with 1on1 and dont tell me that player with such experiences is not looking for some decent team ;)
its rather no decent team is looking for such experienced played :D
in some points I must agree with you but already ur attitude is contradictory.

On the one hand you say CB&ESL Cups are not serious enough and that they do nothing for ET but on the other hand you do not even care play them.

Also it is in my opinion not true that ESL is doing simply nothing for a so called "ET Revive" (its not dead you know?). There are currently around 14matches a day in the Winter League and do not belive that a big cup like this is as easy to organize as a 16slot Invite Only Cup. You do not have any special rule system up or around 100 protest tickets a week to handle with randoms complaining about each other.

First do the job as a Game Supervisor in such a league before complaining about them in this way while you do not even play the things they offer.

Just my 5 cents
QuoteWhat i miss is the Winter Challenges or SummerCups by ClanBase, or some hosted cup (no quick cups) like in the past.

Why should Clanbase host the same tournament than ESL? It's quite useless in my opinion.

QuoteI mean seriously , without that HB WC we had nothing at the moment untill EC will be anounced.

Seriously humM3L, self praise stinks like the shit of a cow!
Join the premier league or similar, but do not complain about too less tournaments. That's lame and sick.

The ESL hosted a few cups during the autumn. Every single Sunday we did a 1dayCup with great prizes (once a ET server has been offered). I have never seen you playing in those tournaments, so shup the fuck up, that we don't give a shit to "revive" ET. Just take a look at the schedule on gamestv - http://www.gamestv.org/schedule/
Can't remember when ET was that alive!
QuoteSeriously humM3L, self praise stinks like the shit of a cow!

+1 its obvious!
I see your also poiting at the maplist. Everyone has a map they dislike or like. So you can't make a good maplist for everyone since there still will be some guys whining because a map is terrible and blablabla. What I don't get is:

- Why don't we play oasis anymore? <- to long?:S
- Et_ice, not nice?:S

but ofc many don't like those maps :P Everyone has a map they dislike or like

And I am also reading about ESL being better than CB. So when the "highskilled" clans will join them the lower skilled clans will follow because they also like have the opportunity to play against highskilled teams, and since CB 6v6 ladder is dead atleast no highskilled teams in it noone plays it

Oasis is simply a double fullhold over and over again (after teams got used to it again)
Ice just doesn't work in ET with falloff damage, landmines and an overpowered rifle in service.
best mappool ever:

- Supply
- Delivery
- radar
- sw_goldrush
- sw_oasis

and maybe karsiah
bremen? :p nice, kinda big map.
ET Masters II coming soon......

i always like to throw in an oldschool map into the mix so i'll see what i can think of
welcome batteryy!
i think you guys loved it the most :P
why don't you aim for a spot in the CB/ESL crew then? don't be an idiot..those people have much more useful things to do with their lives than sit behind their pc organizing cups all day long. besides, there is an opportunity to host your own quickcups at clanbase, perhaps you should get familiar with that and organize something of your own..

besides, what is wrong with playing ladder matches? I mean..it's quite obvious that pracs are boring and repetitive with no proper action, but I have nothing against playing on ladder. the ladders are not that inactive. (on CB I believe there are roughly 400? official ladder matches per month)
he already did -,- thats currently the only cup available, the Highbot cup.. perhaps you should read what he wrote
wahaha i didnt even read that sentence but he is owneeddd
I'm afraid I didn't catch any information about a highbot cup in his post..perhaps you would enlighten me ?

(and no, I don't go through all the comments before posting something)
Quote by Hummel I mean seriously , without that HB WC we had nothing at the moment untill EC will be anounced.

a quote from his journal not any comments
thanks for pointing that out
guess I missed that acronym :)
maybe just stop playing ET and get a better life, get a nice girlfriend, get a nice job.. enjoy your life without ET :D
exactly my thoughts :))

and hey there is a nice cup going on in real life: it´s called job - believe it or not - there is a monthly prize money being offered!!!
Yes, you're absolutely right. You can't combine ET and work. Simply impossible.
talkin bout combining ET and prize money
Age: 28 ( 21 June 1980 )

your 28 ofcourse you think that, you shouldn't even browsing this site. Atleast when I am thinking about being 28 years old I think about maybe already having a child? married? everyday a job till 18.00.
plz marriages and kids are overrated! :D
gl! i am pretty fine without so i got time to play ET for fun sometimes
Yes, it's impossible to combine real life and gaming.
I prefer CB doesn't organize anything then organizing some shitcups like the 5vs5summercup for example

but you're right we need more action
talking about reviving sounds stupid tbh when theres 2 "major" cups running and NC on its way.
what are the major cups currently running? (thats not sarcastic i actually dont know which ones you mean)
HB CUP & ESL Winter Challenge
There's also Warleagues. People will whine about it being dead and they are partially right since WL received only ~40 sign-ups this season but (taking our group as example) it's one of the most active cups I've played in lately with only 1 forfeit in our matches.
Quotethere is a 6 month break between the EuroCups and a nationcup
I dont think no prizepurse would make it any less interesting
True, you're a smart guy.
yea make more stuff for me to rape ;o
Make stuff for you in which you don't show up?
rhand for team BE captain !

(K) ;D
esl admins > cb admins ( only mundus is doing something )
XPL is set to open in the coming weeks & although we won't be opening with EU divisions they are in the works. Once the NA divisions are established Belgium eZe will move over & head up the EU divisions & I can promise you we will be holding frequent cups with prizes involved.
if "highskillers" wont play without the chance of money they should quit and be forgotten.
You can still invite teams... :o
so at least highskilled teams wont play the ladder because they get the invite anyway! makes sense perfectly! :D
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