u lost, why?

Little list what enemy complains if they lose match. (cuz i dont whine ever)

1. Lag
2. Bad server
3. Fps lag
4. Enemies are warping
5. Enemy got perfect respawn time

make list bigger :P
woDka: omg my mouse is broken
6. wh!!!!

EDIT: 7. wh!!!
da zegge ze nooit tegen u!
kéké, nogaltijd bij fif?
they do sometimes, when i play vs low xD
fif-matter, yes and no, when i'm available yes, so mostly no. I'm kind of a back-up back-up boy who never plays offi's or pracc's just mixes xD
we have to play again together sometime!
not active much? job/gf?
hardly active, job & gf!
won't be able to play till 2 weekends from now saturday afternoon (if i wake up early enough^^)
6. one was afk.
7. this isn't our map, your server so it's urs!
"too hard without tracking walls?"
too much walls D=
8. need warmup , next map serious
We have a winner.
where can i get my coooookie?
9. omg choose a real map
X. its midas (aka the german) fault! (pretty popular in #tag.et)
hahahaha true!! best reason tbh!
neee schatzie my bfs bday tonite! ;)

aber telen laterz :D
lag and my fucked up mouse
get hittable...
get hitboxes!
10-11-12-13-14-15 polak cheaters
sooooooooo true^^
Omfg get a real map (works for everything but supply)
16 luckers
17 skillfakers
My mom was in my room
A perfect respawn time does make it easier for the opponent, expecially in maps like braundorf and supply depot, but well - thats just my opinion. Oh and playing laggers is really annoying when they absorb your bullets and warp all over your screen - damn fins!
10. Basically just better team/players.
I blame <teammate> or fps drops.
2. Bad server

and i whine cuz of my fps laggs & ping so np!
buy a head
gtfo polak
maybe less hax?

16:17 -!- Irssi: Starting query in QuakeNet with chin0
16:17 <chin0> u
16:17 <chin0> are the most obvious cheater ive ever seen
16:17 <chin0> really
16:17 -!- chin0 [[email protected]] has quit [Signed off]

2) change youre maxpackets, you lag
we arent playing et seriously since 2006 (c) humM3L
we didnt prac for months (c) humM3L
"retarded bonus > skill! lowbies!" :p
cold hands
"fucking polaks!"
"get real server"
how can someone complain about "Enemy got perfect respawn time" :DDD
on supply axis got sometimes nice spawn time which means they can rush all the time when you spawn. makes the game rly hard for allies..

welcome to et
and complain about this? :D
how u say it: we are skilled,but they had good spawn? ;D
are you trying to diss me here or something? I just explained.
But if you wanna know. When some clans which are same skill play the lotto spawn time means alot.
neah :P
its just something i never thought about...
in really good level thats so true to happen sometimes. its usually what could decide the map.
that is what i am talking about.

learn how to paly supply.
decem on 10/01/09, 19:22:17 PM | Reply

in really good level thats so true to happen sometimes. its usually what could decide the map.


Vanhaomena on 10/01/09, 19:51:26 PM | Reply

Umm, it's actually a fucking big issue


In the end.. you probably know shit about et. Oh and btw. supply was just an example mongol
hell yes i know shit bout et, tell me MOAAAR...

i hope you know you have to use 'thing' called brain while playing this game... mongol...

edit: you have to be smarter than your enemy, thats all.
am i talking to a wall?
am i talking to a retard? yes, i am talking to the most retarded guy ever.
decem on 10/01/09, 19:22:17 PM | Reply

in really good level thats so true to happen sometimes. its usually what could decide the map.


Vanhaomena on 10/01/09, 19:51:26 PM | Reply

Umm, it's actually a fucking big issue


which part don't you understand. tell me . maybe i can explain to you

what should i understand? that they r not smart or what?
point is you are saying to me that i should get skill on supply.

1. supply was example
2. i am not the only1 saying about that spawn time. You got decem confirming it (say to him to get skill) and you got vanha confirming it (skilled and not polak)
3. all you do is flame and don't explain your argument which leads to "talking with a wall"
oh yeah, like decem and vanhaomena r skilled guys...

i wouldnt have to explain my argument if you would use your brain - thats why im not gonna explain it just to learn you how to use your brain and how to be a bit smart...

edit: you can't learn me to use my brains. You can TEACH me how to use my brains btw
oh shit, sorry sir... maybe i made a mistake because english is not my mother language... anyway... you are retarded.
Umm, it's actually a fucking big issue
nice 98 ping.
x. strontmongool cheater
X. we dont train very often nowdays, we would have beat you few weeks ago though!
dezire: omg my cat!!!
get head get hitboxes nice wall scan get better connection lol? nice knowing always u
X.fucking randoms
nice head!
oh i say these when i win ze match :O
666) Enemy is the worlds best clan
"we dont have tax @ this map"
enemies are noobs
ice age triggered by some meteorite impact
"we had 2 afk for half the map"
XX. get head
retarded map
"look my ping!"
lotto nade/strike/panzer
our vent crashed
new guy
tbh, ive seen you flaming us, yesterday you whined about snb.. now its the polaks.. dude you WHINE ABOUT EVERYTHING.. sure it isnt u who is failing?
was a bad day

brb, rebooting
im playing with no handz ;D
I'm Drunk :D
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