image: fireknight
Welcome to the broken low
Welcome to the famous disco live

Come on lady come and go
Come on lady get me once and right

Not a danger, not a blacky stranger
Rock it - rock it - knock to my door I'll open
Speak my name now, speak if it you know how
Fly to me, get ready for the

Night of fire, you've better better stay
You've better better begin the prayer to play
Night of fire, come over over me
Come over over the top you've never been here

Night of fire, you've better better stay
You've better better begin the prayer to play
Night of fire, come over over me
Come over over the top you'll have a night of fire

You'll have a night of fire

Welcome to my rocky show
Welcome to the fire of the night

Come on baby let it go
Come on baby let me stick you tight

Not a danger, not a blacky stranger
Rock it - rock it - knock to my door I'll open
Speak my name now, speak if it you know how
Fly to me, get ready for the

Night of fire, you've better better stay
You've better better begin the prayer to play
Night of fire, come over over me
Come over over the top you've never been here

Night of fire, you've better better stay
You've better better begin the prayer to play
Night of fire, come over over me
Come over over the top you'll have a night of fire

You'll have a night of fire

You better better stay
The prayer to play
Come over over me
You've never been here

Night of fire
You've better better begin

Night of fire
Come over over the top
You'll have a night of fire

Welcome to the broken low
Welcome to the famous disco live

Come on lady come and go
Come on lady get me once and right

Not a danger, not a blacky stranger
Rock it - rock it - knock to my door I'll open
Speak my name now, speak if it you know how
Fly to me, get ready for the night of Fire
You'll have a night of fire
i wanna make love nanaananananananna
what the fuck.
Like a Night Club in the morning, you’re the bitter end.
Like a recently disinfected shit-house, you’re clean round the bend.
You give me the horrors
too bad to be true
All of my tomorrow’s
are lousy coz of you.

You put the Shat in Shatter
Put the Pain in Spain
Your germs are splattered about
Your face is just a stain

You’re certainly no raver, commonly known as a drag.
Do us all a favour, here... wear this polythene bag.

You’re like a dose of scabies,
I’ve got you under my skin.
You make life a fairy tale... Grimm!

People mention murder, the moment you arrive.
I’d consider killing you if I thought you were alive.
You’ve got this slippery quality,
it makes me think of phlegm,
and a dual personality
I hate both of them.

Your bad breath, vamps disease, destruction, and decay.
Please, please, please, please, take yourself away.
Like a death a birthday party,
you ruin all the fun.
Like a sucked and spat our smartie,
you’re no use to anyone.
Like the shadow of the guillotine
on a dead consumptive’s face.
Speaking as an outsider,
what do you think of the human race

You went to a progressive psychiatrist.
He recommended suicide...
before scratching your bad name off his list,
and pointing the way outside.

You hear laughter breaking through, it makes you want to fart.
You’re heading for a breakdown,
better pull yourself apart.

Your dirty name gets passed about when something goes amiss.
Your attitudes are platitudes,
just make me wanna piss.

What kind of creature bore you
Was is some kind of bat
They can’t find a good word for you,
but I can...
You got to be crazy, you gotta have a real need
You gotta sleep on your toes and when you're on the street
You got to be able to pick out the easy meat with your eyes closed
And then moving in silently, down wind and out of sight
You gotta strike when the moment is right without thinking

And after a while, you can work on points for style
Like the club tie, and the firm handshake
A certain look in the eye and an easy smile
You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to
So that when they turn their backs on you
You'll get the chance to put the knife in

You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder
You know, it's going to get harder, and harder, and harder
As you get older
Yeah, and in the end you'll pack up and fly down south
Hide your head in the sand
Just another sad old man
All alone and dying of cancer

And when you lose control, you'll reap the harvest you have sewn
And as the fear grows, the bad blood slows and turns to stone
And it's too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw around
So have a good drown, as you go down all alone
Dragged down by the stone

Gotta admit that I'm a little bit confused
Sometimes it seems to me as if I'm just being used
Gotta stay awake, gotta try and shake off this creeping malaise
If I don't stand my own ground, how can I find my way out of this maze

Deaf, dumb and blind, you just keep on pretending
That everyone's expendable, and no one has a real friend
And it seems to you the thing to do would be to isolate the winner
Everything's done under the sun
But you believe at heart everyone's a killer

Who was born in a house full of pain
Who was trained not to spit in the fan
Who was told what to do by the man
Who was broken by trained personnel
Who was fitted with collar and chain
Who was given a pat on the back
Who was breaking away from the pack
Who was only a stranger at home
Who was ground down in the end
Who was found dead on the phone
Who was dragged down by the stone
Who was dragged down by the stone
Akon - nNANAnANanANanAnANnaNANnaAa
Shame for my name!
Stargate Worlds looks amazing, but there is a firefly mmo? :o
i wanna make love nananananannNANANANnananANnANaNANaNANNANANANANANANAN
poep nananana poep
Akon - right now :)
Dragonball Z rules
that song is shit...
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

.........¯|...|........ _|¯¯

brobots are awesome bro
the music... dude :<
[Bienvenidos al centro de experimentación vocal “Magna”. Hoy en nuestro laboratorio estamos investigando con un nuevo sujeto. Se hace llamar Nach, y es, quizás, el más extraño y activo de los que hemos trabajado anteriormente. Pero empecemos con la exposición. La dividiremos en 3 fases, y por favor, no intenten hacer esto en sus casas. Fase de la experimentación número 1. Nivel de dificultad 6. Vocal A]

Trabaja, plasma las palabras, hazlas balas,
Atrapa ráfagas, sal, machaca cada sala,
Ladra hasta rasgar la garganta,
Saca las garras, las armas,
Las gradas harán palmas,
La fama tarda, patán, jamás hallarás paz,
Amargas caras largas arrastran la maldad,
Andarás a rastras, pagarás caras las cagadas,
Las carcajadas sabrán saladas,
Tras, tantas trampas, tras, tanta jarana,
Tantas falsas alabanzas, tras, tantas caladas,
Tantas almas traspasadas para alcanzar la calma,
Tantas pájaras, Nach manda fantasmas al Sáhara,
Charlas baratas taladran hasta dar arcadas,
Parrafadas flacas acabarán mal paradas,
Tan malas para masacrar, para ganar batallas,
Apartadas, a patadas, atrapadas hasta dar la talla,
Canalla, vas a dar la campanada, para nada,
Camaradas harán manada para achantar,
Hasta cantarás baladas para agradar a las masas,
Anda pa casa, cansas ya.

[¿Increíble, verdad? Pero no nos vamos a quedar ahí. Aumentaremos la dificultad de reacción. El sujeto es frío y ni se inmuta. Parece confiado. Vamos a ver cómo se comporta ahora. Pasemos a la siguiente exposición. Fase de la experimentación número 2. Nivel de dificultad 8. Vocal O]

Yo no compongo con porros,
Solo pongo ron o fonk,
Propongo colocón como colofón,
Formo monólogos, todos los bolos son hornos,
Os toco con chorros sonoros, colosos como Concords,
Lo corroboro, controlo todos los modos,
Conozco todos los logros,
Coloco todos los coros, mongolos,
No clono, no soborno, sólo lo gozo, lo rompo,
Como Rocco os follo pronto,
No corono robots con flow monótono,
Ponchos son como plomo,
Yo floto por los tonos como corcho,
No dono, cloroformo,
Formo los cosmos, los combos,
Son gordos, los bombos son hondos, tochos,
Yo, monto gordos pollos con otros locos,
Nosotros somos orcos, vosotros potros cojos,
Foros con forofos flojos,
Os jodo con condón, con don, compón como yo costoso,
No otorgo socorro, os soplo como polvo,
Os borro, bobos, os froto dolor por tos los poros,
Provoco ojos rojos por sollozos sordos,
¡Ohoh! todo con os, ¡lo bordo!

[Nunca habíamos dado con un sujeto así. Su capacidad parece ilimitada. Permanezcan tranquilos, por favor. Vamos a aumentar la dosis de dificultad al máximo. Nadie ha conseguido nunca superar esta etapa, repito, nadie. Fase de la exposición número 3. Nivel de dificultad 10. Vocal E]

Ver gente decente perecer me estremece,
Le Pen es el germen,
el PP merece el trece,
Mequetrefes venden 3 CDs, ¿qué se creen?
Se creen jefes de este Edén,
¡Que les den! ¡Herejes!
Deben entender que defenderme es querer perder,
¿Pretenden vencerme en este set? Seré Federer,
Empecé desde el retrete,
enterré el estrés,
En el presente el referente es el Everest, creedme,
El eje es tener fe,
Seres que deseen que enferme, desespérense,
Pretenden que me estrelle, que frene este tren exprés,
Temen ver que este LP es el best seller del mes,
¡Ves! Que el deber de entretener me pertenecen,
El deber de encender mentes dementes que ennegrecen,
¡Respétenme! Dejen de verter pestes,
Seres terrestres ven que me elevé entre entes celestes,
Verme envejecer, ceder, ¡never!
men, métele el reverb,
que recen emecés de Feber,
Me repelen peleles enclenques,
rehenes del tembleque decrecen en frente de este jeque.

[Es impresionante. El sujeto ha superado todas las pruebas y su ritmo cardíaco ni siquiera se ha acelerado. Por favor, manténganse tranquilos. Que no cunda el pánico. Estamos ante uno de los momentos más espectaculares en la historia del rap en este país.]
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