entensity.net :-)

» http://poststuff4.entensity.net/011609/flash.php?media=wtf.flv

Well, that midget just made my day :DDDDDD I was laughing for around 20 minutes and just couldn't stop!

image: b5nt97kkhyyhxziec
hahaha is spanish :D
what did he say? is it a partyboy-midget? 8D
No, es sudamericana(chile creo). Y este video es mas divertido http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iShb6NBtCI4&feature=related xD

Nos estuvimos riendo el thes y yo 5 dias seguidos XDDDD
the only thing of interest is that stupid picture on the bottom lloololollolo
how can someone laugh at this? he is what everyone are scared off, short, ugly, fat and stupid
You'd better not be short then!
keep me on the ignore m8
god i checked the video, disgusting
Hahahha I feel sorry for that stupid fat nerdy boy in the picture :------D
wb virtu my lan experienced home
omg its winghaven!

:D:D <3
fucking weirdest looking person( use that term loosely) i've ever seen :O
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