handball wm 2009

hey there,

anyone watching it? whos ur fav?

germany for me ofc although the first 2 matches arent that good. but kraus back in action and hens ftw!

greetz2all <3

random song: http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=Of2pnRraVeE&feature=PlayList&p=C40841EC97658CAC&playnext=1&index=15
i'm playing handball myself! <3 u
ooh nice. do u play active or just for fun? which position?
I play active in belgian competition first class, i'm a right corner since i'm left handed:)
u can play both hands? or only left? nais so!!
both hands, but mainly left handed:d
i'm a pain in the ass for the defence tho since one of my best tricks is to attack with right, turn around and switch to my left hand while turning, confusing the defence thus having m hand and the ball totally free and having a clear shot:D
sounds rly professional!!! did u played against some german club like kiel ??!
we played german clubs in tournaments yes, but the absolute top in germany is still a lot better than the belgian level so I never played kiel, i'd love to tho, there is so much to learn:)
great! my bf was too lazy for it so hes just playing on "normal level" no tournaments for him this year anymore.. too bad. but he wants to start next year active again. hopefully! i rly love the game since then although i would never play it. and my collegue at work she is playing 2nd bundesliga here :DD
That sounds nice!

I play this game since i was 5, made it to the youths, the dutch team for 15+ :)
why don't u start it? it's great sport:D
im afraid of the pain tbh and the girls in handball r rly strong and hard next to me :/
start in a small team:d
and it doesn't hurt that much! try it out for fun, see how it goes:)
well i got black and blue mark feared that i look like abused after some weeks :p

heheh ya maybe i should
lemme know if u do it! i love to see new players in handball competition, make the sport as big as it can:d
im playing it too in Hungary
gratz:) what position?
i palyd all my youth until i was like 17...half left position...though my best partner in game, he was and is half right now plays for austrian national team -_- i'm a quitter :(
ooooh :< too bad:< how come u quit?
i wanted to paly on icehockey, which i did until i started university..then i quit hockey too ^^ now im a lazy assed waste-of-timer for almost 6 years :D^

its okey though...but i miss the competition...so i went for some martial arts 1-2 times a week for some months now :)
nice gratz:)
let's meet at cc6 to play some handball!:D
sure, lets do it!
i'll bring the handball!
Denmark Denmark will take it ofcoz!
poland ofc.
ssshsut up they didnt play well against russia yesterday. hahahahaha ;)
the won ;) today was shitty :<
didint see any game today. will watch them tonite
Don't follow it.
:D hehe russia failed to win against polagz Xd

eDiT: +1 Song
only 2points! too bad
hehe but PL was loosing all the way. then a miracle happened xD 2 goals and PL goalkeeper was defending his gate like never in the past
No Iceland, No Fun :'<
True, disappointing.
The draw against Russia is still pissing me off. The win against Tunesia was important, Algeria won't be a problem tonight. Poland lost to macedonia so it looks goot at all. At least to make it to the next round. Somehow I have the feeling we can surprise this tournament.
i hope so!!! but tbh i thought the won against tunesia would be much more clear than it was :/
Yes same, but after we fucked up the start of the match, anything else than a win wasn't important. From what I've heard they placed 4th at the world cup some years and almost won from Spain right before the current world cup, so they seem to be underrated.
goot interesting word :o
Don't correct the grammar nazi! It's a mix for 'good' & 'woot'.

image: grammar-nazi
I don't blame you :D I blame that you were born im OSTEN that's why you may lack education :D
Doing this regularly :o so I don't feel offended at all :o

hey2u all fine? :D>
Yep feelin blendend :>
Actually, genetical predominance is an educational advantage.
Or it paves the path for more ignorance :>
Well, you are a prime example, actually you should be able to tell me more about it.
Well tbh I'm just smartmouthing but if you look at closley the predominant countrys and races (caucasions), have the privelage of making the educational standard for everyone on this planet. Which is not neccissarily bad but consider the fact that predominent genetics/herritage do not garantee that you will get a decent education. Money, surroundings and social stability in families play an important role in how the young society are shaped and are able to go through with an education. Ofc poor people from bad homes and the sort can get far but it's rare because of the surroundings they grow up in. The ignorance part starts, for me, when I think about all the people not being able to have an education because the priveliged people feel so comftorable where they are and seem to forget about not so fortunate, making it a more and more egoistical, self centured and "eat or be eatin" world. Imo That's not a flaw in the educational system, but rather one in society itself. My opinion is controversial, with maybe less to back up then textbook taught realitys but looking around shows me that what is being taught is not all good and maybe to some degree manipulationg society to become easier to handle. Just look at TV. I'm pretty sure the majority of people back then we're more productive with their time then today, where the minority is doing sth and the rest is hooked on some sort of entertainment to forget in what a bad time we actually live in. That's how it looks to me, the strong get stronger and the weak get weaker. That's just not the way it should be, we are all equal, we are all humans but it seems that today you are only human if you have something to back that up with like education, money, fame or a certain skill etc. It's a schizophrenic society and this unequality in education and other things is exactly what's paving the way for more ignorance.

blablabla :D
hmm are there some qualifications or already WC/EC games? Slovenia ftw ofc!
Watching Handball on TV is kinda boring , playing it by yourself is much better !
:p true!

my bf is playing it too so im watching iz life too ;)
im watching :) izi 4 Poland
nur weil dein freund handball spielt!!1 tu doch nicht so als würd es dich interessieren :P.
spain ftw

edit: [/GER]

me has free tomorrow so paly palyl tonite???
atm we are pwning slovakia
Sweden all the way baby!
+1 spain is going down. Doder is playing like a king. 7 goals in the first half
Fucking ownage gooalie! Sjöström!
And doder was amazing to! :)
lol that was my favourite song for a long time x)
Although i dont like to watch it im for germany ofc
playing it is mutch better :)
deutschland aufjeden fall nicht wenn sie so weiter machen
Bitter roxx!
Denmark played really great yesterday by the way
lichtlein was great too yesterday!!!

but yeah no bitter no win imo :D
playing handball myself for like 8 years now :)

I am goalkeeper and last year i was in the so called 'talents' means i was in the young-young netherlands team :)

but i have exams this year so i couldn't go on with it, just playing competition now and dutch championships of beachhandball :)

Beachhandball Dutch championships:


germany ftw <3
hey doctor: i am here today because i'm having a problem. i just cant stop touching myself. do u wanna watch?

Slawek Szmal ftw!
handball rockt die scheiße fett! :)
playing handball for 12 years myself... great sport

i dont think germany is strong enough to take it this year... there are other teams with better individual players like france...
Hungary of course, but I don't know how could we play a draw with Slovakia today.
I hope they will lose somehow against Romania, because we need those 2 points for next round...
You bet we'll win :D.
[ger] 12 jahre handball hier :D

wenn die deutschen weiter auf dem level spielen, werden sie wahrscheinlich verkacken, aber wenn krause in form kommt wirds cool :)

ist morgen ein spiel? Oo
watched all german games last WM and now! love it :)
center back @ estonian 1st class for me =)
schneeee :D
is the final at the same day like superbowl? like last handball wm? would be nice evenig watching both with friends :)
i fucking hate handball
only handless ppl should be allowed to play that stupid game
Ain't no comparison, that's embarassing...

Macedonia Macedonia 30:29 Poland Poland

Fail of the Year
handbal is voor zwakzinnigen die niet kunnen voetballen
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